Official DLC that freezes in T4?

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  • #390581

    I’m curious about two things:


    1) What are the official songs that cause Rock Band 3 to freeze in T4? Caprici di Diablo, Surfing with the Alien, and…I’m sure there are others.


    2) Have we ever found a way, through our dark customs magick, to fix this problem?


      Funny, I was just wondering about that myself today.


      I’m pretty sure if you were to de-compile them, and remake them using MagmaC3 it “should” work. Just make sure to override the MIDI file and mogg file.


      And you’d have to go into each DTA of the song and change the “game origin” to ‘rb1_dlc’ (I think that’s what it is) to get the venue to work properly.

        I’m pretty sure if you were to de-compile them, and remake them using MagmaC3 it “should” work. Just make sure to override the MIDI file and mogg file.


        I can at least attest to this with Caprici di Diablo. Long time I go I did that, never had a problem with it since. But now it’s RBN2.0 since I fully converted it <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        Do you know which other songs cause freezing, if any?


          Not me, only ever happened with that one for me.


            The Hockey Theme, if I recall correctly.


            Whatever is happening to you is shocking, positively shocking.


            Do YYZ work in TU4, seeing how it is also a instrumental?


            I can confirm that YYZ works fine on my T4 setup.


            I’m not used to messing with Magma so if you’re like me and don’t know how to or don’t feel like recompiling any glitched songs an easy fix is to put it as the second song in a setlist, or really any position so long as it isn’t the first song in the setlist.

            I’m not used to messing with Magma so if you’re like me and don’t know how to or don’t feel like recompiling any glitched songs an easy fix is to put it as the second song in a setlist, or really any position so long as it isn’t the first song in the setlist.


            Ahhhhh…I had forgotten about that. I’ll have to make note of it in my songbook for anyone else who plays it.

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