Owl City?

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  • #389512

      Currently, I know of the official Fireflies DLC and there is someone on these forums doing “Good Time” but what about more Owl City songs? Like maybe “Take to the Sky”?


      I’d love to do “When Can I See You Again?” One day. I love that track from Wreck-It Ralph.


        Oh. Owl City did a song for Wreck-It Ralph? Awesome! Didn’t knew that.


        When I first told a friend about C3, his first question was “Has someone done that Owl City song from Wreck-It Ralph yet?”


        It’s a fair question.


          I checked out de’ song “When Can I See You Again?” and I would love to play it on Rock Band 3! Though would like if the audio doesn’t have the extra ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ voices near de’ beginning of the song. (The video I checked out had the two characters speaking for a moment while the song was beginning).




          Ha ha! I found this now so I’m happy about it fully!


          Oh, man big-ass +1 to When Can I See You Again. LOVE that song.


          +1 for When Can I See You Again and Embers

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