Nunchuck’s conversions and reductions 1.28.2015 Huge 20+ song Update

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  • #424388

    Thank you everyone for all the kindness. You guys rock. I am glad you are digging them. Reading these reminds me of my excited thank you messages I post to authors. I know how it feels to be on the other end now. It feels pretty damn good. I hope I helped other authors to feel that way. I’ve been smiling ever since I saw your reactions.


    Thank you.


    Hello everybody. So, this week heavily features conversions of songs By Sygenysis. This guy rocks, let me tell you. All of his songs have Guitar, Bass, drums and unpitched vocals. Sygenysis and I have been working to bring some really cool stuff to you guys, and there is much more to come. This has been a great week for me. I got my first official release thanks to Lowlander. Thanks so much. I also have seen this week bring my most wanted RB song, as well as releases bringing my total of songs over 100, between the Guitar Hero Time Machine songs, this thread and a few other things I pitched in on. I don’t know exact numbers, but over 100 is a for sure. What a great week for me. Well enough talk, on with the rock.


    First off a couple of GH conversions:


    Guitar Hero Conversions


  … xV2_rb3con


  … pV2_rb3con



    Phase Shift Conversions


    ** Warning these have un-pitched vocals**


  … nV2_rb3con

    My #1 most wanted song


  … kV1_rb3con

    And Oh Hell yeah Chainsaw on guitar


  … sV1_rb3con


  … dV1_rb3con


  … gV2_rb3con

    I know there is a live GH version. This is the studio original and awesome.


  … sV3_rb3con

    Pig noises included. Tremendous!


    Huge thank you to Sygenysis for all his hard work.





  … xV0_rb3con

    MrMet conversion. Proper titles, album art and reductions.

    May not be perfect but it is sweet. Thank you MrMet.


    I have so much to tease with it is hard to choose what to tease. Be watching; cool stuff is coming soon.

    Including: The remaining Countdown to Extinction album tracks to finish the whole album.


    And as always life is short so rock out!


    Thank you so much for the Jackyl track. You made my freakin morning!!


    second on Jackyl – thank you very much for the hard work!


    Ooooo, Green Jelly


      Very cool to see Green Jello and Ugly Kid Joe. Nice work!


        Holy shit, Green Jellÿ! I never thought I’d hear them in this game.


        Great googly moogly Nunchuck, you have become a true rock star in the world of customs conversions. So many of the songs you work on are right in my wheelhouse so whenever you post any full band stuff it feels like Christmas to me (no joke, I am a bit of a man-child when it comes to my rock music). I hope you don’t mind me asking again, but are you still planning to release the remaining VH tracks? (*cough*-*Hang Em High*-*cough again*-*please say yes*). I don’t mean to be a nag, but I recall you saying there was trouble with a couple of the tempo maps so I was hoping you didn’t give up on them (plus it’s that whole man-child thing again). Regardless of whatever you do plan, or don’t plan to put out, like I said before you’re already a rock star in my book. So much thanks for all of these great additions as always. GREEN JELLY FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! I never could’ve saw that one coming, I haven’t even thought of that band in ages. I had a friend “back in the day” who played that album constantly when we hung out. Come to think of it, that same friend also played that first Body Count album all the time. Strange coincidence perhaps, but I’m starting to think you might actually be him. :wth:


          Ugly Kid Joe! Awesome…any chance of Everything About You and Neighbor coming down the road?


          oh man, i know i never post but thanks soooo much for 3 lil pigs! my 3 y/o loves that song so much. hes gonna kick that songs ass singing it!! :excited: :dance:

          but are you still planning to release the remaining VH tracks? (*cough*-*Hang Em High*-*cough again*-*please say yes*). I don’t mean to be a nag, but I recall you saying there was trouble with a couple of the tempo maps so I was hoping you didn’t give up on them (plus it’s that whole man-child thing again).


          I have that song and Loss of Control in limbo. I’ve tried for hours to fix the tempo maps. They have BPMs over 300 and Magma won’t take them. So, if anyone out there that is good with fixing that or has another solution please contact me. The day you mentioned Hang Em High I started it, got as far as magma and there it still is.


          I’m sorry I still try at least once a week to get it right but it is so difficult for me. Keep the faith, maybe one day.


          I have that song and Loss of Control in limbo. I’ve tried for hours to fix the tempo maps. They have BPMs over 300 and Magma won’t take them. So, if anyone out there that is good with fixing that or has another solution please contact me. The day you mentioned Hang Em High I started it, got as far as magma and there it still is.


          I’m sorry I still try at least once a week to get it right but it is so difficult for me. Keep the faith, maybe one day.


          I will consider accepting your apology and get back to you… :ohdear: I am joking of course, there is certainly no reason for you to apologize to me. I still feel kind of like a d-bag for asking you about it again but that’s never stopped me before, so why start now? No worries, thanks to you I have plenty of new toys to play with to keep me busy (ok, I’m going to drop the whole ‘little kid’ premise now because it’s even creeping me out). I will hold out hope for the future but in the meantime I’ll just “keep one ear to the ground, listening to the dead.”



            Thanks for giving me a shout-out, but even greater thanks for Three Little Pigs. I might come back and upgrade this after the month is out.


            I have to ask if there is a chance for more Jackyl?


            Hey guys thank you for all the kindness. I liked theses songs a lot. Sygenysis did some real cool stuff. He and I are going to bring you some more awesome soon. Including hair metal, female vocalists and cool songs we love.

            Milkman’s Son was by far my most wanted song. It seems like a great fit for RB. I’m definitely thrilled with these tracks. I’m definitely hoping for more Jackyl. Down on Me and She Loves My Cock would be great. I’m also hoping for more UKJ one day.


            Lowlander let me know on that. I would dig it the most.


            LUMPYHEADMAN I would love to see video of that. That would be very cool.

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