Ruck Bogers 22’s Customs (6th August: Rihanna – We Found Love, full multitracks)


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  • #452202

      Big thanks for that Grandaddy tune and ‘Half The World Away’, sir (or madam – I don’t know). Really can’t wait to play them.


        Wow. Florence and now Oasis? Where have you been all this time?


        Hey dude if you ever get some free time could you make this




          The Inbetweeners is so awesome.

          You get smacked in the balls if you mention Carli though.

          Thanks for this.


          NEW – 13th August


          Kings of Leon – King of the Rodeo


          Kings of Leon – The Bucket


          Kings of Leon – Four Kicks


          Kings of Leon – Charmer


          Kings of Leon – On Call


          Kings of Leon – Use Somebody


          Kings of Leon – Notion


          Kings of Leon – Pyro


          Well, it’s been a week since my last release – it’s felt quite strange having such a big gap compared to recently, but hopefully you’ll agree it’s been worth the wait!


          Today I have 8 songs from Kings of Leon. If you like the band, you’ll want to play these. Keep an eye out especially for a deceptively tricky drum part in The Bucket, a fun and challenging bassline in Four Kicks, a fast-paced guitar solo in Charmer and 3-part vocals aplenty in Use Somebody. Keys don’t feature too heavily but I’ve charted them where appropriate – you’ll have to be prepared to sit out the majority of On Call!


          There’s a wealth of songs by this band I would still love to chart – perhaps I’ll get to them someday. If I’ve missed out your favourite, I’m sorry, but if it helps, I originally conceived this as a 3-pack and couldn’t stop myself doing five more! I got quite into it – I started and finished three of these customs today alone. I wonder if it’ll be obvious which ones they are… :ohdear:


          Anyway, that’s enough from me – download and enjoy! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          Dude awesome kol pack hope you enjoyed your wee trip glad to have you back have to admit knowing you where away stopped my addiction to the site shame it was short lived lol


            Thanks for the Kings of Leon songs! Now I can a bunch of them off my list!


            Thanks for Use Somebody!!! Same as with Snow Patrol, you delivered one awesome and long overdue song plus a ton more! Amazing stuff.


            Keep it up, look forward to what may show up next.




            Some videos of your customs are going soon <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


              Wow! I never thought I might get to play On Call!


              And Use Somebody! And the Notion! Sweet!


              Thanks a ton <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                Thanks a lot dude, love Kings Of Leon.


                Here is a video of Reapers




                    thanks for the kings of leon songs i wouldn’t mind some more from them but anyway thanks for the songs


                      Awesome pack of kol songs. I can’t wait to play these.

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