Sideshow’s Customs (7/14/18) Ozzy Osbourne “Shot in the Dark”!

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      So, I’ll do that by my self again. Hahaha <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />

      The Other Side

        Now you can be a better drummer than Lars :^)


        *Battery and Enter Sandman are songs that were on the RB1 and RB2 export. Do to these exports expiring, I plan on releasing the guitar hero versions in my thread unless told not to by admins.


        IIRC there’s a RB3 CON of Enter Sandman from RB1 in the forums that the mods haven’t done anything about, since it was never exportable to begin with.


        If they allow it, you could take that chart along with Battery and make versions with 2x pedal and harmonies.


          Now you can be a better drummer than Lars :^)



          IIRC there’s a RB3 CON of Enter Sandman from RB1 in the forums that the mods haven’t done anything about, since it was never exportable to begin with.


          If they allow it, you could take that chart along with Battery and make versions with 2x pedal and harmonies.

          I have already made a GH version of “Enter Sandman” and a 2X bass pedal GH version of “Battery”. Was planning on posting them when I get to those albums. I added harmonies to both songs as well.


          Thanks for these Sideshow! :rock:


            Today’s release is a little bit different. “For Whom the Bells Toll” is the first song I started working on for this project. When I tapped into Bluzer’s midi files I noticed there is rhythm guitar charts for all these Metallica songs or at least most of them contain a rhythm chart. I went ahead and put the rhythm guitar on keys. I also noticed there was a crowd vocal chant in the song.ogg so I decided to make talkie harmonies for the crowd. After working on this song I realized it would take too much time to do this treatment for the entire Guitar Hero Metallica catalog. It’s practical to have these rhythm guitar charts for the songs that don’t have keys but I did not install them on any more songs to my knowledge. Lastly this song doesn’t need a 2X Bass Pedal version but I did do some cymbal changing and there was a missing snare hit so you get an alternate drum chart than the 1X version in the database.


              Hey man long time no talk. If you wanna use any of my 2X bass pedal Metallica conversions for your songs you can. If it’s helpful at all.


                Hey man long time no talk. If you wanna use any of my 2X bass pedal Metallica conversions for your songs you can. If it’s helpful at all.

                Its been way too long. Cool to see you post again. I am well aware of the 2X bass pedal versions you released years ago. I end up using Bluzer’s midi’s for the double kicks and then re arranged the cymbals if I feel Lars is hitting a different cymbal than the last one when listening to the isolated drum tracks. So essentially I’m going to re release all the songs you upgraded in the past with my own flavor. Rock On!


                  Alright cool man just wanted to throw it out there. I’m glad to come back to see you really took the ball and ran with it as far as customs creations go. Way cool dude. Great work here.


                  Was Rockin’ guitar on ‘Leper Messiah’ with Funk Meister last night and I busted my Rickenbacker’s strumbar. Can you believe that? I guess I was having too much fun… LOL


                  It’s now on the honey-do list for him to fix.


                  Thanks for these songs, it’s bringing my Metal roots back! :rock:


                    Alright cool man just wanted to throw it out there. I’m glad to come back to see you really took the ball and ran with it as far as customs creations go. Way cool dude. Great work here.

                    Who would of known? I remember requesting songs for you to chart back when I was clueless on making customs and now I am able to chart. Its been a fun trip these last few years and we’ll see what the future holds for charting new content. Thanks for the help on the way.


                    Was Rockin’ guitar on ‘Leper Messiah’ with Funk Meister last night and I busted my Rickenbacker’s strumbar. Can you believe that? I guess I was having too much fun… LOL


                    It’s now on the honey-do list for him to fix.


                    Thanks for these songs, it’s bringing my Metal roots back! :rock:

                    And thats the whole point of what we do. Have fun. Sucks that your Rickenbacker’s strumbar took a beating but sound like you had a memorable experience!




                    And thats the whole point of what we do. Have fun. Sucks that your Rickenbacker’s strumbar took a beating but sound like you had a memorable experience!

                    Yeah,…..’memorable’ alright…..between the Metallica you’ve been servin’ up and Freewaymad’s thread, you guys are definitely rocking it hard. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

                    Yup, she’s seriously remembering her metal roots……me, I’m remembering that now I have TWO strum bars to fix…..her Strat’s and now her Rickenbacker’s……Metalheads! CRUNCH! CRUNCH! CRUNCH! LOL!…….Seriously, we had a really great time playing them. Thanks for doing these Sideshow! I’m gonna hafta PM Spindoctor and let him know our playtesting is at half speed until I can get her stuff up and running again.


                      I’ve played “Escape” almost now and the last phrases says “Life’s for my own, to live my own way”


                        I’ve played “Escape” almost now and the last phrases says “Life’s for my own, to live my own way”

                        Yep, the lyrics I used had the wrong words in the last phrase. I’m fixing this right now.


                          “So let it be written, so let it be done!” :v:


                          Bar none my most favorite song in the game on drums.


                            “So let it be written, so let it be done!” :v:


                            Bar none my most favorite song in the game on drums.

                            I will always remember that song for having the ancient Egyptian lyrics. I went to a christian high school so I was brought up with all those bible stories.


                            “Escape” lyrics have now been updated as of right now.

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