Sailing Whisper’s Customs – (5/11/18) Arcane Roots, NWFT, and Semi-Retirement

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    Project announcement and new custom! Check out above!


    Wow!!! Thanks for the song and really look forward to this project. More Coheed and Cambria is more than welcome


    New Coheed song to hold you C&C fans over until I’m finished with IKSSE:3. Check it out in the database. Two more songs to go!


    Bumping for the poll for the next Coheed album I chart.


    Voted for Good Apollo, I’m Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness As I would love a custom of The Suffering!


    Bumping for the album release!


      Dude, way to go. You’re doing God’s [key]work.


      Dude, way to go. You’re doing God’s [key]work.

      Haha thanks, I hope you enjoy!


      thank you!!! this is amazing, finally some long overdue C&C full band full album sweetness, i really hope you can continue.


      Honestly speaking I cannot understand why there was so little if any Coheed and Cambria full band custom, I remember back in the day

      how Welcome Home was played and replayed off and online. Maybe that’s the reason? People got tired of them? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


      Anyway thank you and I really look forward to playing this tracks, BTW I’m the single vote for TSSTB, why??? :haw:




      thank you!!! this is amazing, finally some long overdue C&C full band full album sweetness, i really hope you can continue.


      Honestly speaking I cannot understand why there was so little if any Coheed and Cambria full band custom, I remember back in the day

      how Welcome Home was played and replayed off and online. Maybe that’s the reason? People got tired of them? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


      Anyway thank you and I really look forward to playing this tracks, BTW I’m the single vote for TSSTB, why??? :haw:



      There is a ton of coheed that is guitar only on the database, but I guess they’re just not a super popular band. I also think that STTB is a fantastic album, but it’s not as popular as GA1. Also with the neverender tour, people are more hyped about that album. Frankly I’m surprised NWFT got any votes, haha. It’s certainly not a bad album, just not as popular/good as the others.


        GA1 is the no-brainer choice. I remember rallying for tracks off of it back when RB1 was released, on the actual Harmonix forums. We eventually got a cover of Ten Speed… which is like a consolation prize, I guess? A serious shame that there was never anything beyond that. I’ve always daydreamed about playing The Willing Well in its 4-part entirety in RB, someday.


        SSTB is in the database but I think it may be guitar-only, there’s no OD, and the charts aren’t that great. Time Consumer, especially, lets you listen to all the cool guitar track but sort of just keep rhythm. I ended up scrapping it all, but I’d enthusiastically redownload it down the road if it were charted with love and care.


        GA1 is the no-brainer choice. I remember rallying for tracks off of it back when RB1 was released, on the actual Harmonix forums. We eventually got a cover of Ten Speed… which is like a consolation prize, I guess? A serious shame that there was never anything beyond that. I’ve always daydreamed about playing The Willing Well in its 4-part entirety in RB, someday.


        SSTB is in the database but I think it may be guitar-only, there’s no OD, and the charts aren’t that great. Time Consumer, especially, lets you listen to all the cool guitar track but sort of just keep rhythm. I ended up scrapping it all, but I’d enthusiastically redownload it down the road if it were charted with love and care.

        I also look forward to charting and playing the Willing Well series.


        I agree, the charts on the database aren’t fantastic. Well, the charts themselves aren’t awful, but the tempo maps are largely inaccurate. Most likely after GA1 I’ll give them the full band treatment <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          I also look forward to charting and playing the Willing Well series.


          I agree, the charts on the database aren’t fantastic. Well, the charts themselves aren’t awful, but the tempo maps are largely inaccurate. Most likely after GA1 I’ll give them the full band treatment <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

          Great stuff. I wish you the best with the Good Apollo charting, and hope that you don’t burn yourself out after hammering out IKS. You uploaded all those tracks right before I left for a trip out of town that’ll keep me busy up through Sunday evening, but you better believe that playing through them will be the first thing I do once I get home and settled in.


          Great stuff. I wish you the best with the Good Apollo charting, and hope that you don’t burn yourself out after hammering out IKS.

          I’ll probably take a break before starting GA1, chart some other non-coheed stuff.


            Just wanted to pop in to say that IKS continues to deliver. I’m getting extra mileage out of them with the additional guitar on the keys. These would be absolutely perfect for online play, with my friends who also enjoy guitar and would prefer to play it over bass. Good stuff for sure.


            Can’t wait to see GA charted, whenever it is. I’ve been revisiting it a good bit these last few weeks in anticipation for tomorrow night’s show. Do you plan on doing an original version of Ten Speed or is that not allowed since Harmonix released the cover as DLC back in the day? Would love to have a proper copy and delete that “As Made Famous…” version, if I could.

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