Question about vocal charting

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  • #394061

    When charting vocals how would I make a single note go from say A3 to D3?


      Once again, the RBN docs will answer that question.


      “If a syllable is sung across multiple connected notes, then each additional note has a plus sign (+) lyric event to correspond with it. These lyric events tell the game to connect the start of that note with the end of a previous note using a straight line. Plus signs are also used for slides, bends, and trills, using a new MIDI note with a new plus sign event for each note.”


      Okay, thank you


      would you be able to provide a screenshot on how exactly I would do this? like an example?


        Hell no.


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        Make sure you become intimately familiar with those three links. Read them during your lunch, while on the toilet, when at a red light. If you post one more of these threads that show you have put zero effort on your part, I might suspend you, might ban you, or ???. Not sure which one, but you won’t be happy.


        Tread lightly going forward.


        Thread is closed. The next post you create better show you’ve put substantial effort on your part…

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