ShinyZeni’s Converts/Customs/Fixes (Lots of Thrice!) — 04/01/2017 – The Window!

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  • #463254

    Awesome! I’m really excited to try out Daedalus.


      Awesome! I’m really excited to try out Daedalus.


      It’s a good one! I was pleased with how it turned out.


      I’m still planning on doing For Miles at some point, btw. Haven’t started on it yet though. Sorry!


        You are really pumping out the Thrice songs. Keep up the good work!




          Pokemon – Vs. Red (Metal Remix)





            Thrice – The Abolition Of Man



            Happy Valentine’s Day everybody!

            Have a song that has absolutely nothing to do with Valentine’s Day, courtesy of me.


            We’re getting closer! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />






              Changed the metadata to match the original artist and improved the audio track quality with the “official” release.




                Thrice – Don’t Tell And We Won’t Ask



                        Okay guys, here’s the big one.


                        This has been a really long time coming, so, thank you for your patience, for all of your help, and thank you especially to the new friends I’ve made through this site (especially TomGuy, Chips, Hawkins, and pzych0. You guys have been awesome and instrumental in keeping my motivation up, so thank you!)


                        I present to you:


                        Thrice – The Artist In The Ambulance (Full Album Release!)


                        Here’s what we’ve got!






                        The Artist In The Ambulance (FULL ALBUM TRACK)



                        Each track from the album has been updated individually as well. Some more than others, and I will also mark them as updated on the db and include some basic notes for each-but yes, every single track received at least a small change.


                        Here is what I can remember:


                        Cold Cash And Colder Hearts:

                        -Slight adjustment to the Guitar Chart (accuracy based)

                        -Some lighting/venue animations


                        Under A Killing Moon:

                        -Some lighting/venue animations


                        All That’s Left:

                        -Slight adjustments to the drums and guitar charts.



                        -New track, but for TomGuy who I sent a preview, I may have added some lighting/venue animations. I can’t remember for sure.


                        Stare At The Sun:

                        -Added Practice Sections

                        -Auto generated Lighting/Venue (no manual tweaking)


                        Paper Tigers:

                        -Fixed the issue with the sync/adjusted tempo map (most prevalent at the end of the song. It’s fixed now.)

                        -Added Practice Sections

                        -Lighting and Venue animations

                        -Fixed the fade out on the end of the song for the individual track


                        Hoods On Peregrine:

                        -Added Practice Sections

                        -Some Lighting/Venue animations


                        The Melting Point Of Wax:

                        -Slight adjustments to the Tempo Map

                        -Added Practice Sections

                        -Autogen Lighting/Venue animations


                        Blood Clots And Black Holes:

                        -Slight adjustments to the Drum chart (overdrive fill lanes, cymbal charting near the end, etc.)

                        -Added Practice Sections

                        -Lighting/Venue animations!


                        The Artist In The Ambulance:

                        -Slight adjustments to the Tempo Map

                        -Adjustments to the Guitar Chart (mostly HOPO adjustments)


                        The Abolition Of Man:

                        -Added Practice Sections

                        -Lighting/Venue animations!


                        Don’t Tell And We Won’t Ask:

                        -Adjusted the tempo map for accuracy and TS changes

                        -Lighting/Venue animations


                        I am NOT going to say that these are perfect, or that I am 100% satisfied, or that these are the best these charts could possibly be, or that they are HMX or even C3 level releases. They could definitely still use some polish here and there. The thing is, I’m still kind of a noob at this. I am definitely comfortable with calling myself an author, but sometimes I see the AMAZING stuff other people put out on here, and every time I do I want to raise the bar for myself just a little bit more.


                        That being said, I likely won’t work on most of these anymore. I may make some minor adjustments to the drum fill lanes (some of them are oddly placed-though in my experience it hasn’t detracted from playability) and I may make some other minor adjustments to lighting animations if I notice something is off.


                        Of course if you DO have any feedback about these tracks, please PLEASE tell me. I would love to make them the best they can be, and can only do that with YOUR help.


                        Thank you again to everyone on this board who has helped me get this far. I’m going to take a little time off. My next release will probably be a casual (non Thrice) song, and then I’ll be moving onto my next big project (Hint: #V10)


                        See you all around!


                        Awesome work, man. I’m almost jealous of your commitment to putting out Thrice customs.


                          Awesome work, man. I’m almost jealous of your commitment to putting out Thrice customs.

                          Awww shucks…. It’s nothing special. I’m just a superfan who happens to enjoy charting />.>” title=”>.>” class=”bbcode_smiley” /></p>
<p> </p>
<p> <img decoding= Thanks though!


                            I just love authors trying to push this game to the limit. I’ll have to give the full album on one track a go. Great job!


                              I just love authors trying to push this game to the limit. I’ll have to give the full album on one track a go. Great job!

                              Thanks! It was a big job! Bigger than I anticipated for sure haha. It was lots of fun when I play tested it last night, though as a drummer I was pretty tired by the end.


                              Let me know what you think, and if you have any feedback don’t be shy!



                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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