Shadow Moses – Bring Me The Horizon (Incomplete)

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  • #393726

    So i stumbled across this amazing custom from the great Chainsaw Octopus last night on his Youtube channel.


    It’s only has Guitar & Drums, but it could definitely use the full band treatment eventually.




    We need a FB EMHX custom of this amazing song


    I’ve already done the song a while back with GDK, all I need to do is add bass, OD and drum fills, so I can try to have it up within the next few days.


    If anyone wants too I can give out the vocals and instrumental.


    If anyone wants too I can give out the vocals and instrumental.

    yes give them now plz


    But seriously, if you can send them to me, it’d be much appreciated.


    If anyone wants too I can give out the vocals and instrumental.


    If they’re from Guitar Hero Live, does it have the crowd stems or is it just the song?


    I’d prefer to just have song audio, not sure how GH Live stems are.


    Also, i’d kill for this song to have harmonies added.



    If they’re from Guitar Hero Live, does it have the crowd stems or is it just the song?


    I’d prefer to just have song audio, not sure how GH Live stems are.


    Also, i’d kill for this song to have harmonies added.

    GHL stems for each song are guitar left, guitar right and song, for the crowd it is on a audio for the full show.


    There is no good why to get the GHL stems without hearing the crowd, and the instrumental and vocals was done with another file.

    Aeryk b

      i would love it if had vocals

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