Possible to sing into microhpone to MID record for vocals?

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      hey I had a thought I’d figure I would ask about before I went out and bought a microphone for my computer. But for vocals what if I turned MID record on in Reaper and sang along with the track into a microphone hooked up to my computer, would that work and record the vocal MID tubes onto the chart? I know it wouldn’t be perfect and I understand that I would probably have some serious cleaning up to do of the chart when it was done, but that seems to at least lay a groundwork of some sort to just fix later rather than start from nothing.


        Bad idea. Already covered in the rbn docs. You get wayyyy too dirty a midi track and that’s using the original vocals stem. Unless you have perfect pitch it would be even worse off your own interpretation of the song..


          I saw the recording was covered for just playin the song with the record on, just didn’t know if you could do it with a Mic. But I guess you can even tho it sucks. I almost think at least having that to change and delete unneeded pieces would be easier but maybe that’s just me or my unkowning of how bad the mess would be to clean.


            Actually, this is not a bad idea to get the pitches, but of course you need to be able to sing well. Once you’ve recorded yourself you’re basically gonna have useless notes in terms of placements and slides, but if you sing with a steady voice you probably end up with solid pitches to start from. Don’t even think that you will get a semi-finished MIDI chart, but you may get something to work on probably. At least that’s how I worked on a couple of songs where I had the isolated vocals.


              Yeah I don’t have a good voice as it were but I can definitely hold a steady note. I figured there would be some serious cleaning up to do, but at least it would give me some kinda place to work from instead of going back and forth between me and my Korg tuner and placing notes.

                Yeah I don’t have a good voice as it were but I can definitely hold a steady note. I figured there would be some serious cleaning up to do, but at least it would give me some kinda place to work from instead of going back and forth between me and my Korg tuner and placing notes.


                Make sure NOT to pick up a lot of MIDI notes variations because it’s gonna look like a mess otherwise. You usually can set that value in the program you use, Reaper included.


                  I use Reaper where would I find that?

                    I use Reaper where would I find that?


                    ReaTune. Google “Converting audio to MIDI in Reaper”. There are better software for this but I’ve always (well, those 3 times I did) used Reaper for this.

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