Playing custom drum songs on Phase Shift

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  • #393213

    Hi all


    I hope this is in the right place. I have viewed videos and also done fairly extensive searching around but I’m still not sure I completely understand. I’d like to play customs drums tracks through either phase shift, frets on fire or another PC based medium. Do I merely import the Xbox 360 track into phase shift? Could someone either help me out or point me to a video or explanation that shows how to do this?


    Thanks very much and sorry for such a newb question but I’m new to this community. Appreciate any help!






    There is a tool in C3 CON Tools to convert the CON files to phase shift format, then you just copy the files it created to the songs folder of phase shift.


    Oh ok! So I can buy the tracks (because the official ones have a cost to buy the Xbox 360 track) and then convert and import? I really appreciate the guidance!


      You can’t do that with official songs as their audio is encrypted.

      I suggest you go to the Frets on Fire forums and look around…


      Sent from my Galaxy Note 4 using Tapatalk Pro.


      Oh ok thanks! That isn’t a problem as I have RB3 for PS3 so I can get official dlc there and use phase shift for the customs only. I appreciate the help!

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