Sailing Whisper’s Customs – (5/11/18) Arcane Roots, NWFT, and Semi-Retirement

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    Hey everyone! Sorry I’ve been radio silent for the past few months. Over the past year or so I’ve been losing interest in authoring and rock band in general, as I’ve been focusing on school and playing real guitars instead of plastic ones. I’m very sorry that I just dropped off the map with all of these in progress projects.


    I remembered that the first 1/3 of NWFT has been sitting on my computer completely finished, so I am releasing those now. Also, a band that I have been super into lately is Arcane Roots, and unfortunately they don’t have any content in the database. I found a super accurate MIDI on Ultimate Guitar for their song Off the Floor, so for old time’s sake I decided to turn it into a custom, which I am also releasing now.


    From that, I am announcing that I am going into semi-retirement. As of right now I have very little interest in authoring, though it’s not definite that I won’t come back in the future. If the mood strikes, I may release a song or two here and there. Definitely no huge projects like Coheed and Cambria in the future, though. That being said, anyone who wishes to complete NWFT may do so.


    I’ll still be lurking on the website from time to time, so I won’t be gone. Still, I’d like to thank everyone who has checked out my customs over the past almost 2 years that I have been authoring. I’m so glad that I’ve been able to share awesome music with you guys.


    In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3

    All guitar charts are loosely based on charts found in this post. The tempo maps were redone and the guitar charts heavily altered, but I wanted to give credit anyway.

    I’ll be including rhythm on keys for each track as there are no keys in the songs, and C&C are a great two-guitar band. All of Claudio’s parts will be on keys and Travis’ parts will be on guitar, as determined by live videos.

    Good Apollo, I’m Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness

    *NOTE ABOUT THIS ALBUM* Anyone who has the Rock Band 1 export will know that the song Welcome Home from this album was included in the game. However, unfortunately there is an error in the song’s metadata, where it says that the track number for welcome home is 11. It is actually track number 3, but because none of the other songs on the album were released officially, this was never an issue. This is an easy fix if you have the RBHP. Before compiling the RBHP files, go into the songs.dta for Welcome Home and change the track number from 11 to 3. After clearing your cache and re-installing RBHP, this will be fixed.




















    Other Customs

    Ninja Sex Party – Dinosaur Laser Fight

    TWRP/NSP 3-Pack!

    TWRP (feat. Ninja Sex Party) – The Hit (with multitracks!)

    Ninja Sex Party – Manticore

    TWRP – Interstellar Strut

    Sailing Whisper – Tetris




    John Mayer – Belief


    Blink-182 – Carousel (V/H – me, G/B/D -thespike, Punk Guy – fixed minor issues)

    Blink-182 – Dumpweed. (V – me, G/B/D/ – thespike)

    Blink-182 – Dysentery Gary. (B/V/H – me, G/D – thespike)

    Blink-182 – Go. (V/H – me, G/B/D – Punk Guy)

    System of a Down – Lonely Day (Pitched V/H – me, G/B/D/(unpitched)V/H – DenVaktare)



    Dishwalla – Charlie Brown’s Parents (G – me, V/H – Atruejedi, B/D – AJFOne23



    Right on! Full support on you mate! Wish you good luck!


    Right on! Full support on you mate! Wish you good luck!

    thanks dude!


    Boosting the thread, I’ve finished a custom and need a drum tester. Thanks.


    What’s the song?


    What’s the song?

    Dinosaur Laser Fight by Ninja Sex Party.


    Bumping again! Dinosaur Laser Fight is finished and up in the database!


    Once again, another custom! Added vocals to Dumpweed by Blink 182. See post above for link.


      Good to see these with vocals, thanks man! If you’re interested in doing some more NSP or Starbomb let me know <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      I have finished Manticore by NSP, and I am in the testing process. I dont have drums or pro keys controllers for the 360, so I need help testing them both. Send me a message and I can send you the con file if you’d like to help!


      Bumping again, I need pro drums and pro keys testers for a song. If anyone can do either, shoot me a message.


        Bumping again, I need pro drums and pro keys testers for a song. If anyone can do either, shoot me a message.


        Send them over <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        No love for these charter, i luved Carousel my friend nice charts <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

        (please add vocals to After Midnight)



        New Customs! Sorry I haven’t posted anything in a while, but I have been working. I started college so I’ve been very busy. Anyway, I’m excited to share a new 3-pack of TWRP and NSP songs! Enjoy!


        New custom, Ex-Creations by The Fall of Troy. Check it out above or int he database!

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