Razor’s WIPs – Summer Project: Steven Wilson – Hand.Cannot.Erase full album

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    Right, this’ll be my WIP thread then. I’m terrible with my authoring attention span, so I’ll only post a project here if I’m dedicated on finishing it sometime in the foreseeable future.


    Current projects:


    Wishbone Ash – Sometime World

    Working on this on and off when I get bored of other songs, but it’s steadily progressing. Drums and bass are pretty much done, but guitar is a lot more complex and will take more effort.


    Steven Wilson – Hand.Cannot.Erase full album

    Song progress: 0/8

    There are actually 11 songs on this album, but First Regret/3 Years Older, Home Invasion/Regret #9 and Happy Returns/Ascendant Here On… will be double features as they flow into each other.


    These will be full band charts with the exception of pkeys, as I’m not able to chart them accurately. However, because this is a very keys-heavy album, regular keys will be charted. Looking to get this whole album done over the summer so I can finally get it out of my head.


      Excited for the Steven Wilson album!!!! Can’t wait!!!!


        Anything related to Porcupine Tree bring it on!


          Hand Cannot Erase is such a fantastic album!


          Let me know if you need reductions done!


          Thanks beard, I’ll probably take you up on that when the time comes.

          First Regret/3 Years Older is coming along pretty nicely, but seeing as it just happens to be possibly the most complex song on the album in terms of tempo (alternating measures of 7/8 and 9/8 anyone?), it’s gonna take a bit more scrutiny to nail than the rest of them. Bass also has a lot of downtime between the fun stuff, so I think I’ll end up charting rhythm guitar on that for some parts, mainly the verses. Drums are turning out just as devilishly fun and hard as I imagined they would <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


            I’m not sure even Marco Minneman himself could successfully ‘Play chart’ the drums tracks on this record, it’s truly a monster!

            I do not envy you this task, but totally recognize & admire the ‘balls’ in even attempting it.

            Can’t wait to laugh at how badly my first couple of attempts at some of these songs will be

            <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” /> :rock:


            I’ve been playing customs for a while now but this week was my first crack at charting some. My first endeavor is Home Invasion. I didn’t think to check if anybody else might be working on some Steven Wilson tunes. I’m just about done with the Drums and Guitar parts. Hoping to tackle the bass and vocals over the next couple of days!


            Haven’t worked much on that one yet, so that’s all good by me. Are you including Regret #9 with that as well, and if so, are you planning on adding keys? You kinda just gotta with that song, ya know? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


            Haven’t been updating this thread since I don’t have anything completely done yet, but almost all the songs have some decent work on them now, a few finished instrument parts here and there. I’ve been way busier than I thought I would be (and very ill) this summer, so I haven’t had nearly as much time to work on this stuff as I would have liked. Will keep chipping away when I have time though.


            So far I have the Drums, Guitar and Bass for Home Invasion which I’m fairly happy with, still may need a few tweaks. I just started working on Regret #9, have the drums pretty much done, started working on the guitar solo….which may take some time. I would like to get the keys in for both of them, pro keys if possible, again might take some work.


            Should have checked in here earlier. I’ve got most of the drums of Hand. Cannot. Erase done, just missing Routine, Ancestral and Happy Returns. Happy to share what I’ve got so far. Also doing some other Wilson stuff, drums all done.



            Also, are any of you using the 5.1 versions of the songs? I find them very useful for getting quality charts out of these complex songs.


              It’s been awhile since any word came out about the Hand. Cannot. Erase project. Is this still going to be released?


              I mostly stopped working on it after I mostly completed my drum charts. Last week I picked up Routine again. Just had a look at my 3 Years Older chart and it needs serious attention at various points, but I can probably release what I have so far, tomorrow night most likely. That would include overdrive and drum fills.


              Haven’t heard from anyone else since my first post in this thread, but since I’m so slow on my own, I am very much open to collaborating on the rest.


                That would be great, looking for drum customs anyways….


                Last week went different than expected. Barely had any free time, so I decided to take a bit longer and carefully recheck my charts. I also had to do a lot of beat, and event tracks and add drumfills and overdrive, but everything should be good to go now. Link is in my WIP thread.


                Please let me know what you think.

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