Question on certain types of customs/files allowed on here

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  • #395629

    Good day C3.

    I’ve begun to make my own customs and custom modifications on my own for my own personal usage. However I’ve begun showing interest in posting some here. However I’m not sure if some are allowed or not. I’ve read the “List of what you can and can’t post on this site” thread but I am still unsure of certain types and their “legality”. Here is what I am wondering is allowed or not:

    Pre-existing track with a different guitar/bass/drum line.

    The example I’m looking at is MetropoLars, which is a drum cover of Metropolis Pt.1 by Dream Theater with a spin on the drums. Since Metropolis is already on RB4 on disk (which makes it an “illegal” song) i was wondering since the drums are the only different thing from the studio version if it would be allowed? I know live versions of pre-existing songs are allowed under circumstances but I’m not sure of this case (or if I did only the drums and none of the other instruments).

    Modifications of already existing C3 tracks

    I already know that it is OK to post the upgrade files of official dlc (like RBHP and such) but what is the case for the upgrade files for already existing C3 release customs? I won’t name it specifically but there was a custom with an unfinished venue and janky animations. I took some time in fixing the venue so that it would be playable (for me at least) but I’m not sure whether posting the .mid file is allowed for it or not. Upcycled customs are prohibited on here but would posting just the .mid file (even just in a separate thread, not on the database) be allowed?


    I’m not sure if this is the right section to post this topic (move it if needed) but I was hoping to get some clarification on these before I make any sort of mistake. Thanks in advance.

    The Other Side

      I believe you could release MetropoLars as a drum-only track, and for the latter, you could try sending the original author your .mid file so they can update it.


        For the cover, if it’s a drums only custom we can allow it.


        For the other track, what did the original author say?

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