I like the charts in the background, it’s good to know what songs have pitched vocals.
Really liking this feature. You have a nice manner while talking about these. The chart preview is a nice addition.
Would you consider covering a update of a previous chart for your next video by any chance? I recently updated Stockholm Syndrome by Muse in my Other Customs thread and it’s practically a new chart at this point” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />
Sorry to hijack the thread, where might I be able to procure this update?
ps video is cool. keep up the good work!
Would you consider covering a update of a previous chart for your next video by any chance? I recently updated Stockholm Syndrome by Muse in my Other Customs thread and it’s practically a new chart at this point” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />
Sorry to hijack the thread, where might I be able to procure this update?
I got a thread in Other Customs where I have that and a handful of other songs. I plan to use it more often from now on
updated! Included the best customs from this past week. Now featuring charts in the background!
I would suggest that you use Video Preparer in C3 CON Tools for this purpose. It’s what I used (and I hope lowlander has been using) for the C3 preview videos. If the song is standard mp3 backing, what you do now is fine. But if the songs are multitrack, having them play without anyone actually playing means you won’t hear the audio. Video Preparer puts all the recording songs into a pack, edits them so the audio is always audible even in that scenario, and you can change a few settings. After recording/previewing, you can delete the pack and just keep the songs you actually want (this assumes you’re previewing/reviewing all songs and not just the ones you’re going to keep on your Xbox).
do the con tools work on a mac?
Nope, unfortunately all my tools are for Windows only.
“Oh we support all four operating systems: XP, Vista, 7 *and* 8!” ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />
“Oh we support all four operating systems: XP, Vista, 7 *and* 8!”
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />
I see what you did there. Touche ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />
what about Windows ME? or Windows 3.1 i want those Covered!
I see what you did there. Touche” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />
Hehe. Honestly that wasn’t meant to be a poke at you or Nemo, it just popped into my head. It’s also not entirely unlike some conversations I’ve had in the past.
“Do you support multiple operating systems?”
“Of course! You can run our software on Vista *and* 7!”
Updated! Sorry for the late posting. I was out of town and didn’t get a chance to try the customs until the past day.
Updated (March 29th, 2015). This week features TV theme songs, 90’s acts, Jet + More!
How come you aren’t covering all the releases for each week? I am not sure if I misunderstood or not but I thought that was the point of these videos to keep people up to date on new custom releases both through C3 and elsewhere
Im highlighting my favourite customs of the past week. Maybe i should call it the best customs of the week.
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