Really Weird Problem – XBOX 360

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  • #393817

    Hi guys,


    Hopefully someone can shed some insight into this one.


    I started encountering this problem a few days ago. When Rock Band 3 loads up it hangs for about 5 minutes on the main screen immediately after pressing the start button. It does not begin to load any songs at this point, it just hangs. Title screen animations and music are playing while this is happening and I can use the 360 controller, so the 360 hasn’t frozen.


    After about 5 minutes it begins to load all the songs and everything works fine after that. I am not missing any songs, no problems playing anything. Just a weird issue. I’ve tried deleting and rebuilding my cache from scratch, copying over a known good cache, removing the last months worth of customs to see if a song has caused this. Nothing seems to be preventing this from happening when I start up Rock Band 3. This is now happening every time I start the game.


    Any one have any ideas?




      This normally happens when the song cache file is not present on the HDD. Rock Band is looking for, then starting to build the cache during this time. But you should be seeing a prompt asking you where to save to (either HDD, USB, or cloud).

      So if this isn’t it, then I don’t know, unfortunately.


      The songcache is saved on the USB drive and there is no songcache on the 360. It doesn’t prompt at all because it is able to see the cache on the USB, so it doesn’t look like its trying to save a new cache.


      The USB is working fine and is recognized by the 360 (both outside and within rock band 3). It just takes about 5 minutes to start loading songs. Weird…


      Does this issue occur if you copy the cache to the hard drive?


      Just tried that now. Same issue. It eventually loads everything.


      I also just tried removing my XBOX 360 hard drive and had the game load everything directly off of the USB. Still encountering the same problem.


      I am going to try packaging my con files together to see if maybe the amount of loose songs on the USB is causing the problem (currently 1,676).


      Thanks for the suggestions!


        Might not hurt reformatting the USB stick as well. Just be sure you remove everything off it before you do!


        Looks like either the reformat or the packaging fixed it.

        Working perfectly now. Thanks everyone!

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