Sideshow’s Customs (7/14/18) Ozzy Osbourne “Shot in the Dark”!
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October 10, 2014 at 7:21 am #430822finally, some more misfits! any plans for some Danzig-era misfits?
Guitar Hero 5 DLC had multitrack audio of The Misfits – Astro Zombies but CCC hasn’t released it yet. Does anyone know where I could find it?
I’m sure I have downloaded it from the database.
EDIT: It’s in the customs repository: … %20Zombies
Sweet, thank you!
There was a version with a audio fix floating around, but I can’t find it. I also don’t know if the version I have on my USB stick is the version from the repository or the “fixed” one.
If you have some audio issues with that version (very silent audio track), then I can send you my CON file.
October 10, 2014 at 4:21 pm #430866High point of my musical career – My band opened for Green Jello in Allentown, and I got to the the falsetto part for “Three Little Pigs” on stage. Then they invited my band to tour Europe (no lie) and I bailed because of law school. My friends still kind of hate me.
For 2 seconds once, I mattered.
October 10, 2014 at 4:50 pm #430870High point of my musical career – My band opened for Green Jello in Allentown, and I got to the the falsetto part for “Three Little Pigs” on stage. Then they invited my band to tour Europe (no lie) and I bailed because of law school. My friends still kind of hate me.For 2 seconds once, I mattered.
Law school: killing fun careers since 1793.
October 18, 2014 at 8:33 pm #431305Quick update to most of the Misfit songs I posted 2 weeks ago. All instruments authored by Ghostbyob featuring all difficulties. Videos of my most recent songs should be up by this weekend. I’ll try to release a few new songs next weekend all authored by me. These are horror related and I’ve been wanting them in the game for quite some time. Just been holding off for Halloween. If I can somehow stop playing “The Evil Within” then I’ll be able to finish these new songs.
ConV2: … icanPsycho
Video Preview:
ConV2: … ndingAngel
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ConV2: … UpHerBones
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ConV2: … 9lz/Scream
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October 19, 2014 at 9:37 am #431342Thank you so much!
October 31, 2014 at 7:59 am #431904More preview videos added for the last batch of songs I did a few weeks ago. Links on previous page. I will have 3 new songs uploaded later this afternoon when I get home from work.
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />
November 1, 2014 at 2:33 am #431951I’m late to the party but I just had to put up these songs even though 2 of them are drums only and just didnt have the time to make them full band yet. These songs come from a couple of my favorite horror/comedy movies of the 80’s. “The Return of the Living Dead” and “Killer Klowns From Outer Space”. Enjoy the rest of your Halloween!
Con: … /Partytime
Video Preview:
Con: … llerKlowns
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Con: … xinTheme2x … xinTheme1x
Video Preview:
November 6, 2014 at 7:26 am #432250I had these two movies in the back of my mind since earlier this year I just figured it was best to do them when Halloween came around. I wanted to do some sort of custom from The Toxic Avenger but didnt get around to it. The theme song from Toxic Avenger 2 seemed to best thing to do even though I didnt really care for it. I just love Troma movies. But as of now I’m on a bit of a hiatus from doing any customs or converts due to the influx of new video games coming out. I do have a few Christmas esque songs I want to do that are not your typical Christmas songs which I plan on charting by next month. Its cool to hear somebody else in these forums is a fan of these movies. Who knows what the future holds for charting weird not so typical artist?
November 7, 2014 at 12:14 am #432300haha yeah i know what you mean the new arkham, far cry and then next gen gta v” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
It’s funny i always thought the soundtrack to return was awesome but it wasn’t until i played your customs i start to notice the different parts within the songs. It’s too bad you can’t put tarman on the drums
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” /> MORE BRAIIIINNNNNS!
If i had to pick a song for christmas not as typical as last christmas or i wish it could be xmas… I’d go for the song from christmas vacation
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
Also thanks again for the songs and any songs the future brings
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
In the trioxin theme there is a part in the song where you hear glass breaking. I believe thats Tarman being let out of the army canister. That would be cool though to get Tarman’s voice in the song as a sample.
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” /> As far as the Christmas songs that I have lined up, I don’t want to give away what artist it is but I’m sure some people will enjoy them.
November 9, 2014 at 12:18 am #432512Glad all of you dig these punk bands because if there was more of them already phaseshifted I would be converting them.Time for yet another update to Dream Theater “12 Step Suite”. Divine Smoof took the time to fix the spacing issues on several sections on guitar and practice sections are now added! I suppose if anybody wants to try to chart vocals, bass, or do reductions then we can try to bypass the 1MB midi limit in Magma and make this puppy even more beefy.
The collaboration effort on this epic custom has been outstanding. Thank you!
So I finally got around to playing this. So awesome. By the end my back was killing me. I almost wanted to quit or take a break but I said fuck it GO BIG OR GO HOME!
Dream Theater is definitely going up a couple notches in my book this weekend thanks to C3 community
November 9, 2014 at 1:02 am #432513Glad you enjoyed it. I never listened to Dream Theater until Rock Band introduced me to them with Panic Attack. They have proven to be one of the funnest experiences you can have in this game. Thanks to all that contributed to this custom.
November 13, 2014 at 3:09 am #432745The charting demons got a hold of me last weekend so I churned out a few songs. These songs are made with the newest version of Magma “Cache Wipe Proof”. Going forward I intend on using this version of Magma to create all my customs but because I literally have over 100 converts+customs combined that I have released in the past, I don’t intend on rereleasing them at the moment. If songs get updated then it will be assured to use the new Magma.
I have sunk many hours into this wonderful randomly generated dungeon adventure. Here is a song from the beginning Mine area of the game.
Con: … 6t/MineBv1
Video Preview:
Here is an infectious tune from the Beverly Hills Cop series of movies. It’s hard to get this one out of my head!
Con: … g1/AxelFv1
Video Preview:
Lastly I got the zany Yello song from the movie Ferris Beueller’s Day Off. You are warned that the solo vocols are really low on the octave chart!
ConV2: … r/OhYeahv1
Video Preview:
I don’t plan on releasing anything more this month but you never know what happens. Christmas songs are planned for next month. Later!
Update: I recompiled these songs again with the newest version of Magma because I possible used a song ID twice. Everything shows up in game now correctly with the two new Descendents songs.
November 13, 2014 at 3:15 am #432746November 13, 2014 at 3:39 am #432747November 13, 2014 at 3:52 am #432748Cool song picks, though noticed some vocal errors in Oh Yeah when looking at the videp. Pretty sure all the lead vocals should be talkies, also you need to split words into multiple notes based on how they are pronounced. “Beautiful” is pronounced “bea- u- ti- ful” and should be charted as such instead of as one note for example. The “doo bow bow” parts on HARM2 are also too long in the note tubes and should just be like a 16th or a 8th or something. As it is I think it’s impossible to sing basically
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