RB:HP Issues

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  • #444713
    Sid Kafizz
      Key thing would be to ensure that you’re not loading anything you don’t have, e.g. RBN pro drum upgrades. That can start limiting song count when you are close to the song limit.


      I tell most people to just throw everything in because most people aren’t near the cap. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      So the “stray” or extra upgrades count towards the dreaded 2952 limit? Or am I misunderstanding?

        Key thing would be to ensure that you’re not loading anything you don’t have, e.g. RBN pro drum upgrades. That can start limiting song count when you are close to the song limit.


        I tell most people to just throw everything in because most people aren’t near the cap. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


        So the “stray” or extra upgrades count towards the dreaded 2952 limit? Or am I misunderstanding?


        They do, yes. I discovered this personally whilst trying to build for a convention and wondering why 100+ songs didn’t load. Popped my cache into C3 CON Tools and saw it was reporting ~3000 songs.

          Hi. First time user of RB:HP. I did all the normal upgrades and some of the keys and chart upgrades. Most of the keys work just fine, but when I play RB1 Foreplay/Longtime, the game freezes. Any suggestions? Should I re-run the packager and re-do the upgrade?


          Freezing on track load usually indicates a problem with the midi (missing info or extraneous tracks). It /should/ load fine. I’d say try it again and see, but if you have REAPER I would import the midi in your input folder and make sure it has keys. It’s possible it could be the wrong mid (I don’t think it should be).


          Yeah I just re-ran the packager and everything works fine now. Thanks

          Sid Kafizz

            I deleted a bunch (something like 30 to 40) of prodrums updates from my RBHP input folder, rebuilt everything and re-updated and everything seems fine now. I’m a little leery about what’s gonna happen as I get even closer to the 2952 limit. I already have to use a USB stick to keep about 1000 song files out of the way during my RBHP updates.


            Anyway, thanks for the help!

              I deleted a bunch (something like 30 to 40) of prodrums updates from my RBHP input folder, rebuilt everything and re-updated and everything seems fine now. I’m a little leery about what’s gonna happen as I get even closer to the 2952 limit. I already have to use a USB stick to keep about 1000 song files out of the way during my RBHP updates.


              Anyway, thanks for the help!


              What I did to avoid hitting that 2952 limit when doing upgrades is split all the harmonix dlc on one hard drive and then put the RBN on another hard drive.

              Sid Kafizz


                What I did to avoid hitting that 2952 limit when doing upgrades is split all the harmonix dlc on one hard drive and then put the RBN on another hard drive.


                That’s similar to what i do, Nick – my USB stick holds what I call “non-party” songs. Most of them are from RBN. Means I have to be choosy about which of your awesome PD fixes I grab!



                  What I did to avoid hitting that 2952 limit when doing upgrades is split all the harmonix dlc on one hard drive and then put the RBN on another hard drive.


                  That’s similar to what i do, Nick – my USB stick holds what I call “non-party” songs. Most of them are from RBN. Means I have to be choosy about which of your awesome PD fixes I grab!


                  In a perfect world we won’t have to split any hardrives and just have all DLC and customs on one setlist. RB4 is the answer and hopefully someday customs will be a thing for RB4. But thats years down the line. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

                  Sid Kafizz

                    I was poking around in my input folder, just trying to weed out some of the problem RBHP songs that freeze up my console whenever they get picked (Less Talk More Rokk, The Broken, and Back in Black (Live)). I can’t see what is wrong with the first two, so I just deleted the folders – but the AC/DC track has two .mid files: backinblack_live_plus.mid and backinblacklive_plus.mid. Is this a problem? If so which one do I delete?


                      backinblacklive_plus.mid should be the good one.


                        A question – never had any trouble whatsoever with installing RBHP packages, done it several times. As of today, the latest one I attempted to install consistently loses the harmonies after the “connect the harddrive and rebuild the big cache” bit. I’ve tried everything; moving the packages to harddrive, moving my profile to the Usb, trying an older set of packages… Any advice?


                          Not sure. The behaviour sounds consistent with what I’ve seen when there’s another cache in the environment, but you’ve done it several times before so it’s not like you’re unfamiliar with the steps. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


                            Ended up working out the issue! Had accidentally moved TU4 to my harddrive and didn’t exist on my customs stick for the initial build. Just in case anyone reports something similar!

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