Pop Goes Rockband – 23rd June – Summer 4 Pack

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  • #436046


    Yes, though there’s certainly more nuance to it than that, which is where lots and lots of reading (guides, RBN docs) and trial and error come into play. Import audio, chart song, export song, build package, get on Xbox, test, fix, test, fix, test, fix, test, fix, release. Don’t be like some people and just throw your song up because it made it through Magma. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


    You need to be a self-starter and willing to experiment — generally speaking, the authors that have the ability and experience to hand-hold and walk someone through the process do not have the time to do it, but they will answer questions or help with troubleshooting if you can demonstrate that you’ve tried to work through it and have read the docs/searched the forum.



    ok fair point, i don’t expect it to be easy as such but you got to agree its not simple to follow no matter how many instructions there are you can say they arn’t wordy but they are thats why theyre called instructions cos tbh instructions do my head in cos for me like if I’m told too much information its like riding a bike your told too much info you forget what your trying to do in the first place, when really you just got to get on it a pedal how you know till you get it, the other thing is I’m thinking too much about the big picture of it rather than the small amount i could try with cos I’m not musically talented not in the recording sense yet anyway so understanding how to chart high and low is difficult cos what if u get completely wrong but i suppose thats part of falling off the bike and getting back on again till you do if I’m right ? cos me charting drums when I’m a bassist in real life i know a bit of drumming but no where near what my mate does cos he a drummer for real so he would understand charting drumming if he had to do it where as I’m just bass and an amateur at bass too


    Heads up, a highly requested TV theme is coming up shorty.


    oooo intriguing


    as you know I’m all over tv tunes


    i had two more suggestions for tv tunes i hadn’t suggested before


    Gladiators theme tune – 90s itv show, was very popular in the UK


    Rock the dragon – dragon ball z theme tune


    Any guesses? There maybe a small prize for correct guess


    Ninja turtles ?


    actually either duck tales, dragon ball or sailor moon its got to be one of those I’m guessing


    Ducktales Now Live


    Next 2 Songs Have THE Before them, One is Pop, One is Rock,

    Guesses Below.


    i would guess rock the dragon – dragon ball z


    maybe the script but i know there isn’t the word “the” in hall of fame song title but those are my closest guesses


    The _ H _ _ _


    The _ L _ _ D


    Fleetwood Mac – The Chain Added.


      Thank you so much for The Chain and Duck Tales! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

      Thank you so much for The Chain and Duck Tales! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      Not a Problem, Always bringing out songs with fun in mind, this ones for Mystical Potato, (charles)


        I’ve had the original version of Chain for a long time – nice work, though the audio is sometimes drowned out by the beat-clapping. I played through this today on guitar, and it is nearly perfect. Great job – you took a good guitar chart and made it much better. Thanks.

        I’ve had the original version of Chain for a long time – nice work, though the audio is sometimes drowned out by the beat-clapping. I played through this today on guitar, and it is nearly perfect. Great job – you took a good guitar chart and made it much better. Thanks.


        Okay and have a good week away, its my Birthday week next week so No Release Next Week, ill send you next project next week, i know your away so ill get it whenever no rush, have a good one whatever your doing. And thanks, i know i say it a lot, but what you do not only helps me out on C3 but It Brings me confidence when people enjoy my charts, so thankyou BSbloom.

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