RBN plug don’t show Pro Drums Tom


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  • #397245

      Hello Everyone !


      I’m New to Repear and charting songs.So i am probably doing something wrong.


      My problem is:

      – I ‘m trying to chart drums and when i use the RBN vsti viewer, the Pro Toms don’t show up on screen even if it’s in the right place in the midi part. I see cymbals Kick and snare but not toms (Cockos is playing toms sound) .


      I’ve created a project with the RBN template and also with RB2 template (I’ve heard there is a RB3 Template but didn’t find it).

      If someone already had this issue can you tell me how to fix it.Or may be a link to the path for downloading RB3 template.


      Thanks a lot


        I don’t have access to Reaper at the moment so I can’t post screenshots so I hope my description makes sense.


        When making tom notes you need a midi marker on both the tom and the cymbal. For example, if you want a yellow tom, you have to put a marker on the hi-hat and an additional marker on the yellow tom.


        Cymbal hits will always be the default – the tom marker essentially overwrites the cymbal with a tom so you need a marker on both parts for it to read as a tom.


        I know I suck at explaining, I hope that’s enough to make sense haha.


          Hello Bansheeflyer !


          I’ve found what was missing, and it was because of a bug i had to redo a new session and re-write the line in the Pro-Toms 110/111/112 lines and they finally show up (evil toms).



          I hope that’s enough to make sense haha.


          It make sense lol


          Your explanation is really clear thank you !


          I’ve done Guitar/bass and Drums working on vocals actually and i will try Keyboard but without preview it will be hard i suppose.

          (Animation and Overdrives will probably takes some times to learn)


          Thanks for your answer


            I want to add a note, since this happened to me when charting pro drums…


            If on the RBN viewer you start seeing some cymbals instead of toms, zoom in the midi track and double-check that the notes are really aligned with the grid. For some reason my Reaper occasionally decided to put some notes a little early/late even though I had snap-to-grid on. The result was pro tom markers being slightly misaligned with basic notes, which were then interpreted as cymbals <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


              Hello Shroud


              Thank you for the tips !

              May be it’s why I had a problem, because i was sure to put the line at the right place i’m using Reaper 4.22 (beginner).

              After creating a new session and re-import midi file and rewrite Pro-Toms line and all was fine .

              But your tips can help Thank you !

              nhra drags

                I’m very new to this too, my question is, how do you rewrite the drum chart to add the 3 new lines? Thanks.


                  I’m very new to this too, my question is, how do you rewrite the drum chart to add the 3 new lines? Thanks.

                  Hello Nhra drags

                  You need to think about 2 different parts .

                  1) Write normal toms on line 98/99/100 for *Drums*

                  2) Overlay toms section on line 98/99/100 by putting a line on 110/111/112

                  *Lines need to have same duration .

                  Exemple if you have a roll on 4 time in one 4/4 mesure (16/4 subdivision)

                  Imagine simple fill like 4 notes per time on line 98/99/100 it will make

                  1) On Normal drums.

                  -Time 1

                  Line 98-98-98-98

                  -Time 2

                  Line 99-99-99-99

                  -Time 3

                  Line 100-100-100-100

                  -Time 4

                  Line 99-99-99-99

                  2) On Pro drum

                  -Time 1

                  Line 98-98-98-98 + 110-110-110-110 Or (110 line over the first time ,Not recommended if you are using auto animation)

                  -Time 2

                  Line 99-99-99-99 + 111-111-111-111 Or (111 line over the Second time ,Not recommended if you are using auto animation)

                  -Time 3

                  Line 100-100-100-100 + 112-112-112-112 Or (112 line over the Third time ,Not recommended if you are using auto animation)

                  -Time 4

                  Line 99-99-99-99 + 111-111-111-111 Or (111 line over the Fourth time ,Not recommended if you are using auto animation)

                  I hope it will help you to visualize the thing , basically you should see something

                  identical on Toms and Pro toms lines except subdivision until you are on the same tom.

                  Like this:


                  Have a nice day


                    I hope it will help you to visualize the thing , basically you should see something

                    identical on Toms and Pro toms lines except subdivision until you are on the same tom.

                    Like this:


                    Have a nice day



                    Why are you using such long notes without gaps? I would have simply used 1/16ths.



                      Why are you using such long notes without gaps? I would have simply used 1/16ths.


                      Because i’m noob on Reaper and i’m lazy too …. :haw:

                      i also dislike reaper a lot , i won’t use it if it was not necessary for doing RB customs songs (not talking for new versions of the software).


                      That’s why i draw one line and not 16 dots , less click for me :v: don’t hit me <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


                      Just be aware that if you use CAT to generate drum animations that it relies on toms being set on every notes and not just long notes. Long notes will cause animations to be tom for the first note and cymbal for the rest of the duration of the long note.

                      If you’re doing animations manually, it does not matter, the game will be fine with long notes.


                        Just be aware that if you use CAT to generate drum animations that it relies on toms being set on every notes and not just long notes. Long notes will cause animations to be tom for the first note and cymbal for the rest of the duration of the long note.


                        If you’re doing animations manually, it does not matter, the game will be fine with long notes.

                        Hello Alternity


                        So it’s better to have the same number of notes on toms and ProToms .

                        I didn’t try animation yet and this details is important thank you for this intel .

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