READ FIRST: Board Rules/Details

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  • #388434

      This board is intended to be a discussion forum for songs and other related content being put forth by Contributing Authors to the C3 project. tutorials). If you’re here it means that while not a C3 member, you still want to submit and work on full band songs (with or without minimal help to complete them) that will feature in weekly releases.


      Unless otherwise stated, any information available on this board should not be disclosed outside of it. We want to keep a “veil of secrecy” over upcoming releases and content, and any leaks or spoilers will be damaging to potential interest/hype in the project. You are free to discuss your own releases with whomever you choose, of course, but we would prefer it if those intended for C3 were kept as quiet as possible. Please do not discuss the releases of other authors contributing here or any information shared by C3 Authors outside of this board.


      Please create a thread for each song or pack you are actively working on, and use this thread to keep us updated on the progress, request assistance with the song, or otherwise discuss related feedback. We will create a new playtesting thread when you feel the song is ready for playtesting by our group of playtesters, who we are also asking to keep things “hush hush”. You may also create a thread to discuss the things you would like to chart in broader brushstrokes (something we’ll likely sticky). We’ll try to keep the schedule thread (located on another board, oooh, sneaky) with the information you provide here.


      If you have any authoring questions that are not specific to your releases, such as broader how-to questions, please post them in the “Authoring Tools, Support, & Advice” board, as we would like to work on building that into a useful community resource.


        Bumping this to clarify some questions over the “veil of secrecy” stuff:


        Revealing Information


        a) You can reveal information about your own songs through your own channels, though our preference, for reasons of wanting to maintain the element of surprise, is for you to not do so or to do so through the vaguest of hints (you may have seen some people respond to a thread where someone wishlists ten artists and songs with ‘I’m releasing two of those artists but with different songs’ — this is GOOD). You are free to do whatever you want, but keep in mind that a failure to make a good faith effort to uphold the C3 secrecy more often than not may (and I stress MAY) result in us removing your permissions here and no longer releasing your content as C3 releases, though we would still give them a mention as Around the Community newsreel stuff (and, of course, the Other Customs board would be open for your use).


        :cool: You absolutely CANNOT reveal information about the work of others without their consent. If two or more parties are collaborating on a track — and this includes outside help you might recruit — it can only be released with the primary author’s consent (if one author is spearheading it) or with all parties’ consent (if it’s a split task or joint release). Failure to adhere to this policy will result in your removal from the boards and a likely ban from the forums + access to our file servers. It’s a breach of trust placed in you by us and your peers. Don’t. [expletive]ing. Do. It.


        Releasing Songs


        a) The first rule of C3 is you do not release elsewhere before C3.


        :cool: The second rule of C3 is that there are always exceptions to the first rule, but they are limited in scope.


        The first exception is if you had an existing, ongoing project prior to C3 with a fixed or irregular schedule and, for reasons, you feel obligated/would prefer to adhere to that. Note that having your own release thread is not considered a “project”. Valid current examples would be GHtoRB3 (release conversions whenever stuff is done), Pony Rock Project (well, if it gets revived), RB:HP (though I aim to release on Fridays I can’t get to Google Docs from work so I need to upload and prepare the sheets on Thursday nights), or hosting a live Rock Band night. Starting a new project may give you an exception as well.


        The second exception is the “special case” exception. If you’ve got a special reason for providing a track early to, say, a small subset of members, this would be acceptable. Two examples would be a) a song where you’ve had a small group of people helping you/giving you feedback/eagerly awaiting a release, potentially from before you joined C3, :cool: or a case where you’re giving it to a small subset of recipients for some sort of promotional reason (lolcontests, recording videos, live RB event to debut/test, whatever). Other examples would be cleared on a case-by-case basis.


        One area I can see being a concern is special dates. If the date is a Saturday, Sunday, or Monday, try to release it the preceding Friday. If it’s a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, we may clear an early release and then ‘officially’ release it in that Friday’s release. For example, if you wanted to release a three-pack of songs by an artist to celebrate the anniversary of an album’s release (or a member’s birthday/death), we’d either release it a week early or week of, with a potential ‘early’ release cleared in the latter case.


          Fie că este vorba despre tenis, meciuri de box sau clasicul meci de fotbal, o miză la mijloc face ca totul să fie mult mai interesant. Suntem mult mai atenți la ceea ce se întâmplă pe parcursul meciului, mai ales dacă există cote mari în joc. Deși nu putem controla ce fac echipele sau pe care am ales să pariem, soarta pariului nostru depinde de acele câteva momente cruciale în care se decide totul.

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