Tagged: Dance, female, Girl Bands, no vocals, pop, Pop Band, tails4eva, Taylor Swift, Xbox360, Xfactor
Thanks for the contribution. ” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”> If you want some feedback, at some point the beat track unhinges or the notes do, actually you can see that in the preview still for the video. Sustains look stubby: if you want you can one-click the fix with CAT > Fix sustains.
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>
Stay tuned for update tonight (Update is All About Bass Harmonies Update)
Rouge Traders Added to DataBase, Happy Valentines All.
its a song from a artist I’ve already released
the song is Lasgo – Alone ?
Nope and nope,
Also, anyone wants to do drums, i have a pack coming up 3 songs id love a co-author for drums.
Next song is a artist originally from the isle of wight, and guesses? A prize for correct guess. Clues can be requested
Lots and lots of Updates.
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