Sideshow’s Customs (7/14/18) Ozzy Osbourne “Shot in the Dark”!
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February 23, 2015 at 12:48 am #439084Thanks for the guitar chart to Neurotica. I have not worked on the drum fix for that song yet. Will add the guitar chart to the drum fix when I get around to it.
I’ve been using the Convert Icon because the charts were originally from Phaseshift. I have no problem not using it anymore if you want that icon used just for Guitar Hero conversions.
I can’t wait for someone to make vocals for Neurotica
that would be crazy
February 23, 2015 at 5:23 am #439094Someday I hope to see Echoes with all instruments charted, but that’s probably a pipe dream.
February 23, 2015 at 9:26 pm #439128Someday I hope to see Echoes with all instruments charted, but that’s probably a pipe dream.I have guitar for Echoes by a scorehero charter named thewho77, but the note placements are off (which is expected for a 23 minute song), so I will fix the chart and upload it
February 24, 2015 at 1:10 am #439139I got Cat Food done! … od+RB3.rar
February 24, 2015 at 1:38 am #439143Ok, thanks for the guitar chart to Cat Food. Will add it to the roster for this weekend. For future charts, you can just private message them to me.
February 25, 2015 at 10:49 pm #439290I mostly play bass on rockband.I would love to see these pink floyd Wish you were here and Dark side of the moon album customs to have some bass!!
If no one else is doing it, I could give it a try to make the bass.
But I don’t know how to build it into a custom, so I could save it in reaper, but somebody has to make the custom.
You can download all my Pink Floyd Reaper files on the first page. Just update the Reaper files for the songs you want to work on and then PM them back to me. I will compile the song.
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
That’s great! I will start tomorrow
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
February 25, 2015 at 10:52 pm #439291I mostly play bass on rockband.I would love to see these pink floyd Wish you were here and Dark side of the moon album customs to have some bass!!
If no one else is doing it, I could give it a try to make the bass.
But I don’t know how to build it into a custom, so I could save it in reaper, but somebody has to make the custom.
You’re going to love my Chicago project if you love bass
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
That good news! Looking forward to see your customs
February 28, 2015 at 4:46 am #439461I’ve been checking these forums for the first time in months. Jeez. There is a lot of stuff I’ve missed out on.
However, I’ve been hard at work at providing customs for Sideshow to convert. In fact, he’s working on a full album that I charted Guitar, Bass, Drums, Keys, and Vocals (but alas, no harmonies) for all songs. I’m not going to give away the album, but I’ll give you a hint…… hasn’t been seen on Sideshow’s thread in a while and it hasn’t had a song released via C3.
Other than that cryptic hint, I’m charting more from the artist of the mystery album. Plus I’m working on more Opeth, some Jazz Fusion charts (for Keys/Bass/Drums fun), some Miles Davis (I’ve been on a Jazz kick lately), and another mystery album (that I’m keeping a tight lock on).
February 28, 2015 at 6:00 am #439465Looking forward to finishing up this mystery album for a mid March release. I’m certain there will be people that will enjoy this album because I have seen this artist requested in these forums before.
As for this Sunday, people already know that King Crimson is getting more content into RB3 but there will also be two other mystery artist appearing alongside with a batch of songs.
February 28, 2015 at 12:23 pm #439477You guys got my curiosity peaked and my excitement level to 100, can’t wait.
February 28, 2015 at 12:59 pm #439478I couldn’t find the song “Love is Love – Culture Club”… there’s not such names LOVE or CULTURE on mediafire list ( … _RB3_Songs). Am I looking in the wrong place?
PS. forget about it… I thought that all the songs on the youtube video list of songs would be in the mediafire directory.
March 1, 2015 at 4:37 am #439532I’ve been checking these forums for the first time in months. Jeez. There is a lot of stuff I’ve missed out on.However, I’ve been hard at work at providing customs for Sideshow to convert. In fact, he’s working on a full album that I charted Guitar, Bass, Drums, Keys, and Vocals (but alas, no harmonies) for all songs. I’m not going to give away the album, but I’ll give you a hint…… hasn’t been seen on Sideshow’s thread in a while and it hasn’t had a song released via C3.
Other than that cryptic hint, I’m charting more from the artist of the mystery album. Plus I’m working on more Opeth, some Jazz Fusion charts (for Keys/Bass/Drums fun), some Miles Davis (I’ve been on a Jazz kick lately), and another mystery album (that I’m keeping a tight lock on).
In Absentia by Porcupine Tree?
March 1, 2015 at 5:32 am #439537I’ve been checking these forums for the first time in months. Jeez. There is a lot of stuff I’ve missed out on.However, I’ve been hard at work at providing customs for Sideshow to convert. In fact, he’s working on a full album that I charted Guitar, Bass, Drums, Keys, and Vocals (but alas, no harmonies) for all songs. I’m not going to give away the album, but I’ll give you a hint…… hasn’t been seen on Sideshow’s thread in a while and it hasn’t had a song released via C3.
Other than that cryptic hint, I’m charting more from the artist of the mystery album. Plus I’m working on more Opeth, some Jazz Fusion charts (for Keys/Bass/Drums fun), some Miles Davis (I’ve been on a Jazz kick lately), and another mystery album (that I’m keeping a tight lock on).
In Absentia by Porcupine Tree?
By the gods.
March 1, 2015 at 10:34 pm #439572Hello fellow RB3 custom peeps,
Lots of fun and challenging drum tracks for all of you today. To start off I bring you King Crimson’s fifth studio album “Larks’ Tongues in Aspic”. This album is the debut of King Crimson’s third incarnation featuring Bill Bruford(formerly of Yes) and Jamie Muir. Now stop me if I’m wrong but I have never encountered a RB3 custom of which the author charted two drummers for the same song. This album features Bill Bruford(drums) on the single kick tracks and Jamie Muir(percussion) on the double kick tracks. So when you see the (2X Bass Pedal) versions for this album, they are not 2X Bass Pedal songs but rather a whole new drum chart. I did this because it made compiling the songs much easier to keep both song charts in the same Reaper project. Disregard the “Convet” cymbal on this album. I compiled these before I decided to just remove it from future phaseshift conversions. All drum charts are charted by Oscarj08 while I put in overdrive, drum fill activation lanes, and compiling. Lots of phenomenal drumming here and you get two different flavors of drumming on each song!
Con: … TIAPOIv11x (Bill Bruford chart) … TIAPOIv12x (Jamie Muir chart)
Con: … IAPOIIv11x (Bill Bruford chart) … IAPOIIv12x (Jamie Muir chart)
Con: … APOIIIv11x (Bill Bruford chart) … APOIIIv12x (Jamie Muir chart)
Con: … turdayv11x (Bill Bruford chart) … turdayv12x (Jamie Muir chart)
Con: … Exilesv11x (Bill Bruford chart) … Exilesv12x (Jamie Muir chart)
Con: … yMoneyv11x (Bill Bruford chart) … yMoneyv12x (Jamie Muir chart)
Con: … ngDrumv11x (Bill Bruford chart) … ngDrumv12x (Jamie Muir chart)
Con: … LTIAPTv11x (Bill Bruford chart) … LTIAPTv12x (Jamie Muir chart)
Here is two songs off of King Crimson’s first 80’s album Discipline. This is when they yet again changed the lineup of the band and now have a new wave proto-techno vibe going on.
Con: … sciplinev1
Con: … sciplinev1
Next we have the space progressive rock band Camel who has previously not been featured much love in RB3 until now. Here is 6 tracks taken from 3 of their albums. There is some mighty fine drumming going on here and I recommend giving a listen to “Nimrodel/The Procession/The White Rider” or “Lunar Sea” to get a dose of their material. “Chord Change” is authored by obZen (Guitar), Dertanz (Drums) while Oscarj08 made some fixes to the charts. All the other songs are charted by Oscarj08 while I did the usual overdrive/drum fill activations/compiling. Enjoy these classic rock songs!
Con: … verLetGov1
Con: … rubalubav1
Con: … Freefallv1
Con: … mrodelv1v1
Con: … rdChangev1
Con: … LunarSeav1
Next is 3 tracks from Genesis off of their album, “A Trick of the Tail”. You can find all the other songs from this album in full band glory in the C3 database. Drummers can now play the entire album! Oscarj08 reworked the chart for “Robbery, Assault and Battery” previously converted in AJFOne’s thread. Oscarj08 charted the other two songs while I did the overdrive/drum fill activation/compiling. Los Endos is a special version containing the B side “It’s Yourself” mixed into the track. Have fun!
Con: … dManMoonv1
Con: … bAssBattv1
Con: … LosEndosv1
Lastly I have some updates to previously released King Crimson songs. Missingno42128 is working hard to add guitar to many King Crimson songs. Here are the ones that I have received thus far. If you downloaded “Fallen Angel” last week, please get this new version because I accidentally messed up the overdrive for the drums. I have also repositioned the drum fill overdrive activation markers for the songs. All songs now have higher res artwork, unique song ID’s, better drum fill activation spots, band unisons, slightly better audio. Drummers are gonna wanna check out “Neurotica” because Oscarj08 has completely reworked the chart and it is fucking insanely fun.
Con: … dCascadev1
Con: … /CatFoodv1
ConV2: … lenAngelv2
Con: … euroticav1
If there is any issues with the songs always feel free to contact by PM and I will fix it!
March 1, 2015 at 10:39 pm #439573Hello fellow RB3 custom peeps,Lots of fun and challenging drum tracks for all of you today. To start off I bring you King Crimson’s fifth studio album “Larks’ Tongues in Aspic”. This album is the debut of King Crimson’s third incarnation featuring Bill Bruford(formerly of Yes) and Jamie Muir. Now stop me if I’m wrong but I have never encountered a RB3 custom of which the author charted two drummers for the same song. This album features Bill Bruford(drums) on the single kick tracks and Jamie Muir(percussion) on the double kick tracks. So when you see the (2X Bass Pedal) versions for this album, they are not 2X Bass Pedal songs but rather a whole new drum chart. I did this because it made compiling the songs much easier to keep both song charts in the same Reaper project. Disregard the “Convet” cymbal on this album. I compiled these before I decided to just remove it from future phaseshift conversions. All drum charts are charted by Oscarj08 while I put in overdrive, drum fill activation lanes, and compiling. Lots of phenomenal drumming here and you get two different flavors of drumming on each song!
Con: … TIAPOIv11x … TIAPOIv12x
Con: … IAPOIIv11x … IAPOIIv12x
Con: … APOIIIv11x … APOIIIv12x
Con: … turdayv11x … turdayv12x
Con: … Exilesv11x … Exilesv12x
Con: … yMoneyv11x … yMoneyv12x
Con: … ngDrumv11x … ngDrumv12x
Con: … LTIAPTv11x … LTIAPTv12x
Here is two songs off of King Crimson’s first 80’s album Discipline. This is when they yet again changed the lineup of the band and now have a new wave proto-techno vibe going on.
Con: … sciplinev1
Con: … sciplinev1
Next we have the space progressive rock band Camel who has previously not been featured much love in RB3 until now. Here is 6 tracks taken from 3 of their albums. There is some might fine drumming gong on here and I recommend giving a listen to Nimrodel/The Procession/The White Rider or Lunar Sea to get a dose of their material. Chord Change is authored by obZen (Guitar), Dertanz (Drums) while Oscarj08 made some fixes to the charts. All the other songs are charted by Oscarj08 while I did the usual overdrive/drum fill activations/compiling. Enjoy these classic rock songs!
Con: … verLetGov1
Con: … rubalubav1
Con: … Freefallv1
Con: … mrodelv1v1
Con: … rdChangev1
Con: … LunarSeav1
Next is 3 tracks from Genesis off of their album, “A Trick of the Tail”. You can find all the other songs from this album in full band glory in the C3 database. Drummers can now play the entire album! Oscarj08 reworked the chart for Robbery, Assault and Battery previously converted in AJFOne’s thread. Oscarj08 charted the other two songs while I did the overdrive/drum fill activation/compiling. Los Endos is a special version containing the B side “It’s Yourself” mixed into the track. Have fun!
Con: … dManMoonv1
Con: … bAssBattv1
Con: … LosEndosv1
Lastly I have some updates to previously released King Crimson songs. Missingno42128 is working hard to add guitar to many King Crimson songs. Here are the ones that I have received thus far. If you downloaded Fallen Angel last week, please get this new version because I accidentally messed up the overdrive for the drums. I have also repositioned the overdrive activation markers for the songs. All songs now have higher res artwork, unique song ID’s, better drum fill activation spots, slightly better audio. Drummers are gonna wanna check out Neurotica because Oscarj08 has completely reworked the chart and it is fucking insanely fun.
Con: … dCascadev1
Con: … /CatFoodv1
Con: … lenAngelv2
Amazing! Now i’m gonna have to do guitar for Indiscipline and Nimrodel!
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