Reaper totally messed up

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    So I have encountered a major issue with reaper and have no clue how to recover. I am running reaper v5.04 and was working on my first custom, and i was mostly done with it.(had the expert drums, bass, vocals, harmonies, and a large part of guitar charted) However, I opened it up today to finish off the guitar chart and start reducing for lower levels, but my drums and harms chart were entirely gone, and my bass chart had been copied into my vocals chart and dry vox track. I opened the back up I had and the same thing happened. I had opened the file and made edits earlier in the day, and it was just fine then. I really have no idea of what happened, but I don’t want to start all over with it, that drum chart took me a long time to make, and I was very proud of it. If I can’t get it back idk what i will do, any help, even if its just minor, would be greatly appreciated.


    Are you sure the charts weren’t accidentally dragged onto another track? Also, you ought to be using Reaper 4.22 or older.





    I am fairly certain that I did not drag tracks over to other tracks, but I will double check my undo queue to see. Also, for the reaper version, I already had v5.04 installed for other uses, and did not want to risk losing my other setting preferences just to make a custom song. I will try putting an older version on and see if that helps.


    so i opened it in reaper v4.22, and now I’m missing all of the guitar chart except for one random chord in the middle of it, which was not the first or last thing i put in the chart, backups are showing the same thing.


      Are you sure you are just not showing a single channel?


      I am fairly certain, it still shows all the text info on the left (expert O, expert B, fill marker ETC) and, for example, on the guitar chart it still has the one chord, and on the vocals chart, it has an exact copy of the bass midi copied onto it(the bass chart itself is still just fine). If i misunderstood your question, please explain/ tell me how to check/change.


        Post a copy of the project.


          Select “All” in the Channel drop down menu from the MIDI window. You also have MIDI tracks all over the place, one is covering the actual drums track.


          Oh I did not see that, thank you for the help on that, Still no idea what cause them to jump to other tracks like that, but at least its recoverable. Thank you very much!


            REAPER makes it frighteningly easy to drag “tracks” (files? media elements? tubes?) into other tracks. Several times now I’ve tried to highlight something and ended up shifting a MIDI set into an entirely different track. You might have even just bumped the mouse button once and did some damage.

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