Rock Band 3: Best Way To Farm Seriously Saved Goal?

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    What’s the best way to farm bandmate saves with just one person? I’m trying to get all the clothes unlocks and Seriously Saved is one of my last goals to get and as a solo player i don’t really have a way to get this goal through regular game play, and even then you can only get 3 saves per other player.


    I figure the ideal song for solo farming this would be a short song where an instrument doesn’t come in towards the end that you can set to play unmanned, so you can save up overdrive on the instrument youre playing to save the unmanned instrument 1 or 2 times before it ends.


    Anybody know a song (official or custom) that fits the bill?


      Assuming you are playing an instrument, you could always use a mic and have it set to easy/no fail mode. This way you can play your instrument and sing a few bars, build up some overdrive and deploy when you feel its a good time.

      Hope that helps.

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