Pretty tough song that I think many would enjoy (Painted In Exile – “DM”)

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  • #394790

    So this is my first time posting here, been a fan of this place for a bit and I loved the songs the guys here made for Rock Band. I always had this song envisioned of one day being put on Rock Band as a custom song for it possibly being extremely challenging for a full band completion.


    This band is called Painted In Exile and they are a Progressive Metal unit from LI and they combine Deathcore, Jazz Fusion, Technical Death Metal and a bunch of other stuff into their sound to make insane songs.


    This song is title “DM” and it is 11 freaking minutes long with crazy guitar, bass, piano, drum and vocal parts.



    I know it would be very tough to make and could take months to create, but if someone can actually make a full band playable for RB3 with this song, i’m sure many would love to take on the challenge to beat this song. If this request is actually accepted, I’d like it if Easy, Medium and Hard were not auto-generated. I don’t know how tough multi tracks are to do but that would be nice if it could be done.


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