Sep 26, 2014 – Metal Origins C01 5-pack

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      Blog post: September 26, 2014 – Metal Origins 5-pack!


      Use this thread to provide feedback on any of the following songs:


      New! Metal Origins C01 5-pack (BearzUnlimited)

      • Black Sabbath – “Iron Man” X
      • Blue Cheer – “Summertime Blues”
      • Deep Purple – “Fireball” 2x
      • Led Zeppelin – “Dazed and Confused”
      • Steppenwolf – “Born to Be Wild” X

      Fixes uploaded in the last week to previous C3 releases:

      • Berlin – “Sex (I’m A…)”: Fixed drums overdrive

      Please use this thread for feedback and general discussion. To report a bug or other issue with these songs, visit the C3 Bug Tracker.


      Nice package! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


      Thanks for the all the hard work, Bearz, great selections! :excited:


      :excited: Awesome!Iron man and Born to be wild!You make a lot of people happy each and every week! :rock: Thank you!!


      This is a great week! Thanks BearzUnlimited and any others who may have helped on these tracks. In the words of Tenacious D, “you can’t kill the metal.” :rock:


        Yay something exciting!


        It’s about time we got some Steppenwolf. Going to play the hell out of that one this weekend.


        Iron Man original version is a welcome upgrade to the cover version I have, thanks!


        Dazed and Confused, another Zep song ticked off the list. One closer to When the Levee Breaks <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        I don’t know Blue Cheer.


        Nicccce! Two weeks of getting everything in row.

        I don’t know Blue Cheer.


        Then check them out and watch the preview video, they’re awesome <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


        Awesome set of songs this week. Super happy!


          Awesome week!


          Dazed and Confused, Born To Be Wild and Iron Man are must haves! Thank you!

          Awesome week!


          Dazed and Confused, Born To Be Wild and Iron Man are must haves! Thank you!

          Agreed! Thanks!


          Truly amazing pack! Easy 5/5 downloaded. It’s hard to believe this is the first Deep Purple released by C3, and I always wondered how we had never gotten Iron Man. Awesome work, Bearz!


          HOLY POOP!…and I mean that in a most positive way. Best week of 2014 thus far for me. Sensational overstatements be damned, this week’s release may have just restored my faith in humanity. Zeppelin, Sabbath & Deep Purple in the same week (along with 2 other absolute rock classics), and it’s not even my birthday or anything. Thank you so much to Bearz (and any other hairy animals who may have been involved), now kindly excuse me while I prepare to ROCK MY FACE OFF!!


            Yes! Three awesome new songs.


            Awesome week , all of these are really great songs , thanks BearzUnlimited <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” /> <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


              Awesome week! First the NHL exhibition starts and then this sweet 5 pack. This is one one happy Canuck! Someone kiss Bearz.

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