RB3’s Main Menu crashes while loading new songs

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      Hello, I’d appreciate if someone can tell me what can I do. Recently I downloaded/added up a few customs from various sources. After start up and introduction, the game does the usual song catalogue scanning but it crashes up everytime while loading the new content. I tried some clean up from Xbox browser (deleting not only songs I recently added but others too) with no luck. I’m suspecting that maybe it isn’t actually the new content itself but something else, as sometime ago in previous tries, the game crashed while deleting songs from Song Selection menu.


      I haven’t tried deleting song cache yet, since I don’t know how to do it and I wanted to ask you guys first. Can anyone shed some light on this issue?


      Thanks in advance.


        You probably need to delete the cache. Look for the Rock Band cache file on your USB stick (if you’ve done things properly) or on your HDD and delete it.


          The #1 culprit of messed up songcache crashes for me is deleting songs. I assumed it had something to do with songs that interact with RBHP only but I didn’t prove that.


          What I do is create backups of the songcache whenever I load new songs, so if I decide to delete some I can restore that cache.


            Really, because the only time I see this happen, and I have no experience on the Xbox version of the game, it’s because of a bad songs.dta it’s trying to read. But a crash on the title screen means a bad cache, at least in my experience.


              It took me a while to track down RB’s song cache –as it had a different name due to language settings– but it worked out deleting and regenerating it. Thanks everybody for the feedback and help. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


              Hi I have the same issue at start up with a crash and the cache is copied on the stick from the HDD do I delete both song caches (USB and HDD) or just the one on the stick? Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks


              I´ve the same issue, the game try to load the new songs and get crashed, what can i do? i´ve the RBHP package, i need to re-do it? to got the new songs?

              i´ve got 2800 songs before Fatal crash… and i try to add 87 i know the limit is 2957, what can be the problem?

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