Nunchuck’s conversions and reductions 1.28.2015 Huge 20+ song Update

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  • #435133

    Thank you guys for all the kindness. You have been awesome and supportive. I can not thank you all enough.


    Awesome releases Nunchuck! Thanks man. Btw, any chances of seeing Vocals added to Dot Your Eyes, Way of the Fist, No One Gets Left Behind and Vocals/Bass for Mama Said Knock You Out by FFDP? I’d love to sing those.

    I would love to add at least un-pitched vocals to every song. It is a time thing. It very well may happen, at least in part, in 2015. I am putting in the time with learning new skills. You guys rock and we want to give you the best quality we can. There are things that are new coming. Hopefully you will all dig what we are cooking up.


    You guys rule! Bonus point for Tomahawk, I planned on doing God Hates a Coward too, but luckily I didn’t start. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” /> I’m getting all of these! Thanks a lot <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

    I love Tomahawk and all things Patton. It seriously rocks and is super fun to play.


    I’m bummed I missed your mini hints thread, I would probably have had some fun with that.

    You will see this return for our next release. I love the hints threads and the excitement and speculation they cause.


    If you have not checked out Roky Erickson yet. I urge you to give it a shot. It is one of the most fun tracks we have ever done, if you like straight up rock tunes. Here is a Youtube link to the song:



    Thank you everybody and Happy Holidays to you all.


    Another awesome release, fellas! Lovin’ the King Diamond and Sabbath. I’ve always thought about doing Heaven and Hell and might look at pitching the vocals some time down the road.


    Thanks for the gifts!


      I just played the Meat Puppets and Tomahawk songs and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Thank you very much. :excited:


      Loving your work, my friend. I’ve been enjoying all the Van Halen goodness.

      I had a question if I may about how difficult it would be to take the drum tracks down to 2 channels on some of your work? I am on the PS3 and there seems to be a 2 channel limit. This makes any song authored with 5 or 6 drum channels (tracks?) unplayable. There is no preview that plays and queuing the song causes the game to freeze every time. So far I’ve found 5 titles that fall in this category and 2 are yours, which are “and the Cradle Will Rock” & “Atomic”. I don’t suppose anyone has a wii version of these songs? I could pull the mogg out and use that as the wii seems to also need 2 channels to work. To salvage these 5 songs and any more in the future, I am willing to do the work myself if need be providing the learning curve isn’t obscene. However I just wanted to check with you as the original author (or anyone else in the know) before I go and try to jump into the deep end on my own because I’d hate to lose such great music.


      Hey there rockers. It’s a new year and one of my goals for early this year is to clean out my Work in Progress folder. It got a bit full of stuff I didn’t release but worked on while my father was ill. So I took on this task. First I had several MrMet conversions I did. I looked at them and was not impressed with them at all. I have added things to my skill set and these weren’t up to par with the way I do it now. So I re-worked them all, including ones I previously released that were not all that good. These tracks are not perfect at all, but they have been upgraded in a lot of ways to bring them up to my 2015 standard. Secondly I had a dozen or so GH converts that were in there. They all also needed re-working. So I have got them ready. It is still January, so I’m doing well. In addition to these tracks, I have been a busy boy. I have some really cool stuff lined up for the future. It is coming soon.


      MrMet conversions

      … _V1_rb3con


      … _V1_rb3con


      … _V1_rb3con


      … _V1_rb3con


      … _V1_rb3con


      … _V1_rb3con


      … _V1_rb3con


      … _V1_rb3con


      … _V1_rb3con


      … _V1_rb3con *New Version 2015

      … _V1_rb3con *New Version 2015

      … _V1_rb3con *New Version 2015


      … _V1_rb3con *New Version 2015



      GH conversions


      … nV1_rb3con


      … tV2_rb3con


      … _V1_rb3con


      … eV1_rb3con


      … _V1_rb3con


      … _V1_rb3con


      … _V1_rb3con


      … yV1_rb3con


      … eV1_rb3con


      … dV1_rb3con


      … eV1_rb3con


      … eV1_rb3con


      Damn that was a lot of songs. I hope you all dig at least some of them. Those Bond songs are quite fun. They have some great artist with fun songs. Tina Turner, Chris Cornell, Sheryl Crow and many more that are real fun. The Alice Cooper are studio versions. The songs that have new versions are worth downloading, if you liked the old ones. They are just improved. I may post some upgrades to other older things I did if there is any demand. Let me know if you would like to see more upgrades. Some of my older songs were just weak. Bad Overdrive/Unison Phrases/Drum Fills, no practice sections and other things that make want to re-do some of them. The opening post here is a mess sometime real soon I will get it up to date. It is on my list of stuff to do.


      There is something coming very soon I think many will like. Sygenysis and I have some really cool things cooked up for you guys. Be watching, it will be here soon.


      Everybody be safe and happy.

      Remember to rock out whenever you can… Life is short.


        The Mrmet conversions are awesome man. Any chance you did any volume correction on them too? I remember Skyfall being awfully quiet


          Holy hell! Many thanks.



            Very glad to see these get an update. I have them and have played them, and I rarely get non-official content. But they’re awesome songs. So fixes are always welcome <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />



              great post my friend, look forward to playing some of the updated songs.


              Very very nice works… Mega Thanks


              Question: I have quite the old S&M Metallica, and I shall be interested by your 2015 standard of these songs.

              He has a chance there that you work again his songs?




                Nice update!


                Excited to try the Alice Cooper studio versions. We are not big fans of the Harmonix live versions.


                Thanks and am very much looking forward to what you and Sygenesis have lined up.

                Any chance you did any volume correction on them too? I remember Skyfall being awfully quiet

                One of the fixes for the MrMet tracks was adjusting the volume of every one. I didn’t do a lot of chart altering. Mostly I completely re-did all the overdrive/unisons/drum fills, added at least crude practice sections and double checked reductions and solos as well as the volume corrections. If there are any problems let me know.


                Thank you for all the kindness everybody. It is my pleasure to give back to the community.


                  Wow, thank you so much for these! Awesome work!!!


                  yeehaw! amazing stuff! most excited about the Kiss track because that finally got one more off of my wish list of wanted GH conversions. only 31 left on the list, topped by Sonic Youth and Pavement ;-)

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