Nunchuck’s conversions and reductions 1.28.2015 Huge 20+ song Update

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      Nice to see you back. Fuck cancer. You didn’t say how old he was, but it sounded like he lived a long and fulfilling life, and was loyal to his country, his job, his wife, and his children. I’ll definitely play that song tonight with him in mind. I wish you the best going through this.


      I was sorry to read about your loss.


      I have been living a long cancer fight with my mother and I know how hard it is when good news slips to bad news and remission becomes active. Your post was a touching tribute to your dad’s impact on you and also a testament to his success at raising a man and a human being worth knowing, if only tangentially.


      Since I have downloaded and played many of your songs, I felt an extra twinge of sadness for you today when I read this. I hope that you are getting all the support you need and deserve at the moment. My condolences to you and your family and my sincere hopes for a speedy transition through this time.

      Hello my friends.

      I have been gone for a while. My father has been battling terminal throat cancer. On Tuesday afternoon, he finished his long fight; he passed on mercifully. It has been hard. For many months he fought so hard, even right to the end he wouldn’t give up. He had not spoken, eaten or drank in over a year. All his life came through a tube, and still, he fought. He was a brave man. He served his country during the Vietnam war, as a member of the US Air force. He served his community with more than 40 years work at the electric company. He also served his fellow veterans by being a Past Commander of the American Legion post he was a member of. He was a great father to me for 43 years, as well as my 2 younger brothers. He and my Mom have been married since 1968, nearly 46 years. He will be truly missed by many.


      That is part of the reason I haven’t been around much. The stress of this time also took quite a toll my health. I am looking to turn a corner here. There have been several very supportive people here that I need to thank. If I have spoke with you about this, thank you for your kindness and empathy, I truly appreciate it.


      Spindoctor, my brother thank you for all the time spent trying to help me get through all this. You are a great friend and one hell of a guy, so I am thanking you publicly. You are one incredible person that I will always feel I owe a debt of gratitude to. Your help and encouragement has been more than helpful. Thank you Brother!


      Today I would also like to thank Sygenysis. He is a super kind and thoughtful soul, not to mention a talented and cool person. He has helped me with many songs, that helped me stay busy during some real dark times. So yeah, I know it wasn’t necessary, but you went out of the way to do some personally very touching songs. I am so thankful for all the kindness and support. You have touched me in a way I will never be able to explain. Thank you so much.


      Thanks to Sygenysis, I have a song today that I would like to dedicate to my father and all those that have fought and are still fighting. It is another Warren Zevon song. It touches me deeply. The message is strong and positive. Please enjoy. Hear what Warren is trying to tell us. Don’t wait until the end to look back and enjoy life, Live, Love and Rock out while you can. Life is gone in an instant.

      … kV2_rb3con


      There will be more songs soon. I have some stuff in the works.


      Thank you all.


      I wish I could say I didn’t know how you feel, but I sadly do. I lost my father to brain cancer when I was eleven. He was told he had two weeks, but he survived for four months. He passed just a few days before my twelfth birthday.


      I’m very sorry for your loss <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


      Sorry to hear it, man. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


      Thank you. You guys are the best. I cannot express how thankful I am for your messages. I truly feel for the others that have experienced loss of a loved one to illness. My father fought for months with all the bravery and valor that a man can muster. I only hope to honor his memory with this dedication. He lived almost all of this 65 years strong, but in that last 6 months was the bravest fight I’ve ever seen. So love hard and make sure your loved ones know how much they mean to you. It all ends in an instant.


      “The moon has a face

      And it smiles on the lake

      And causes the ripples in Time

      I’m lucky to be here

      With someone I like

      Who maketh my spirit to shine


      Don’t let us get sick

      Don’t let us get old

      Don’t let us get stupid, all right?

      Just make us be brave

      And make us play nice

      And let us be together tonight”


      -Warren Zevon


      Thoughts are with you and your family mate, great to see you back I always enjoyed your work.

      Thanks for the reductions!!!


      Can I request 3 songs for reductions?


      They are 2 japanese song and other



      there is a sepreate area for that my friend


      Today seems like a good day for drinkin’, so here is a good drinking song. So drink up boys… By the pitcher not by the glass, uh-huh. And a pitcher to go…

      … dV2_rb3con

      Another great collaboration with Sygenysis.


      There will be more, but this song just felt right today. Once again thank you all so much for your kindness during a really hard time. You just prove over and over why this isn’t just some video game. It is it’s own world. A place with creative, helpful and supportive people that daily bring us something to be thankful for. I’m thankful for RB3 and C3 everyday. There is always music in the air, always something new.


      *Please enjoy responsibly


        My condolences go out to you & your family mate.

        As a tribute to you & all of your hard work, myself and a small group of your RB3 bruthas & sistas down here in West.Australia will be raising our glasses (and controllers!) in your honour this saturday night at what we’re calling the RB3 “Nuthin but Nunchuck Night!!!” <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

        Where we’ll spend the evening playing only custom content that you’ve posted or had a hand in creating, and attempt to end up with more gold stars on the screen than empty beers on the table by the time the sun comes up!

        a bit ambitious, maybe…but should be fun none the less!!!

        Cheers to you mate :cool:

        My condolences go out to you & your family mate.

        As a tribute to you & all of your hard work, myself and a small group of your RB3 bruthas & sistas down here in West.Australia will be raising our glasses (and controllers!) in your honour this saturday night at what we’re calling the RB3 “Nuthin but Nunchuck Night!!!” <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

        Where we’ll spend the evening playing only custom content that you’ve posted or had a hand in creating, and attempt to end up with more gold stars on the screen than empty beers on the table by the time the sun comes up!

        a bit ambitious, maybe…but should be fun none the less!!!

        Cheers to you mate :cool:


        I am speechless. That is so touching. Thank you so much for the message and the thought. That is simply amazing. Way above and beyond the call, my friend. This is the brotherhood I love here. Please know that you put a huge smile on my face, where there wasn’t one before I read this. Thank you!

          My condolences go out to you & your family mate.

          As a tribute to you & all of your hard work, myself and a small group of your RB3 bruthas & sistas down here in West.Australia will be raising our glasses (and controllers!) in your honour this saturday night at what we’re calling the RB3 “Nuthin but Nunchuck Night!!!” <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

          Where we’ll spend the evening playing only custom content that you’ve posted or had a hand in creating, and attempt to end up with more gold stars on the screen than empty beers on the table by the time the sun comes up!

          a bit ambitious, maybe…but should be fun none the less!!!

          Cheers to you mate :cool:


          I am speechless. That is so touching. Thank you so much for the message and the thought. That is simply amazing. Way above and beyond the call, my friend. This is the brotherhood I love here. Please know that you put a huge smile on my face, where there wasn’t one before I read this. Thank you!


          This was such a cool post I had to comment :c00l:

          This game we love has brought a lot of good people from all over the world together for the love of music & good times with friends. I have never met Nunchuck except through this site but he is one of the coolest guys I have ever had the pleasure of dealing with. I too will be raising a glass of Captain Morgan & coke at my weekly session on Saturday. Hang in there little brother!!!!


          Hello Rockers. I saw a request for Phish and I’ve had these done for a while, but due to circumstances, have not previously posted. I updated them to be wipe proof. Well, here we go:


 … eV2_rb3con


 … eV2_rb3con


 … rV2_rb3con


          Enjoy and remember Rock Out life is short


          Awesome, those are a lot of fun on guitar


            thank you for doing this. just curious if you adjusted the DRUM tracks to conform to RB3 or just cut and paste?

            thank you for doing this. just curious if you adjusted the DRUM tracks to conform to RB3 or just cut and paste?

            They have pro drum toms and such if that is what you mean. I am not a drummer but I believe they should be cool. If you notice anything pm me and I’ll get it figured out.

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