Scenes from a Memory Mega-Song

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  • #391277

    Tonight I will post the first version of the song file. I have school and stuff right now and I have stuff to be fixed so please give me a day. But yeah, hope you guys are excited for this giant thing. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


      Oh we are!!!!


      Thanks for the dedication and all the hard work!!


      Thanks in advance for this – I’d be lying if I said I know the album really well or anything but just the prospect of 76 minutes of devil-tiered goodness in one go is amazing <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


      And my god… think of the SCORES! :dance:


      I am really looking forward to getting an 8 digit score

      Thanks in advance for this – I’d be lying if I said I know the album really well or anything but just the prospect of 76 minutes of devil-tiered goodness in one go is amazing <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


      And my god… think of the SCORES! :dance:

      Yeah. Pro keys is 5 million!


      Why not post it here instead? viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1891


      Well it’s not necessarily an alternate chart, more of a compilation of charts that haven’t actually been proven to work as one yet.

      Thanks in advance for this – I’d be lying if I said I know the album really well or anything but just the prospect of 76 minutes of devil-tiered goodness in one go is amazing <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


      And my god… think of the SCORES! :dance:

      Yeah. Pro keys is 5 million!


      Maybe for you, lol


      I”ll probably get 1 and a half

      #432519 … sV2_rb3con Had to fix something, hence why it’s a little late, but here is the first released version.


      Please note right now that expect for this not to work right off the bat. The reason for this thread is to figure out the problems for why the song won’t run right (this is assuming it isn’t just because the midi/song is too big, which could very well be it) and for potential lengthy releases in the future. So, let me list out what doesn’t work.


      -Practice sections from approximately 56 minutes on (about where the One Last Time mini-guitar solo is) – I may have fixed this problem. Hard to explain, but it had to do with time signature markers just barely to the right. So I fixed that.


      -Pausing: this is a big one. I paused once in Finally Free and the game wouldn’t let me continue; the chart froze, but I was able to exit the song. You can pause in earlier sections though. I’m assuming this is linked to the 56-minute thing above, so assume that you can’t pause 56 minutes into the song as well.


      -Song preview: Again, this may be linked to the other problems. The song preview is near the end of Finally Free, so it won’t sound.


      Other than that, I can sometimes load the song without the game crashing, and sometimes can’t. It might have to do with the amount of songs currently on your drive; I don’t know. Also, no multitracks, because the file is then 500 MB and I’d rather see if it works on no multitracks (100 M:cool: before adding multitracks. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


      Also, I won’t be able to test this con file out myself until tomorrow night, so for anyone who’s willing to help out with this process, I’d really appreciate it!

      Other than that, I can sometimes load the song without the game crashing, and sometimes can’t. It might have to do with the amount of songs currently on your drive; I don’t know.


      It has nothing to do with how many songs you have, unless you need a 2-digit amount. With 1550+ or 104, the game still freezes on the loading screen. By viewing the practice sections first, I was able to prevent it from freezing. However, it never went past the loading message. Choosing a section to practice does the same thing with a black screen, and there’s no audio when highlighting one.


      Tried it twice, froze both times before showing the “band setting up the equipment” loading screen. Then I tried it with SFAM being the only thing on the USB drive, and it showed the band setting up stuff, then went to the little emblem with the word loading, and stayed there for at least a full minute. It wasn’t frozen, but I’m pretty sure it was just perpetually loading.


      Something that mazegeek tried that got it to work sometimes is to play a song or two before playing Scenes, and then once he clicked the song, he would wait about 30 seconds before choosing the instrument, and then another 30 before choosing the difficulty.


        It will be an incredible accomplishment if you can get this song to work as I tried twice as well and both times gave me a black screen after the roadies are setting up the stage.


        Did anyone have time to look into this further? I am catching up on the last 6 months or so of C3 releases and came across this…

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