Rock Band extras that never were

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    In RB3, I would have loved to see extra SFX for guitarists, in addition to Chorus, Wah, Distortion, and Flange.

    Talk box would have been bitchin’, though it would have been for certain songs (Peter Frampton and Bon Jovi, for example). A [talk_box_on] and [talk_box_off] flag between the sections that have Talk Box irl.

    Deploy on Overdrive

    – Guitar MIDI gets paired with vocal track during overdrive

    – Vocal chart turns from tuned to spoken

    – Whammy bar “distorts” vocals during sustains


    Or an auto_tune SFX for keys and pro-keys

    – Deploy Overdrive

    – Vocal chart turns to spoken during OD

    – penalty-free section (similar to drums fills) where keyboardist gets to mess with vocals.

    And in sections with actual auto-tune in the studio recording (“Some Nights” by fun.)

    – Vocals charted as spoken

    – Keys/pro-keys MIDI paired with vocal track for that section.


      Jukebox mode, the feature that almost was. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


        The PC release


        I was hoping for a PC release as well. Rocksmith is on Steam, and the songs are ridiculously expensive. But Steam’s DRM is not set up for families or even couples, it is very much intended to be for just one person, and that’s hard to make work with something like Rockband where two to four people want to play together.


        I was also hoping for more customization. More characters, more clothing options, more hair options, the ability to have large people and teenagers or kids (why not, all the songs are clean… the official ones anyway). I mean if you have a kid, especially a girl, she wants a girl character, not a woman who doesn’t look like her and can’t be made to. I mean, consider a family of four. Mother, father, brother, sister. The mother and father can reproduce themselves in the game (as long as they’re skinny), but the kids can’t. This might not seem like a big deal if you’re an adult, but I’ve played with kids, and almost all of them wished you could make a kid character. And it’s not like there isn’t real-world precedent. The Jackson Five were mostly (all?) children. They’re in Rockband. Kittie started out as four 13-14 year old girls. I think Kittie got a song in Rockband. It’s not Brackish, so it really doesn’t matter, but I think they got one in. And Van Halen replaced their bassist with Eddie’s son, Wolfgang. And Van Halen weren’t in Rockband, but they were in that other game series.


        But also, specific “Bandmates” you could buy. For example you could buy the likeness of Jimi Hendrix, Dave Grohl, etc. I think pricing would be fair at $1/artist or $3/band, but I think they should have been included in the packs. They’d be 100% created with the in-game tools, and their outfits would be available for free, but the official ones would have some kind of indicator so you know it’s not just a cheapskate copy. I know The Beatles didn’t want to be seen playing any modern music (or have their songs played by the avatars) but I think that’s a fairly minority opinion. After all, what do The Beatles think of cover bands?


        I’d like to save multiple calibrations. I play in 3 places. I have my regular 65 inch flat screen in my den with my receiver and all, but that is only good when my kids are awake or out of town. I have a backup bedroom with a set up for the times the above conditions aren’t met. And then I have a projector & a mobile receiver & full fog kit & all that for when I take this stuff & have a party.


        All 3 setups have drastically different calibrations. I know it doesn’t take long to auto calibrate, but it would be nice to set up the 3 different calibrations, name them, and then pick from that list.


        A 4th harmony part. Considering how much Queen and Beatles we got officially I can’t see why they never added in a 4th part. There are so many times I have had to simplify harmonies due to a lack of available parts and it’s really annoying.

        I was hoping for a PC release as well. Rocksmith is on Steam, and the songs are ridiculously expensive. But Steam’s DRM is not set up for families or even couples, it is very much intended to be for just one person, and that’s hard to make work with something like Rockband where two to four people want to play together.


        I was also hoping for more customization. More characters, more clothing options, more hair options, the ability to have large people and teenagers or kids (why not, all the songs are clean… the official ones anyway). I mean if you have a kid, especially a girl, she wants a girl character, not a woman who doesn’t look like her and can’t be made to. I mean, consider a family of four. Mother, father, brother, sister. The mother and father can reproduce themselves in the game (as long as they’re skinny), but the kids can’t. This might not seem like a big deal if you’re an adult, but I’ve played with kids, and almost all of them wished you could make a kid character. And it’s not like there isn’t real-world precedent. The Jackson Five were mostly (all?) children. They’re in Rockband. Kittie started out as four 13-14 year old girls. I think Kittie got a song in Rockband. It’s not Brackish, so it really doesn’t matter, but I think they got one in. And Van Halen replaced their bassist with Eddie’s son, Wolfgang. And Van Halen weren’t in Rockband, but they were in that other game series.


        But also, specific “Bandmates” you could buy. For example you could buy the likeness of Jimi Hendrix, Dave Grohl, etc. I think pricing would be fair at $1/artist or $3/band, but I think they should have been included in the packs. They’d be 100% created with the in-game tools, and their outfits would be available for free, but the official ones would have some kind of indicator so you know it’s not just a cheapskate copy. I know The Beatles didn’t want to be seen playing any modern music (or have their songs played by the avatars) but I think that’s a fairly minority opinion. After all, what do The Beatles think of cover bands?

        Have you learned anything from GH with the lawsuits over celebrities being able to sing anything? I know I learned that making Kurt Cobain & Johnny Cash do the YMCA is absolutely hilarious. Seriously though, they’d have to put in some kind of system to prevent the celebs from playing anything but their songs if they wanna avoid stupid lawsuits.


        Not to kill the thread at all, but I believe my thread (titled “The Future of Rhythm Games) covered a lot of good “features that never were.” That thread went of on a tangent because everyone felt like berating my chances of creating a rhythm game, but some of the features mentioned in the thread may spark some discussion (or already have).


          I think ‘berating’ isn’t a fair statement.


          Uh oh, derail inc!


          Double post, due to browser, sorry.

          I was hoping for a PC release as well. Rocksmith is on Steam, and the songs are ridiculously expensive. But Steam’s DRM is not set up for families or even couples, it is very much intended to be for just one person, and that’s hard to make work with something like Rockband where two to four people want to play together.


          We musn’t forget the massive amount of custom songs that are available for Rocksmith on PC, though. There are so many more options that opened up with the PC release that weren’t with the console version. In fact, I think the console versions songs were actually just as expensive, if not even more… which if they were more, that’s just wrong…


          That said, the biggest feature I wanted in RB3 that never was was one that Guitar Hero had had since 5(?), but I really wanted to see it in RB. That feature would be more in depth instrument customization. Creating your own drum kit set up, specifically (which neither series ever really did, to my knowledge). I’d have loved to see the option to have even just simplistic choices like a choice of single, double or triple bass drum kits in RB3. Not to mention, there were very few keyboard options to chose from here for a game that boasted the keys as an all new instrument.


          A keytar would have been epic (especially since you can use the keyboard peripheral as one, since the devs equipped it with a place to put the guitar strap on it).


          The center of nearly all of my issues with RB3 revolve around customization, more or less. You can make your characters look like hobos but there aren’t any long hair set ups that look natural. If there was ever one thing that Guitar Hero picked up on that I have to solute, its the character creation and instrument creation. The options you had in the GH games after Metallica were just great in my opinion. The hair options looked more natural, there were tons of clothing options. I dunno, maybe it’s just me, but thought the Warriors of Rock Create a Rocker was especially excellent.


            RB3 on PC? Get yourself a disc and pick up Dolphin. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>

              RB3 on PC? Get yourself a disc and pick up Dolphin. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


              You know that is not RB3. That’s like RB3’s funny-looking cousin that has a bit of a limp and can’t speak too well. I’d say RB3 v1 on Wii is more like RB2.5 compared to RB3 on TU4.


                So you get RB 2.5 on PC with customs. Pretty good deal still, no? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>

                So you get RB 2.5 on PC with customs. Pretty good deal still, no? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


                Yes and no. Some customs, at least so I’ve heard, don’t properly work with that set up. They glitch, stutter, and even crash the game. Sucks.


                That said, even if it did work really well with customs, and I was completely wrong and misinformed, I’d still just stick with RB3 on 360 with TU4, as its more reliable, and looks and plays much better than the “PC version” in question, because as TrojanNemo has said, that isn’t really RB3… just that funny looking cousin that can’t speak very well, and to add to that, probably has such dirty hands that if he reaches into a bag of chips, you would just let him have the rest.


                You can still find new copies of RB3 for around $20 – $25 USD on Ebay as of right now. I bought two of them just to be safe less than two weeks ago. They’re the EA versions and they work with customs, so I’ve got enough copies of RB3 here to probably last thirty years if I’m careful lol

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