Rock Band Chronicle

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  • #389026

      Last year, I built a pretty robust Rock Band songlist tool, and I’ve updated it to include C3 customs and the Beatles songs. Take a look!



      The end goal for this app is user songlist management, like myrockbandsongs or DLCQuickplay. I’ve got a full login and song management thing in place, but it doesn’t really mean anything, since I don’t have song booklet exporting yet. Logging in is disabled for now anyway while I fix some bugs.


      This tool might replace the C3 database at some point, which is also designed by me but is much less awesome. Any suggestions?


        My suggestion is you keep being this awesome, sir.




        My goodness. This is awesome.

        Sid Kafizz

          I just did a quick check – but it looks pretty danged cool.


            Bad assery!




            Any news on the user songlist management? Would be pretty helpful <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


              Have you tried Setlist Manager in C3 CON Tools?

              Have you tried Setlist Manager in C3 CON Tools?


              I totally forgot about this feature. :wth:



              Holy crap! :wth:

              How the hell did this slip under my radar?!

              This is great, man! Thanks for doing this!

              :excited: :excited: :excited:


              Just out of curiosity, are the additional 3 DLC songs we got officially through Harmonix going to be added to this awesome tool? This is REALLY handy checking out legacy DLC (+customs) for Rock Band now that Harmonix has re-done their website and it no longer includes the song details anymore (instruments, difficulty tiers, etc).

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