Sideshow’s Customs (7/14/18) Ozzy Osbourne “Shot in the Dark”!

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    To be clear, Reaper has some issues with time signatures (not Magma, which accepts anything you thrown at it in that regard, it will at worst mess up the way Magma reports the measures where issues occur), but it’s mainly due to bad editing. Time signature changes must be applied exactly on the beat and can not occur before the end of the measure.

    With that said, Reaper has a bug that sometimes messes up measures if you change the tempo map after time signature markers have been placed. But the issue lies solely with Reaper, what you see unsynced in game is just the result of Reaper chewing up measures.

    Critical information. If you miss the fact that reaper screwed up the measures, you might not find it until you’re nearly done charting (if then, even). I’ve spent many an hour fixing my TM after charting nearly everything because I wasn’t diligent enough during the mapping process. :ohdear:


      Time signatures and tempo mapping was allegedly fixed a few months ago in the latest 4.x. I’ll have to give it a try.


      I might be in the odd situation of needing 3.x to do vocal charts nicely (because zoom sucks in 4.x), needing 4.23 to do CAT and have a working MIDI editor, and needing the latest 4.x to edit tempo maps.


        I don’t know if this will help anyone, but the way I avoid this bug is by manually setting the tempo of the measure I placed the time signature on and then waiting to hit “Q” until two measures after! For instance, say on 121 I had to change to 7/4. I would place the time signature change, and then manually adjust the tempo (changing even the hundreths place, if need be) until it lines up perfectly for 121 to 122 . I would then hit “Q” on 123 (which would do 122-123). I’ve never had the issue where it eats the measure doing it that way, and while I’m not sure that’s the proper way (due to possible delay issues for 122 to 123, but then, you could “split the difference between 121 to 123), I haven’t had any instances of noticeable delay. (And the last Tool song I charted had 14 time signature changes.) Otherwise these guys are definitely right, it’s like the change gets completely ignored, and “eaten!”


        **Thank you for the Yes and the Dream Theater, excellent choices that I’m very excited to play!

        I don’t know if this will help anyone, but the way I avoid this bug is by manually setting the tempo of the measure I placed the time signature on and then waiting to hit “Q” until two measures after!

        That’s also what I do when I run into the problem (which is far too often). It usually works, but sometimes it just doesn’t and I have yet to figure why. There have been songs I have to manually TM all the way through because Q eats a measure every single time, regardless. I’m missing something, I’m sure – just don’t know what it is. I’ll post in “Tools, Support & Advice” the next time it happens.

          I don’t know if this will help anyone, but the way I avoid this bug is by manually setting the tempo of the measure I placed the time signature on and then waiting to hit “Q” until two measures after!


          You don’t hit Q when you have a time signature change, you hit T.


            Iammax wrote:

            OK, I played this one for about 6 or 7 minutes; the syncing of the audio to the lines on the track seems to be fine up until I stopped. However all the notes are off the lines slightly, by about maybe 1/16th of a beat per note


            Fixing both the alignment and the sync may require too much work, but here’s a try – I moved the guitar chart around to align the notes, and made a few tempo map changes to bring it back in sync – nothing too fancy. The result is here:


            I played through this on guitar – all 54 minutes, and it looks fine to me. Please test it and let me know.


            We really appreciate all the help from everyone. This is too long and too hard to check and fix it step-by-step.


            A friend and I played through the whole song, and it seems to get out of sync periodially, up until Repentance, where it seems to stay off by a 16th to 8th note for the rest of the song. The chart itself is great, though.

              You don’t hit Q when you have a time signature change, you hit T.


              Yeah, I know. Sorry for the confusion there! I had meant that I continued with ‘auto’ tempo mapping two measures after setting the time signature change. But yeah! “Q” will not set time signatures.


              That certainly sounds frustrating Colonel, and odd! I wish I could help rectify the situation but I am still just an amateur! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


                According to Exxucus,

                A friend and I played through the whole song, and it seems to get out of sync periodially, up until Repentance, where it seems to stay off by a 16th to 8th note for the rest of the song.


                Can you tell me which version you used? There is Sideshow’s original (v1) and two slightly corrected, posted by me (v2, v3).


                  It’s so great seeing so many people working at such a great quality level. Honestly, I personally would have never imagined anything like this when we started it all. The degree of competence is higher than we used to see in the FoF community, which has far more experience in the matter. Really, great job guys, I am impressed by your devotion. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


                  P.S Talking about Yes and prog, did you notice a new teaser about a certain band? I’d go take a peek if I were you. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>

                  It’s so great seeing so many people working at such a great quality level. Honestly, I personally would have never imagined anything like this when we started it all. The degree of competence is higher than we used to see in the FoF community, which has far more experience in the matter. Really, great job guys, I am impressed by your devotion. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                  P.S Talking about Yes and prog, did you notice a new teaser about a certain band? I’d go take a peek if I were you. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                  I’m glad to help, especially because something like “an hour of dream theater” is one of the things I’d like most to play on RB!


                  Anyway, I played v3 for about ten minutes. It seemed perfect up until the same spot it goes out of sync in v1 (I think you called it measure 55? It’s the place I linked to in the video before). At this point the audio is slightly ahead of the chart, not by as much as in v1, but it’s noticable. It stays this way until this point:




                  About a second after the point in the video I linked, you can watch the lines behind the notes and you see there is one place where it changes? That’s where I’m talking about. At this point it becomes more drastically out of sync. I played a few minutes past that, it didn’t seem to change again (although it probably does at some point).


                  I am wondering, what chart was used to make that video? Because the video seems to be synced pretty well


                    Thanks, Iammax, for your help. I am a bit stymied. I just ran a simple experiment – I took the last version and had CAT put in a new beat track. The track goes slightly off beat at measure 3.1, comes back in line, then starts to drift a bit at 34.1, and continues to drift until it is off by around 1/16 th of a note. It stays that way for the rest of the song. No idea why. I keep being lazy, but, chances are, I’ll have to scrap the entire tempo map at the beginning, and redo it until the bad part at measure 55.


                      The video I made of the 12 Step Suite was the very first working version of the song that I made. After watching that video I realized how many errors the drum chart had so I cleaned it up and then recompiled the charts which is the V1 that I’m sharing. A very easy fix would to just move the charts after the 55 measure backwards a 1/16th but then the charts would be off the grid which would be annoying for many people. I’m willing to do this but since Bsbloom appears to be working on the tempo map again I’ll just wait.


                      I used the download on page 22 in the post with the King Crimson fixes.


                        For those of you that downloaded “12 Step Suite” 1X or 2X give this V2 a shot. I got an updated tempo map from Bsbloom and then I added my updated drum chart to the project. Looked at it in Reaper at various sections from beginning to end and then tested in game for about 10 minutes and it sure looks synced up to me.



               … tepSuite1X

               … tepSuite2X


                        What to be expected this weekend? The rest of the previously charted King Crimson and Yes songs found in the drum project sections at frets on fire. I know its a overdose from these bands lately but I feel obligated to finish all their material that is available. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


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