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  • #392400

      So the song I’m authoring has both rapping parts and singing parts.


      I’ve already finished authoring the singing parts as pitched, but I’m not quite sure what to do with the rapping parts.

      They’re too fast for *me* to sing correctly pitched so I’m not entirely sure if I should also author them pitched or as a talkie.

      I’m currently using them as talkies but the only official song that I remember had “rapping”, only had talkie verses (Give it Away) :v:


      So which one do I use?


      The song in question is

      (I’m using a 2015 re-record though, but I couldn’t find it on youtube. It’s basically the same thing as the original anyway)


        The vast majority of the Rock Band songs that feature rapping have used talkies. I don’t know from experience, but imagine it would be a real pain to try to discern the pitching in those segments.


        I quite enjoy that song, incidentally, and will look forward to it!


          I usually err on the side of talkies. It’s less frustrating and in my opinion the difficulty in singing the song should be in singing the song, not in trying to match a pitch that may or may be not.

            I usually err on the side of talkies. It’s less frustrating and in my opinion the difficulty in singing the song should be in singing the song, not in trying to match a pitch that may or may be not.


            I’m the exact opposite. There’s no point in trying to sing pitches when there’s no exact pitch to sing in the first place. Spoken word is just as import as song.


              I’m the exact opposite. There’s no point in trying to sing pitches when there’s no exact pitch to sing in the first place. Spoken word is just as import as song.


              Which is what I said. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>


                I’m the exact opposite. There’s no point in trying to sing pitches when there’s no exact pitch to sing in the first place. Spoken word is just as import as song.


                Which is what I said. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


                Touche. One of the things I love about charting is that it’s a really weird kind of art form itself. There are certain rules and guidelines that have to be followed, but everyone has their own “style.” For example, it’s almost always easy to tell a Harmonix song from a Neversoft song. Sorry for the rambling. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />

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