Question about Custom songs

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  • #391502



    I’m kind of new here but I first want to say you guys are doing a great job here, I’m really enjoying all the content. Ok to get to my question I already have 2 Memory sticks a 16 gig TU5 flash drive and a 32 gig TU4 flash drive, my question is as follows: if I use a USB multi-port (4 port) adapter on my xbox can I use 2 , 32 gig flash drives of customs?? and will the XBOX accept the 2nd flash drive as is or will I need to format it like my original 32 gig flash drive???






      You can have any number of sticks up to a sum of 32GB. That’s the max the 360 allows for external memory currently.


      Thank you, I found out it works, so you can have multiple 32 Gig flash drives connected at the same time. Figured I’d pass that info along to those interested.

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