Request: Possible to create option to “unfollow” topic?

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  • #391546

    Alright, I like to be OCD certain things, and one of my things are notifications like “new post” (or something similar in video games). Call of Duty is a good example, where every time anything unlocks you get a “new” notification. I have to always clear those out and not see that.


    Forums are the same for me (well, the ones I like to keep up on). I always use the “mark forums read” option when I am finished so that next time I check up I can see whats new (mainly for seeing responses in the help sections). There are a lot of topics however that get a good number of posts in them, that I do not really have interest in.


    The “Playing Customs on PS3/Wii” come to mind. I tend to follow the Custom Songs Support forum a lot to provide help, and it’s somewhat disappointing for me to clink into there and see an apparent raging conversation happening in on of those ha. I know they are helpful, just not for me per-say.



    Curious, and just throwing the idea out there, for a possible option to mark any topic to “unfollow”, so that it always remains “read”. Possibly an account setting to “ignore stickied topics” maybe?


    No real shame if not, and this is definitely nit-picky whining ha. Still, just curious if anyone else would like that as well.

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