RB3 (360) freezing upon loading songs?

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    I recently jumped in and downloaded every C3 release, hoping to discover some hidden gems in these final weeks. I got the 1600+ files on my flash drive via RBtoUSB, but upon the game attempting to load everything the game completely freezes when it gets to the last file. I started to dive into the files to try to find what files may be the problem, but I have so far found at least one GH release freezing the game, and at least one non-GH custom causing the freeze. Has anyone encountered this, and if so, does anyone know any solutions short of checking EVERY file?


      No single C3 custom should freeze your box, because they are all tested. Which songs are giving you problems?


      I’m going to have to dig around to see which GH song it is specifically, I will respond when I discover which it is.

        I’m going to have to dig around to see which GH song it is specifically, I will respond when I discover which it is.


        I’m more interested in the “non-GH” song.


        I will find it, but it may take longer, seeing as the catalog of non-gh customs is FAR larger.


        I’ll just add that I’ve never had a c3 or forum custom freeze my 360. But it might be because your cache is over the limit. If you’ve added then removed songs over time without rebuilding the cache it can happen. If you are using the RBHP files they can artificially add to your cache if you don’t have the dlc.


        Try with your HDD out and just the flash storage of 1600 songs and build a new cache.


        If you don’t mind me asking, since I have never come across this problem, how do I create a new cache?


          Browse your Xbox hard drive, find Rock Band 3 song cache, delete it. Run the game. Game recreates it. You lose scores for most customs. Most problems related to customs are fixed. Voila.


          Sent from my Galaxy Note 4 using Tapatalk Pro.


          It seems using a new cache has fixed the problem, I will update once I finish putting everything on there.


          Edit: disregard.


          All set, the new cache fixed it all. Thank you for your help guys!


          Im long behind the conversation here, but Im having this same problem, it stops at the same number every time and freezes and deleting my cache did not work.

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