Sep 26, 2014 – Metal Origins C01 5-pack

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  • #429981
    The Fuck Yeah part was to the author. (you also forgot to put a period at the end of the sentence)


    So did you, really. Also, we don’t really know Bearz’ actual place of birth. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


    It seems likely, as I have no evidence of him speaking Brit English (and nor have I found anything. The you forgot to put a period thing is to Lyra.


    Back on topic, I can’t be more thrilled in my life about these songs!

      It seems likely, as I have no evidence of him speaking Brit English. (The you forgot to put a period thing is to Lyra)


      To be fair, he could also be Canadian or Australian. And yeah, I was just pointing out that you also forgot a period to be silly. I actually find the whole grammar-correction thing silly when it’s something as small as a period at the end of a post.


      But yeah, back on subject. This is a really, REALLY great pack. It’s not only got some really big names and some really big tracks, it also really looks fun to play (I have yet to play it, since it’s been a while since I updated my customs collection). This is one of C3’s best weeks for sure.


        Nice release. I am most excited about Steppenwolf, but the others are awesome as well.


        And two iconic pro guitar parts! “Born to Be Wild” actually looks like its approachable, too…

        It seems likely, as I have no evidence of him speaking Brit English. (The you forgot to put a period thing is to Lyra)


        To be fair, he could also be Canadian or Australian. And yeah, I was just pointing out that you also forgot a period to be silly. I actually find the whole grammar-correction thing silly when it’s something as small as a period at the end of a post.


        But yeah, back on subject. This is a really, REALLY great pack. It’s not only got some really big names and some really big tracks, it also really looks fun to play (I have yet to play it, since it’s been a while since I updated my customs collection). This is one of C3’s best weeks for sure.


        I crossed off Australian because they, I believe, use Brit Eng.. Canada, maybe. Lets here him say z as zed or about as aboot before coming to that.


        Also, grammar correction because I hate those word criiiiiiimes!


        Yeah I thought this was going to be a one-hit wonder week actually, before it became all too clear that it was “origins of metal”. The people on the hint threads are good! Now to play Steppenwolf PRO!



        I saw your signature change you sly dog <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” /> !


        Also, yay! Bobs Burgers pic!


          Oh man, this pack could’ve been called “Awesome drum songs C01” as well… it’s gonna be so much fun playing those! Thanks a lot BearzUnlimited! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


          Awesome pack this week! Thanks so much


            Born To Be Wild is one of those songs that has a Keys part you can barely hear, yet appears needlessly difficult throughout. I don’t know, I can’t get excited for it. It’s primarily a guitar-driven song. It’s got that and Vocals going for it now. Magic Carpet Ride is far more deserving of devil-tiered Keys and I look forward to that whenever.


              Please, someone confirm for me that I am or am not crazy.


              Born to be Wild sounds a bit ‘off’ to me. The guitar is so quiet as to be almost silent, except at about 2 minutes in, right before ‘Get your motor runnin’. After a little research it appears to be because the left channel is diminished or missing. The guitar at 2 minutes in is out of the right channel, so I can still hear that.


              The preview video sounds fine. Maybe its just me?


              So tell me: am I crazy?

              Please, someone confirm for me that I am or am not crazy.


              Born to be Wild sounds a bit ‘off’ to me. The guitar is so quiet as to be almost silent, except at about 2 minutes in, right before ‘Get your motor runnin’. After a little research it appears to be because the left channel is diminished or missing. The guitar at 2 minutes in is out of the right channel, so I can still hear that.


              The preview video sounds fine. Maybe its just me?


              So tell me: am I crazy?


              No, you’re not crazy. Something went wrong when I rendered the backing audio on the released version of the song. Should be fixed now, but this is a pretty big issue so everyone who’s downloaded the song should replace it with the new version.


                Hey Bearz, thanks for putting up the updated version so promptly!



                Something went wrong when I rendered the backing audio on the released version of the song. Should be fixed now, but this is a pretty big issue so everyone who’s downloaded the song should replace it with the new version.

                Yeah I just downloaded and played the new version. The difference is night and day!


                No, you’re not crazy.


                Can I have that notarized?


                No, you’re not crazy. Something went wrong when I rendered the backing audio on the released version of the song. Should be fixed now, but this is a pretty big issue so everyone who’s downloaded the song should replace it with the new version.

                Did you intentionally modify the audio to chart the organ better? I thought the first release version was pretty interesting to listen, since I’ve played this song on a keyboard in a real cover band for some years.


                Oh and StackOverflow0x, it’s definitely a seriously hard song to play exactly as recorded. Much easier if you do what the original artist did and just go crazy in an appropriate style.


                No, you’re not crazy. Something went wrong when I rendered the backing audio on the released version of the song. Should be fixed now, but this is a pretty big issue so everyone who’s downloaded the song should replace it with the new version.

                Did you intentionally modify the audio to chart the organ better? I thought the first release version was pretty interesting to listen, since I’ve played this song on a keyboard in a real cover band for some years.


                Yeah, the organ is panned to the right, so I had it set to only play the right channel while I was working on Pro Keys. I forgot to set it back to default – dumbass mistake on my part, but fortunately it was noticed quickly.


                  Um… There is an audio issue with “Born to be Wild”. Is it fixed?



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