Nunchuck’s conversions and reductions 1.28.2015 Huge 20+ song Update

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  • #425751

      I noticed that the year on Go to Hell is wrong, it says “2014” when it’s from 1995. Still, nice to see some of these songs released. Call me crazy, but I like that Nuclear Rabbit track there.

      I noticed that the year on Go to Hell is wrong, it says “2014” when it’s from 1995. Still, nice to see some of these songs released. Call me crazy, but I like that Nuclear Rabbit track there.

      Thanks, it is all fixed now. Sorry folks. Glad you like that rascally rabbit.


      I would only comment on this because you asked for feedback. Personally I’m not big into the novelty stuff in the RB setting but I totally get why lots of people would be. I don’t mind listening to that kind of thing for a laugh, but I had a few weird experiences playing that kind of material in RB. The few times I tried it in a party setting (be it with friends, family, or both) it would sometimes fall awkwardly flat if not everybody else in the room finds the same thing quite as funny as you do. But I guess it totally depends on the particular group (and how much booze they have consumed). Personally I like to take my RB sessions very serious (…he says ridiculously).


      *EDIT* – btw, I must have played the “Big 4” tracks 3x each this weekend. I was going solo (vox & some guitar) but great fun was had!


      I’ll echo Mycool’s comments above. I wouldn’t fault anyone for wanting them but I’m not as big a fan or at least not to the point of wanting a “novelty” song over a more standard track. I’ve had the same reaction at a party when I qued up what I thought was a hilarious Johnathon Coulton song only to get a bunch of blank stares once it ended. Dorks. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      I love that you guys take the time to chart though and I’m sure there’s plenty of guys/gals who enjoy the novelty tracks. I’m not going to say anything bad about it at all. I’m sure if I gave you a list of artist I’d like to see charted there’d be plenty of people who would scratch their heads about those choices too. After a while you just learn to download and appreciate the songs you like and ignore the ones you don’t until next week.


      Thanks for all your work.


      I would only comment on this because you asked for feedback. Personally I’m not big into the novelty stuff in the RB setting but I totally get why lots of people would be. I don’t mind listening to that kind of thing for a laugh, but I had a few weird experiences playing that kind of material in RB. The few times I tried it in a party setting (be it with friends, family, or both) it would sometimes fall awkwardly flat if not everybody else in the room finds the same thing quite as funny as you do. But I guess it totally depends on the particular group (and how much booze they have consumed). Personally I like to take my RB sessions very serious (…he says ridiculously).


      *EDIT* – btw, I must have played the “Big 4” tracks 3x each this weekend. I was going solo (vox & some guitar) but great fun was had!


      I’ll echo Mycool’s comments above. I wouldn’t fault anyone for wanting them but I’m not as big a fan or at least not to the point of wanting a “novelty” song over a more standard track. I’ve had the same reaction at a party when I qued up what I thought was a hilarious Johnathon Coulton song only to get a bunch of blank stares once it ended. Dorks. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      I love that you guys take the time to chart though and I’m sure there’s plenty of guys/gals who enjoy the novelty tracks. I’m not going to say anything bad about it at all. I’m sure if I gave you a list of artist I’d like to see charted there’d be plenty of people who would scratch their heads about those choices too. After a while you just learn to download and appreciate the songs you like and ignore the ones you don’t until next week.


      Thanks for all your work.


      Thank you guys very much. I understand your point completely. I realized what you are saying is almost always true. The crickets chirp, someone clears their throat and you jam on the buttons trying to get to the next song before people leave. I appreciate the honest reactions and sentiment. You guys make this whole forum so welcoming.


      I find I would also rather have a rocking tune than a funny little ditty. They are devilishly fun however. Those songs tend to stick in your head like nursery rhymes. Seeing girls sing Big Titty Girl is so worth the price of admission.


      Hello there rockers, it’s time to share the love for this week. There is so much good stuff this week. We start out with 7 great tracks Sygenysis and I cooked up for you. This week we bring you some 80’s metal, a big 90’s hit, a great female vocal song and a track that is deeply important to me by one of the most brilliant songwriters of all time. I think Sygenysis and I hit some really fun songs here. As a team we are attempting to bring you great songs. Songs we want and hopefully you do too. I had a blast rocking these tracks out. Enough damn text… Let’s rock!

      All Sygenysis songs have unpitched vocals.


      … eV3_rb3con


      … tV2_rb3con


      … nV2_rb3con


      … uV1_rb3con


      … wV2_rb3con


      … eV1_rb3con

      If you have never seen this music video, go to YouTube and check it out. It is definitely unforgettable. About halfway through it just goes absolutely insane. It is worth a look, unless you don’t like blood that is.


      … pV3_rb3con

      The title may seem vulgar, but indeed it is a touching heartfelt account of getting some of the the worst news you will ever get. I know this feeling and it describes it perfectly, with wit and inspiration. If you have been there you will understand immediately. So please pardon it’s profane title and look deeper. This is a rare beautiful treat by a genius songwriter.

      I dedicate this track to all those who have got this news for themselves or loved ones. I understand, as did Warren Zevon. I hope it touches you the way it touches me. This is without doubt the most important song I have had part in releasing. I have to Thank Sygenysis for making this very special release possible. Few will ever understand how much it means to me. Thank you for listening to my emotional rant. I appreciate it.


      And now for something completely different, here are the remaining long promised Countdown to Extinction tracks.


      … nV2_rb3con

      Original work by furiouss

      additional thanks to sygenysis for help with tempo map. Thanks my friend!


      … rV2_rb3con

      Original work by furiouss


      … tV1_rb3con

      Original work by furiouss


      … nV1_rb3con

      Original work by furiouss


      Here is the tease… This week in honor Twin Peaks being released on Blu-ray the tease will be done in the style of David Lynch…

      “The tv clown’s son is bringing the movie star.”


      Also GH converts and more great songs and surprises I hope.


      Remember life is short so rock out!!!!!


      Hell yeah! Another grand slam week from you guys. Loving the 80’s metal. I’m going to have to bust out the “Them” shirt for today’s Rock Band get together. I have been waiting for something solo from the King to show up for a long time.


      Thank you for the hard work and keep up the awesome picks… It’s almost time to shatter some windows singing Welcome Home.


        Thanks for “No One Like You”, “Low”, and the rest of “Countdown to Extinction”.


        If you plan on doing more Anthrax I would love to see “Got the Time”. Probably my favorite Anthrax song.


        Fantastic! this is fabulous

        Will be rocking the King Diamond and Amanda Palmer indeedly


        These are awesome. I sure hope someone will do pitched vocals for Scorpions!

        These are awesome. I sure hope someone will do pitched vocals for Scorpions!

        This and vocals for all that Megadeth! Hell I’m looking to see Count Down as a official release <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


          Oh man, I was about to give up on getting any more Warren Zevon in Rock Band. Which is kinda weird, because I’m not exactly in a position where I can’t do anything about it. I was actually on my way to including A Certain Girl with the big 80s pack three or four weeks ago, but threw on it the backburner.


          The big problem with wanting to do a pack for an artist like Warren Zevon is, of course, the keys, but if I can suitably build a pack I’m happy with, I’ll definitely come back and polish this up. Very glad to see I’m not the only guy who wants to see more of his work on here.

          Oh man, I was about to give up on getting any more Warren Zevon in Rock Band. Which is kinda weird, because I’m not exactly in a position where I can’t do anything about it. I was actually on my way to including A Certain Girl with the big 80s pack three or four weeks ago, but threw on it the backburner.


          The big problem with wanting to do a pack for an artist like Warren Zevon is, of course, the keys, but if I can suitably build a pack I’m happy with, I’ll definitely come back and polish this up. Very glad to see I’m not the only guy who wants to see more of his work on here.

          A Certain Girl is awesome. I am a huge fan. Hopefully there will be more. A greater songwriter and musician you probably won’t ever find. I am so pleased to bring this to everybody. If even one only person checks out Warren Zevon because of this I will be thrilled. He has touched my life in many ways. Thank you for appreciating it. If you ever want to work with it let me know. I would be very happy to contribute.


            Even if No One Like You’s chart is new, it’s still a cross over from Rocks the 80s! By my count, that’s 3 songs that fans have brought over from that game.

            Sid Kafizz

              Thank you so much for the Zevon track. I still have great memories of his final appearance on Letterman.


              I am thrilled that others are digging Warren Zevon. I’m hoping for more soon. It means a lot to me to put out tracks like this. Warren was a genius and I’m glad to help spread that genius. Thank you everyone for the kindness.

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