I do have to question one part of music tastes as to why we get so much Queensryche. Why do we get so much of that band?
Yeah, because if one guy is into a band enough to author a ton of their songs, that means we all are ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />
I just have to admire Farattone’s dedication to something like that. I’m not necessarily the biggest Queensryche fan in the world, but the fact that he can do album after album from any band is just insanity, and I only wish I had the time and energy to do that with a few of my favorite bands.
Just amazing. Never imagined Brian May Resurrection on top of all the other customs C3 have made possible! Huge thanks and respect to all.
Seen Dr. May many times and this song is awesome especially with Cozy on drums!!
I do have to question one part of music tastes as to why we get so much Queensryche. Why do we get so much of that band?
Yeah, because if one guy is into a band enough to author a ton of their songs, that means we all are
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />
I just have to admire Farattone’s dedication to something like that. I’m not necessarily the biggest Queensryche fan in the world, but the fact that he can do album after album from any band is just insanity, and I only wish I had the time and energy to do that with a few of my favorite bands.
I guess so, like I love Crush 40 so much I am willing to chart their cover of The Cults Fire Woman.
I guess this week is basically Genesis 1 and a half because so many of the artists on here are from Genesis.
Cool theme concept. I’ll at least get Peter, Paul, and Mary, I mean, Phil. I’ll look at the others, drums look pretty choice. Thanks!
Also, this would be a cool theme to do again for all four Beatles. ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
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