Nunchuck and Sygenysis’ Customs Funhouse – April 18, 2018 Sublime, Luniz and Brewer & Shipley

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    Hey there Rockers,

    Today is a monumental day in Funhouse history. Today marks the anniversary of the day the Funhouse opened. Back in 2015, Sy and I set out to turn great songs we love into Rock Band Customs as a team. This was different than just a small venture. We took it to a whole new level. We started with nothing but burning desire to make some great stuff. We had worked together before, now we were a team. It was a true partnership. We both picked songs, we both did what we did best. Sy is magic. His ears are amazing and he has charting abilities most could only dream of. Well… me, I so badly wanted to be part of this amazing community that I was always learning the workings of Rock Band. I started doing conversions and reductions, which is how Sy and I met. I converted his Meat Puppets Backwater custom to a RB3 playable track. We talked and hit it off. We like a lot of the same stuff. We worked together on some other great tunes. Next thing I knew, we really had something going. His incredible talent for charting combined with my knowledge of RB customs worked out great. I come up with the hype, special programs and the write-ups for them. Together we make a great team!! I could go on and on about our past and the history we have forged together.


    I have to thank Sy for a truly amazing three years +. His talent is only exceeded by his kindness. I could never have imagined we would be here today and I would be writing this all down. Thank you so much!!!


    As long as I’m being all sentimental and shit, I would also love to properly thank some of the great people along this journey. Firstly, Farottone and the founding fathers all made this possible. They have my eternal respect and gratitude.


    Farottone is a great teacher and friend, he has taught me so much about customs, grace and dignity. If I ever have an ethical problem, it is always him I go to. He is so wise and seems to have endless knowledge and a special way of shining light on the things in your darkness. I thank you and I’m so grateful!!


    Spindoctor, man, I can only say good things about this cat! He has been a great friend and has showed great humor and a big brother kind of support. This dude has been through so much in life and he uses it for good. He is kind and amazing! Thank you my friend!


    I love all the peeps that have taken their time and showed Sy and I kindness. A great example is, Funk Meister Freud and Housequake! They are amazing!! They have been so supportive and kind to so many here on the forums. I share a special bond with both of them. Nicer people you will never meet, I assure you!!


    We have got to work with some of the best custom authors ever. Thank you to all those people! There are way too many to name here. It has been great!!


    Every person that commented or was kind in comments or PMs, we are fueled by this amazing support. Your kindness is a big part of the reason I’m writing this after years of weekly customs. When I came up with RockFights, I used this opportunity to show our appreciation in the character names. They may be changed slightly to protect the innocent, but you smell what’s cookin’!!


    I have talked a lot about the past. Now, I will talk some future. Next week is my birthday! So, the release will feature 3 tracks, One Epic song with several legendary artists, so damn good that it may bring a tear to the eye, one track from the year I was born and one song I loved as a child. I hope you dig them!! We also have more awesome in the future. Coming soon is Ladies month, featuring the first ever All-Female RockFight!!


    CatFight!!! CatFight!!! CatFight!!! CatFight!!!


    Are you ready??????


    There is one more thing to cover.



    In the first episode of RockFight: Redemption, It was declared that the Rockers, Peeps and Rock Band Freaks would vote on the fate of Skid Row!


    Should Skid Row be given a Redemption spot or should they have a RockFight?


    Do you want Skid Row to get Redemption by the people and receive a 3 pack or should they have to fight it out and see if they win??


    Vote and let your voice be heard… It is in your hands now!!!


    Voting has ended, thank you for your votes!



    Thank you all so much for your post and comments! Have a great day!! We’ll see ya soon!!



    Remember to Rock Out Life is Short


      Happy Anniversary guys! It’s beyond amazing what you’ve accomplished in this thread. You should be beyond proud. Heck, I’m proud just to be in the same community! Thanks so much for the amount of content you’ve provided, and I hope you have an excellent birthday next week, Nunchuck.


        First off congrats on 3 years you guys. You are truly an amazing team.


        I often wonder if this place would still be going today if not for the dedication of you two & Nunchuck especially on C3.

        I know there are many other great contributing authors & founders of this site on here but what you guys have brought to this wonderful game is astounding.

        I personally think that kept enough of them founders excited about still doing this many years later.


        @ Sy

        I wish I had 1/1,000,000,000,000 of the talent you have for charting

        Of the songs I have played from this thread, everyone made me feel like I was actually playing the song.

        Many of good :clint: times were had playing your songs. :golfclap: :golfclap:



        Who would have thought we would still be here today doing this when we first started doing conversions many years ago??

        Man some of those were just plain bad :haw:

        Thank you for your dedication to this site & for being the person you are.

        Anyone who know’s you or dealt with you over the years knows what that means.

        Spindoctor, man, I can only say good things about this cat! He has been a great friend and has showed great humor and a big brother kind of support. This dude has been through so much in life and he uses it for good. He is kind and amazing! Thank you my friend!


        I am truly humbled by this my friend, Thank you for being there when times were tough.



        Coming soon is Ladies month, featuring the first ever All-Female RockFight!!

        CatFight!!! CatFight!!! CatFight!!! CatFight!!!




        Lastly, who doesn’t like a good CatFight???

        Bring it on brother.

        Here’s to another 3 years




        Wow!……we’re now at 3 yrs. of the Funhouse?

        I can’t even begin to express how much fun and enjoyment you guys have provided for us in all that time! The amount of love, hard work and dedication to bringing all this is beyond mind boggling. We wanna wish you guys a Happy Anniversary and continued success! Thanks for all you do! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


        Now, that’s outta the way…..let’s make some Anniversary noise, y’all!


        Catfights?!….He did say CATFIGHTS, right????!!!!!!!! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


          Thank you for 3 awesome years.


            Can’t believe it’s been 3 years since the break up of the C3 band. So glad you guys stepped up and helped keep the legacy strong!


              You guys never disappoint. A lot of authors and myself have a ton of respect for what you guys have achieved. Congrats on another milestone!

              Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!



              What an awesome milestone! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


              Thank you very much for your time and dedication! It is amazing the amount of songs you two have released and we are extremely grateful!


                Yep, what all the others have said pretty much says it all. Well done, thank you and congrats


                  Congrates on three awesome years. What you guys have accomplished is absolutely mindblowing. Thank you for all you have done. You guys literally have something for everybody. Like Nunchuck always says “…Rock Out Life is Short.” :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:


                  Hey there Rockers,

                  My birthday was yesterday. Today we all get some incredible gifts. I’m not gonna mess around.


                  Here we go……



                  Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne, Steve Winwood, Dhani Harrison and Prince – While My Guitar Gently Weeps

                  RB3 Link –


                  Phase Shift Link –




                  Jim Stafford – Spiders & Snakes

                  RB3 Link –


                  Phase Shift Link –




                  Wadsworth Mansion – Sweet Mary

                  RB3 Link –


                  Phase Shift Link –




                  Release Notes

                  While My Guitar Gently Weeps – This track is epic and filled with legends. It has been on my dream song list for a long time. Enjoy this incredible song. Ooh that Prince solo!!! all I can say is…

                  Holy Shit!!!

                  Holy Shit!!!

                  Holy Shit!!!




                  Spiders & Snakes – Jim Stafford brings us this super catchy 70’s classic. Don’t sleep on this one!!!




                  Sweet Mary – This 70’s One Hit Wonder will be stuck in your head for days. It will so fun to play. It has a 70’s sound that makes me think of a Saturday morning cartoon song. Don’t take my word for it, give it listen yourself!!!






                  Thank you to all of you for the kind words and best wishes. It is so appreciated!! We will see ya soon!!



                  Remember to Rock Out… Life is Short



                    Wow!!! Never expected to see that version of My Guitar Gently Weeps! Cant wait to play it!! Awesome work!!!


                    Wow!!! Never expected to see that version of My Guitar Gently Weeps! Cant wait to play it!! Awesome work!!!

                    I also thought it may never happen, but Sy rocked that shit!!!! He rocks, so hard!!! These songs are some of my all time favorites and he made them amazing to play now!!



                    This just in Next week 3 more 70’s classics. Hints coming soon!!!

                    Cmdr Xym

                      Spiders and Snakes?!? Wow, haven’t heard that one in forever.


                        DAMN! You guys hit that right out of the park (or should I say Universe) with, While My Guitar Gently Weeps. Never expected this one. Thank you guys!

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