Sideshow’s Customs (7/14/18) Ozzy Osbourne “Shot in the Dark”!

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  • #429327
      Regarding the 12 Step Suite:


      I know it would take a lot of work, but it would be nice if someone recharted all the sections of the song that have triplets. Most (if not all) of the sections with them are actually three 16th notes followed by space instead of using a triplet snap, making the Guitar chart difficult to read at times, specifically the first solo in “Root of All Evil” (which I believe has the keys charted here, but I digress). This also causes the forcing/unforcing of hopos to become inconsistent/awkward. Additionally, the chart becomes wonky during parts where the time signature or tempo changes, but I’m sure there’s only so much that can be done in that regard. There’s definitely a measure in The Glass Prison that’s out of sync, but it sorts itself out by the next measure. There are also some inconsistencies within the songs regarding note trail length and hopo forcing, but these are just minor. Since I don’t play drums I have no idea how good the charting is for that so yeah.


      Overall it’s an amazing chart and I’m glad that this monster is finally playable in some way. There’s not much that I would change regarding the charting. It would just be really nice to see it in its full potential. Full Band any time soon? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />



      Incidentally I wonder if anyone can beat my X guitar score. 2,382,572. 95%. 1,272 streak.


      2,646,333. 98% . 1843 Note Streak, on my sightread.


      The first solo of TRoAE is keys, guitar, and bass harmonizing the solo. I had to listen meticulously to that section to be sure. It wouldn’t be out of the question for this to happen. It is DT, after all.


      If I were more experienced in RB3 cons, I’d do the guitar adjustments myself, but I’ll let someone else do it.


      If we’re gonna be picky about instruments, then the very beginning of the glass prison is actually john myung playing high notes on a 12 string (or 6 string maybe) bass, not guitar, but I like it how it is.


      And I just played on (1x expert) drums, 40k shy of 2 million, agh! Too bad I’m not good at drums…

      Divine Smooof

        Guys, I’ll take it upon my self to try to fix what’s currently wrong with the Guitar chart to “12 Step Suite”. It might take me a century, but I’m sure as hell going to try. Currently my mission is to:


        1. Fix the triplet issue throughout the song.

        2. Hopefully make the tempo transitions less awkward.

        3. Try and fix the broken measure in “This Glass Prison.”

        4. Add Practice sections.*

        5. Make varying charting changes if necessary/requested.**


        *Considering the length of the custom, I’m considering labeling the sections as if each of the five songs were separate. For example, the first chorus of each song would be labeled “Chorus 1”, meaning the custom would have 5 sections named “Chorus 1”. If doing this will cause errors when using the custom, let me know in advance so that I don’t have to fret later on.


        **This might be arbitrary changes to chords or other minor things. However, there are a few things I want to know if anyone wants changed:

        1. The intro to “The Glass Prison” (since it’s bass).

        2. The “wah” strumming section during the choruses of “The Root of All Evil.” If I were to chart it, there would be more chords and sustains (and no lanes), but that’s only if anyone wants the change done in the first place.

        I will do any changes to the chart if they are requested, and if a better charting for a section is suggested, I will consider doing it.


        Wish me luck on my endeavor. Wait upon your widow’s peak for my return.


        PS Hmu if you have any suggestions regarding any of the issues listed above.


        PPS I’m not going to touch the tempo map. You guys worked way to hard to get it right and I’m not about to go and fuck it up.


        as cool as the twelve step suite is together, i’m always tempted to just play something else after the glass prison ends


        doesn’t help that it’s easily the funnest song out of em all on drums

        Divine Smooof

          An Update on my 12 Step Suite fixes:


          I went through the entire song and made the following changes:

          1. I believe I have fixed every triplet in the song.

          2. Added Practice sections*

          3. Adjusted notes to be more in-sync during tempo changes (especially in “The Glass Prison”)

          4. Re-synced the out-of-sync measure of “The Glass Prison”

          5. Adjusted note lengths to be consistent.


          *Before I send the midi to be put into the custom again, I am waiting on an earlier version I made to see how Rock Band handles the practice sections.


          If there are any changes to the chart you want done, speak now or forever hold your peace.


            CAT reductions????

              CAT reductions????


              I don’t believe it would be possible to do reductions on this custom. The reason is that currently there are very few notes on the lower difficulties just to get the song to compile. Doing basic reductions would probably cause the custom to be over 1MB in size for the midi file of which Magma will not compile then.


                I did try for a reduction, and CAT threw up and froze. Maybe, one could reduce a single instrument version.


                  How about splitting up each song and doing reductions that way? You could have 1 mega custom of expert and 5 separate customs with varying degrees of difficulty?

                  How about splitting up each song and doing reductions that way? You could have 1 mega custom of expert and 5 separate customs with varying degrees of difficulty?


                  adding new instruments would also be possible this way :what:

                    How about splitting up each song and doing reductions that way? You could have 1 mega custom of expert and 5 separate customs with varying degrees of difficulty?


                    You could most definitely have the 5 seperate songs split on their own custom with full band and lower difficulties. Meander already made 4 out of the 5 sections as individual customs for phaseshift but I chose to do the single song custom because its complete.

                      I don’t believe it would be possible to do reductions on this custom. The reason is that currently there are very few notes on the lower difficulties just to get the song to compile. Doing basic reductions would probably cause the custom to be over 1MB in size for the midi file of which Magma will not compile then.


                      If your concern really is only Magma’s 1MB limitation, that can be bypassed. It will require maybe 1-2 minutes worth of work on your part after you’ve gotten reductions completed. PM me and i’ll help you with it.

                        I don’t believe it would be possible to do reductions on this custom. The reason is that currently there are very few notes on the lower difficulties just to get the song to compile. Doing basic reductions would probably cause the custom to be over 1MB in size for the midi file of which Magma will not compile then.


                        If your concern really is only Magma’s 1MB limitation, that can be bypassed. It will require maybe 1-2 minutes worth of work on your part after you’ve gotten reductions completed. PM me and i’ll help you with it.


                        I have never used CAT yet but Bsbloom claims he tried to do reductions and CAT froze up.


                          Well, that’s not the question. If you want to add other instruments, or want to add reductions (whether CAT only, CAT aided, or entirely by hand), don’t let the 1MB barrier limit you. I can help get past that. But obviously that’s only useful if you get to the point of needing it. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

                            Well, that’s not the question. If you want to add other instruments, or want to add reductions (whether CAT only, CAT aided, or entirely by hand), don’t let the 1MB barrier limit you. I can help get past that. But obviously that’s only useful if you get to the point of needing it. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                            Do you think having a full band custom of this magnitude would cause the game to crash?

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