Nunchuck’s conversions and reductions 1.28.2015 Huge 20+ song Update

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    however the track volume on Harry Chaplin and Dean Martin seem to be a bit quiet, not sure if you can do anything about that.


    I was about to bring up that exact issue. They are considerably quieter than everything else. If nothing can be done about it it’s still great to have them either way <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />



    I’ve been dying to have “Livin’ on the Edge!”


    Yes!!!!! : )




    Just played them they are great thanks again, however the track volume on Harry Chaplin and Dean Martin seem to be a bit quiet, not sure if you can do anything about that. Voodoo plays and sounds fine though.


    I also noticed this today. So here is a cautionary tale for new authors. I did my final playtest, which is all about fine tuning, at someone else’s house in a rock band party kind of atmosphere. He has a super loud system and it is so hard to hear the mix while someone is drumming on a rock band kit. I had 3 tracks this week with audio trouble that could have been avoided. It literally took a minute to fix, but I didn’t hear the problem due to how I playtested.

    It was a mistake in judgement that I will not repeat. From this point further all of my final testing will be done solo, on my home system. I’m very sorry for the inconvenience.


    New links tested and good to go:


    Cat’s in the Cradle: * new file audio fixed


    Ain’t That a Kick in the Head: * new file audio fixed


    Could some kind soul please give me feedback so I know these are fixed. Even a quick “sounds better” reply would be cool. If I don’t get feedback on fixes, I assume they are okay. But, that old “ass of you and me” thing haunts me. Thank you.


    Just played them they are great thanks again, however the track volume on Harry Chaplin and Dean Martin seem to be a bit quiet, not sure if you can do anything about that. Voodoo plays and sounds fine though.


    I also noticed this today. So here is a cautionary tale for new authors. I did my final playtest, which is all about fine tuning, at someone else’s house in a rock band party kind of atmosphere. He has a super loud system and it is so hard to hear the mix while someone is drumming on a rock band kit. I had 3 tracks this week with audio trouble that could have been avoided. It literally took a minute to fix, but I didn’t hear the problem due to how I playtested.

    It was a mistake in judgement that I will not repeat. From this point further all of my final testing will be done solo, on my home system. I’m very sorry for the inconvenience.


    New links tested and good to go:


    Cat’s in the Cradle: * new file audio fixed


    Ain’t That a Kick in the Head: * new file audio fixed


    Could some kind soul please give me feedback so I know these are fixed. Even a quick “sounds better” reply would be cool. If I don’t get feedback on fixes, I assume they are okay. But, that old “ass of you and me” thing haunts me. Thank you.


    Will hopefully boot up RB tonight, will let you know.


    Will hopefully boot up RB tonight, will let you know.

    Thank you. I appreciate it.


    Thank you so much for Voodoo!

    I hope you are planning to update his customs of the Mortal Kombat movie theme and Evanescense “My Immortal”

    If not, consider this a request.

    You are welcome. Mortal Kombat is on the list. Not sure on Evanescense. I believe that was not a well done custom. Guitar part is a mix of keys and guitar. The sound is not very good. I may give it a go, but I would not count on it being very good or real soon. But you never know until you try. Mortal Kombat, however will probably make it out in the month of June. I hope. I’ve got a lot on my plate, but I’m putting in the time.


    You are welcome. Mortal Kombat is on the list. Not sure on Evanescense. I believe that was not a well done custom. Guitar part is a mix of keys and guitar. The sound is not very good. I may give it a go, but I would not count on it being very good or real soon. But you never know until you try. Mortal Kombat, however will probably make it out in the month of June. I hope. I’ve got a lot on my plate, but I’m putting in the time.


    Awesome. I appreciate the info! :c00l:


      Hey ‘chuck, thanks for the most recent batch of converts! Just wanted to mention that drum animations on both Cat’s in the Cradle and Livin’ on the Edge are missing, and Cat’s in the Cradle didn’t have lipsync (which may be a known issue for you, but I figured I’d bring it up anyway.) Everything else looked good on my end. Keep up the good work!


      Maybe it’s just me but the Cat’s in the Cradle, Ain’t That a Kick in the Head, and Coma White updates are not working. They load and appear in game but with no preview audio and a blank white square for album art. If selected the game throws out the can’t load song skipping bs. I deleted and redownloaded/added with the same result. Get You Gunn works fine and sounds way better with the bass <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> Also have since deleted and re added Spindoctor’s Black Cat and Woman from Tokyo updates with no issue so yeah not sure whats up with those three.


      I had the same issue, you need to delete your song cache and reload it all

      Hey ‘chuck, thanks for the most recent batch of converts! Just wanted to mention that drum animations on both Cat’s in the Cradle and Livin’ on the Edge are missing, and Cat’s in the Cradle didn’t have lipsync (which may be a known issue for you, but I figured I’d bring it up anyway.) Everything else looked good on my end. Keep up the good work!

      I will check it out. How did that get past me? It’s the details like that, that going to me starting an extra 2 hour watch other play playtest now. I’m guessing while playing I just plain miss things like that while looking so closely at charts. My playtesting last week was done in a rock band party atmosphere. Going forward I hope these things aren’t missed. I can tell you I will never playtest that way again. I thought it we be okay. I can certainly tell it was not. Sorry, but I’m putting in the work and doing my best to fix everything I can.


      Maybe it’s just me but the Cat’s in the Cradle, Ain’t That a Kick in the Head, and Coma White updates are not working. They load and appear in game but with no preview audio and a blank white square for album art. If selected the game throws out the can’t load song skipping bs. I deleted and redownloaded/added with the same result. Get You Gunn works fine and sounds way better with the bass <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> Also have since deleted and re added Spindoctor’s Black Cat and Woman from Tokyo updates with no issue so yeah not sure whats up with those three.

      I have no idea why this randomly happens to some. I literally played them minutes before uploading to make sure sound was right. You can use C3 con tools to add songs like that into a created pack and they will generally work. All those were rerun through Magma and have new song IDs so there should be no conflict. Yet it still happens to some people occasionally. Cleaning the cache works great I do it every so often. Some hate doing this because it takes away your saved custom scores. I really don’t care about scores for customs as there is no leader board or anything and I was never a score hound anyway. So maybe the pack thing is a good option for people that don’t want to loose scores.


      Thanks for the pack creation tip. Going to try that out after work <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> It’s not so much my “scores” I don’t want to lose as much as my visible stars and play counts lol


      Well I feel a bit better after looking at these. I felt kind of crappy for missing those mistakes.


      A couple things… KyleJCrb, did you mean Ain’t That a Kick in the Head rather than Livin’ on the Edge?

      Because Livin’ on the Edge does have drum animations throughout. Also Cat’s in the Cradle does have lip sync, might not be perfect but it is certainly there. In fact, toward the beginning in the slow opening part, it is very clear and fairly spot on.

      As soon as I saw this I knew why the MrMet re-do’s were missing animations. I fixed audio and listened super close when I tested it, but I didn’t look close enough. That was easily solved, fixed and tested. That should have been fixed yesterday, I just plain wasn’t looking for that, I was worried about sound.

      They are animated here, now after a simple fix. They played and sounded fine before, they just were missing drum animations.

      Livin’ on the Edge seemed fine here so, I will upload updated animation versions of “Kick” and “Cradle” as soon as I hear from KyleJCrb.


        You’re right, my mistake. I played a setlist and had it confused for another song in my head. One of my cymbals broke in the middle of playing last nigh too, so I was a bit distracted by that and forgot to write down which songs had which problems.


        “Cat’s in the Cradle” and “Kick in the Head” are missing drummer animations, and “Livin’ on the Edge” was set for a release year of 2001 when it should be 1993 (very minor issue, but it did confuse me for a bit.) I also just double-checked “Voodoo” and “Pink” and they looked good.


        Thanks KyleJCrb. I really appreciate the good eye. No worries, I’ve had nights like that. Livin’ on the edge was the re-issue date D’oh.

        New links:

        Cat’s in the Cradle:


        Ain’t That a Kick in the Head:


        Sorry guys they should be cool now. I can’t believe I messed that up, learning experience I guess.


        Try splitting it up into two phrases. It looks tough given the line, but the game can be a real bitch when it comes to long phrases with a lot of words.


        Thanks funky. That worked. You rock. New link up in OP. and here too. … XED_rb3con


        Thanks again Funky


        I finally got around to checking this out, and the missing lyrics to “You Never Even Called Me By My Name” are there now! Thank you!

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