OggEnc incorrectly combining audio tracks?

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  • #396972

      It seems to be that my parsed keys and vocals audio are combined in-game by the OggEnc, resulting in keys track ALSO containing the vocals. Is there a workaround?


        This issue happens depending on how many audio channels your Magma project contains. Let’s see that.


          I have one for each instrument, and drums separated into its three composite parts. The song is six minutes 18. There is a backing but no crowd sound (yet).


            I’m not sure why but your post reads as if you’re trying to use key terms without knowing what they mean.

            “It seems to be that my parsed keys and vocals audio are combined in-game by the OggEnc, resulting in keys track ALSO containing the vocals. Is there a workaround?”

            – audio is not parsed

            – OggEnc does not combine audio tracks unless you tell it to do so, and Magma does not, it just converts each input WAV file into one or two channel ogg files that are all put together into one multichannel ogg. The DTA file is what tells the game what channel to assign to each instrument. In theory you can put things in whatever order in the ogg file, as long as the DTA file is edited accordingly, it will still work

            – OggEnc is not in the game at all, DTA file is what decides what happens with each channel in the ogg file


            Post your CON file.

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