Release Day Videos

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    I made a mention of doing some videos for release day song videos (full chart of guitar, bass, keys, and/or drums) but I don’t have a HD-streaming device. In the past, I’ve pointed my 720p video camera at the screen and played, usually while reviewing the song or just talking in general in the background.


    Most people don’t like that method but I wanted to at least give the opportunity to see some charts for anyone who is interested. Either way, I’ll probably make videos of songs I like playing and have them on YouTube anyway!


    :edit: the videos are 720p


    I have an HD recording device, just haven’t been able to have a Rock Band setup since I was in a smaller room with no way of fitting the drum set and everything in the room to be turned on/it just would not be convenient. I am moving this weekend (and will be without internet for a week) but I was planning on setting up a YouTube account to show some custom charts on.


    So don’t feel like ya have to do the camcorder method. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />

      I made a mention of doing some videos for release day song videos (full chart of guitar, bass, keys, and/or drums) but I don’t have a HD-streaming device. In the past, I’ve pointed my 720p video camera at the screen and played, usually while reviewing the song or just talking in general in the background.


      Most people don’t like that method but I wanted to at least give the opportunity to see some charts for anyone who is interested. Either way, I’ll probably make videos of songs I like playing and have them on YouTube anyway!


      :edit: the videos are 720p


      the problem is that people want to see the chart and hear the original audio, not the clacking of instruments. i’ve tried this in the past and the drumming specially drowns the original audio. it would be more work than it would benefit anyone. just enjoy the songs instead :dance:



      the problem is that people want to see the chart and hear the original audio, not the clacking of instruments. i’ve tried this in the past and the drumming specially drowns the original audio. it would be more work than it would benefit anyone. just enjoy the songs instead :dance:


      I hear ya. I know a lot of people just want the charts.


      Now to move onto requesting more songs! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

      the problem is that people want to see the chart and hear the original audio, not the clacking of instruments. i’ve tried this in the past and the drumming specially drowns the original audio. it would be more work than it would benefit anyone. just enjoy the songs instead :dance:

      I’ve been putting up videos for a while, recorded in 1080p with direct audio from the console. Release day is unlikely and it’s pro drums only, but maybe some might find my channel useful?


        Hey guys, we are very much looking for someone to record our videos on a weekly basis. We need 720p capabilities, ability to adapt to a flexible schedule (we try to record ahead of time but for Led Zeppelin in example we recorded some stuff on Wednesday) and possibly some kind of editing skills (Nemo can elaborate on that, he has a great template he uses for the preview videos, I think it’s mainly about dropping a video clip over a timeline). Pro guitar/bass recording capability is welcome but not a deal breaker.


        Since you would get songs ahead of time, being able to keep a secret is very important, but even more important is reliability, both in terms of delivering us the video and of committing to a long run endeavour, because the last thing we want to do is assign this work to someone and then having to redo the process again a couple of months later. It’s not a lot of weekly work but it would free us some time and it would be very appreciated.


        Yeah, like I said I would gladly do it. Give me a week or two to get situated in my new apartment and then I will upload some straight videos and you can see what I can do.


        I’m also fairly versed at editting with AviSynth, so I can definitely handle a few fades or things.

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