Oct 18, 2013 – “Weird Al” Yankovic

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    …Hardware Store (why is it rated FF? It has a line about “automatic circumsizers”!).

    It’s a term for the device that chops an end off cigars so you can light them. Some look like little guillotines to be funny.

    Are you sure? All I can find on a Google search is discussion of Weird Al. Besides, most (all?) people call those cigar cutters, not automatic circumsizers.


    I left a but report it though, so we should probably take it there since that would make people happy.

    …Hardware Store (why is it rated FF? It has a line about “automatic circumsizers”!).


    I am not particularly familiar with the cultural practice of circumcision living in Northern Europe so correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t most people circumcised when they are kids? If so I really don’t think it’s a big deal that he simply says the word when he don’t go into any gory details in a fast part that most people would probably miss all together personally.

      Rest assured that the way it was done was on purpose and is the correct way to list his artist name. RB3 likes to sort things differently. I also would have put it down with the Ws, but his name is properly “Weird Al” Yankovic.

      Even Magma: C3 Roks Edition was updated to allow this to happen, since original Magma would not <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


      Yeah, I know that it is technically correct, and that I’m not fixing an error or anything like that, just making it work for me.


      Perhaps I’ve just gone power-mad with my newfound LeFluffie knowledge!

      …Hardware Store (why is it rated FF? It has a line about “automatic circumsizers”!).


      I am not particularly familiar with the cultural practice of circumcision living in Northern Europe so correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t most people circumcised when they are kids? If so I really don’t think it’s a big deal that he simply says the word when he don’t go into any gory details in a fast part that most people would probably miss all together personally.

      When they are a couple days old, yes. But it’s something that would never be dared mentioned on children’s television.

      When they are a couple days old, yes. But it’s something that would never be dared mentioned on children’s television.


      Well that is arguable, shows like Animaniacs pushed the boundaries with it’s constant sex jokes as an example. They just present it as a tool in this song, nothing more is said, and by that it probably could have been on children’s television as one of those “for the adults” jokes.


        You do realise though that HMX had a business necessity to rate their content and we don’t? If authors are kind enough to take the time to rate their content it’s a great plus, but as for all things in life (books, music, television, etc.), judging what’s appropriate is up to the individuals.


          (received via e-mail)


          Hi there,


          I do not know who to thank directly, so I found the closest email address I could find.


          I would like to personally THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the addition of the “Weird Al” Yankovic songs! I have been the biggest fan all my life (1983), and had requested Al’s music to be part of Rock Band through the forums, but alas, no luck.


          I have only recently figured out how to put custom songs on my Rock Band (last weekend, in fact), and was excited that I stumbled upon your website. I found out that you added new stuff every Friday, and I was seriously looking forward to what came out on Friday this week.


          When I saw the Weird Al listings, I lost it. I am so happy right now!




          ~ Phanff


            Now that’s a moving testimony. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

              When they are a couple days old, yes. But it’s something that would never be dared mentioned on children’s television.


              I think it’s time to rewatch a lot of children’s television.





              ~ Phanff


              Awesome. I’m glad people are enjoying this pack as much as I enjoyed making it <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />.


              Alright then, I withdraw my complaint. I’m still not happy about it, but it’s not a major issue.

                Geez, it was hard to see. Bolding it would help since I went straight down to the list of songs upgraded and didn’t see anything there.

                Dude. What did I say in my post? Just bookmark the RBHP spreadsheet. We’re never going to offer direct download links here, so you’ll have to go there anyway.


                I do, but now that you guys include it with your weekly updates whenever there’s a new batch, it’s where I actually find out when there’s new content. I wasn’t asking for downloads, just an easier to spot link (maybe prior to the list of songs section) to the spreadsheet that was already present. I usually skim the blog post (sorry espher!)and go right to the downloads since they tend to be pretty wordy unless there’s a good deal of songs I’m getting that week.


                  Blog post is pksage not espher…which you’d know if you read it :-)


                  You should really read them…they’re worth the 5 minutes!


                    Man, now I feel like I jerk. I always assumed espher wrote them up for some reason. I see that the post was updated, so I do appreciate that!




                    now get back to work

                      since they tend to be pretty wordy


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