Orange Harrison’s Un-Retirement Thread [Beatles Multitracks]

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    I want to make songs again. Thanks and have fun.



    Tricky multitracks on this one. Original tape was lost in 1963 before a stereo version was made, so the entire length of the song had to be isolated by hand, again and again for each playable part. Contains honest-to-goodness crowd singalong audio which was also manually pieced together and synced from multiple sources, including a gathering at Strawberry Fields Memorial, a packed stadium of Liverpool FC fans, and the crowd from a cover band’s performance.


    My first custom! Released alongside “Sleep Walk” as an experiment in audio isolation using stereo sources (“Sleep Walk” was mono). Basically made just because my group wanted more harmonies to sing. Also supports Pro GnB because I was a tryhard back then. This song needs a very minor update to reset the genre to “Pop-rock”, keeping it consistent with all pre-Revolver tracks.


    Continuing my quest to balance out the TB:RB “all hits” catalog with more B-sides and deep cuts. Also overwhelmingly requested by Bassists and Drummers. Supports Pro GnB on account of historic bass line. Remember! If you plan to play this on a real guitar, you need heavy-gauge strings for the unusual GGCFAd tuning (that’s -9 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2). The bass is standard tuning.


    Long Tall Sally (1964)

    Just a personal favorite track of mine. Keys stem was sourced from the surround sound audio on one of the Anthology DVDs and brought way up for a playable part. Also dat drums outro.


    The original “more cowbell” song. This song grew on me when I saw Ringo play a cover of it after John Lennon’s death (on youtube I mean, not in person). The stem quality on this one is REALLY high. Probably the cleanest master of all the songs here.


    Revolver (1966)

    Now we are getting creative. The original mix of the song contained easily removed stereo vocals, and one mono track of all strings, which cannot be isolated. However, in a rare case for Beatles songs, the full instrumental is available on Anthology 2, and the strings have been panned into separate spaces in the stereo plane. Talk about easy isolating! I synced those tracks up with the isolated vocals from the original mix to create a full multitrack. This track supports Pro Guitar only. Pro Cello was planned, containing the exact frettings as strung on a cello (not a bass transcription), but this was abandoned when I saw how arduous it would be to figure out.


    Made in a marathon authoring session when the song came on and I realized how the stereo mixing on this track would make it relatively easy to isolate. Supports Pro Bass. There’s no guitar part in this song. There’s a ghost Drums track, which was played during the recording of the harpsichord track for timekeeping purposes and got picked up by the mic.


    Magical Mystery Tour (1967)

    Overall the most difficult song to mix. The “fade-out fakeout” near the ending was cancelled, Anthology 2 contains a remix of the song which is presented as an alternate take, but I recognized the drum track as the exact same take used in the album, and without a fade! I deleted the MMT drums stem, replaced them with the identical, non-faded stem, and fade-cancelled the remaining stems myself. This song is also available with 2x Kick Pedal, just in case. There’s conflicting accounts on whether or not it’s a true double bass. That discussion was had 2 years ago, and you’re not going to bring it up here.


    I made this as a joke but it backfired and now this thread exists. Deliberately went way overboard on the hand animation detail.


    Let It Be (1970)

    “This is the original “naked” version of Across The Universe, which is considered the “true” version since The Beatles denounced the symphonic mix that was produced after they broke up. Another major reason for using this version is that it’s the only version played back at the right speed, so it’s possible to make a (painstakingly hand-written) Pro Guitar chart.” -Me, 2013

    This decision is in-line with the official Let It Be game tracks produced by Harmonix for TB:RB, which do the same thing. Sorry, expert singers, the vocals stem was too low-quality to be mutable on this song.


    Other Customs

    My very first custom, done as an experiment with audio isolation (this is where it all began!) and as a test to see if I had the skills needed to make a custom (I had tried every year since 2008 but just didn’t have the technical skills yet.)


    Entry for the Weird Al collab pack. The Weird Al songs have no stems (my magic dust only works on old songs, because mixing practices were different) but the chart are still rock solid. Also has a very clean fade-cancel that I’m rather proud of. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_emot-3.gif” />


    This song was originally charted by resident author and forums administrator espher, and he gets the credit pretty much. All I did was re-chart the vocals and harmonies after going through some Otis Redding songs and found out how you can change the scroll speed to prevent lyric overflow. Instrumental and acapella versions were released to the public, but can’t be used in RB because they are in flash video format and thus have very low sound quality. We’re talking early newgrounds here.


    I made this and put it out on Valentines day 2014 as a joke because my ex is a stalker and I knew they’d see it. Totally worked. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />

    This song was sparse enough to isolate the parts. The bass scat singing is charted to the Bass track because I’m great.

    [Well this is embarrassing, since this song was never intended for release there’s no link yet. And because the song was so short I began using it for animation testing, so there’s like 20 different versions of this song on my HDD. I have to play them all until I find the non-experimental one.]


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: Are you Dhani Harrison?

    A: Ok, not frequently asked, but I have been asked this more than once. I am not Dhani Harrison, we just both have the rare ability to produce Beatles master tracks, take an interest in Rock Band, have probably talked to a lot of the same people because of it, and have the same birthday.


    Q: How do you do this?

    A: On a computer.


    Q: Do you/did you/will you work for Harmonix?

    A: What kind of world do we live in where someone can’t make content for a Harmonix game, occasionally talk to Harmonix people, and sit at the Harmonix reserved table at PAX parties without someone making the wild assumption that they work for Harmonix


    Q: Can you send me the stems for X song? I promise I’m not trying to redistribute them/remix them/bootleg them

    A: I am sent this almost every time I make a custom, and they always give the same type of “I swear its just for me” pretext. The answer will always be no, for legal and creative reasons. The last guy who did stuff like this (Moggical Mystery Tour) had to shut down his website because bootleggers stole all his work.


    Q: Where are you? What’s the deal with you?

    A: If you are in the Pacific Northwest, you can find me at almost every event hosted by SeattleRockBandGroup. This is their Twitter also. In addition, the second Sunday of every month BATTLE ROCK SEATTLE is hosted at the Unicorn, where you can watch me singing harmonies with PMSLammy. I also attend PAX each year and we host the PAX after-party. I stream irregularly and people who want to know when I am somewhere doing something should follow my twitter. My gamertag is “Orange HarrLson” spelled with an L because a dormant account is squatting the proper one. Feel free to add me for either RB3 online or RB4 score chasing. My steam is here.


    Q: Nerd.

    A: I’m in a real band tho


      Nice to see you again. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        cant wait for elenor rigby <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


          Wow uh…




            I want to make songs again.”







              It’s great to see that you are back.

              Fat Halpert

                Eleanor Rigby! Awesome, thanks man. Its looking to be a great summer for Beatles customs

                You can reach me on Discord: Fat Halpert#3165


                  Loving your work.


                  Now how do we get you to have the same work ethic as Farottone!!


                    Loving your work.


                    Now how do we get you to have the same work ethic as Farottone!!

                    Let’s remember that Farottone’s plane of existence has 37 hours per day in it.


                      Ah, the standard Centaurian time. Maybe the twins can help OH like they help farottone.


                        Wonderful, more Beatles!!!


                          Elanor Rigby is my favorite song by The Beatles. Such dedication to put all this out. It really shows.


                          Eleanor Rigby is up now.



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