Nunchuck and Sygenysis’ Customs Funhouse – April 18, 2018 Sublime, Luniz and Brewer & Shipley

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    Welcome Rockers, Peeps and Rock Band Freaks!!
    RockFight Saturday Night Presents
    Shocktober’s RockFight
    Black Sabbath
    In an “Electric Chair Match”


    Let’s meet our Chair!
    In the center of the ring sit an ominous-looking electric chair. It has arm straps and leg straps. It doesn’t have the head cap. At RockFights we are against killing Rock Legends, so with out the head piece the fighter in the chair will live, but get the shock of their lifetime. It is cold and black. It has wires running down the back of it that lead to a large switch attached to an extended ringpost. Upon one team getting their opponent strapped into the chair, our “Special Referee” or “Executioner”, Marilyn Manson will pull the switch. Pulling the lever on the switch will send a surge of electrical current into the chair, ending our match.



    Let’s meet our “Special Referee”, Marilyn Manson!!
    Marilyn Manson is known for extreme behavior. He was a perfect choice to be here tonight. In an earlier statement Manson said, “I’m the Shockmaster tonight! Be ready to feel my jolt! When I flick the switch, we can all watch the beautiful lightning show. I’m thrilled to be here in the RockFight Arena, I always wanted to be part of the RockFights!!”



    Let’s meet our RockFighters!!!
    First up, one of the greatest bands ever… Black Sabbath.
    Sabbath returns to RockFights, after a close battle with Pearl Jam in the past. They return for the Shocktober event with revenge in mind. Black Sabbath returns with a great line up tonight. This match is a standard two man tag team event. Sabbath has closen Tony Iommi and Ian Gillan. Part of the great line up that brought us the incredible album Born Again. Gillan was chosen for his relentless fighting spirit by leader, Tony Iommi. Some may have expected Ozzy here today, but Ian was chosen as the partner by Iommi. Tony stated that Gillan was an easy choice. “His shriek is that of legends. His voice is super powerful and he is the right man for the job!” Iommi stated earlier.



    The opposition, cloaked in evil and always ready for action… Danzig.
    Danzig is a perfect band for RockFights and a perfect match for Shocktober. Glenn Danzig is angry, after the whole internet knock-out scandal, he is looking to lay an ass-whipping on someone. Danzig has chosen as his partner, longtime friend and bass player, Eerie Von. Eerie is a tall wiry guy with anger in his heart just like Danzig wants for this match. The two have worked together for many years and through Samhain and Danzig albums and tours.



    Let’s check out ringside!!!!
    Tonight in the RockFight Arena, the set up is different due to the extreme danger from the electricity. The crowd is pushed way farther back and there are large barricades between the crowd and the ring. The ring itself is surrounded by a plexiglass cage with no top. Once again to protect the crowd from the electricity. The chair is in the center of the ring. There is a platform just outside the plexiglass, where the switch is mounted and Marilyn Manson will stand, also shielded from the current. The ring crew is now pulling a large curtain around the structure as final preparations for the fight are worked on, including chair tests. The arena goes dark and the crowd roars as they see the massive flash from behind the curtain. We already have our first fecal chant!!
    Holy Shit!!!
    Holy Shit!!!
    Holy Shit!!!



    The pyro on the stage end of the arena suddenly booms. There is a large flash and we see a man in a cloak and executioner’s hood. WE KNOW WERE YOU FUCKING LIVE plays loudly in the arena as the hooded figure makes his way to the ringside platform. He removes the hood and it is Marilyn Manson. The crowd roars again!!


    We see more pyro, this time a big explosion and a wall of sparks. Emerging from the sparks, we see Glenn Danzig and Eerie Von. The crowd goes wild as the two men walk down the ramp and step through the door of the cage. Neither man looks happy, in fact they look super pissed. They both brood around the chair.


    We now hear a baby crying over the PA. There is a piercing shriek and the Born Again album cover baby is on the big screen on the stage. Here come the Sabbath team of Iommi and Gillan. Purple lights fill the arena as they walk to the ring. They enter the ring. They face each other with chair in between them. Outside the cage, on the platform, Manson pulls the switch giving the competitors and the crowd their first view of the chair in operation. There is a loud hum and sparks fly as what appears to be lightning shoots up into the sky over the chair. We get another fecal chant and this one includes the fighters!!!
    Holy Shit!!!
    Holy Shit!!!
    Holy Shit!!!



    That is all the time we have for tonight! We will see ya on Saturday night for the exciting conclusion!!


    Remember to Rock Out… Life is Short


    Can’t wait for tonite’s RockFight Saturday Night!
    Lookin’ forward to a nice juicy jolt! :rock:





    Welcome Back Rockers, Peeps and Rock Band Freaks!!
    We return to the RockFight Arena for the exciting conclusion of
    RockFight Saturday Night Presents
    Shocktober’s RockFight
    Black Sabbath
    (Tony Iommi & Ian Gillan)
    (Glenn Danzig & Eerie Von)
    In an “Electric Chair Match”



    All the fighters are in place and our ring announcer Towelie Buffer will get us started here tonight.

    TB – “Good evening RockFight fans. Tonight, we have the first ever Shocktober RockFight, an electric chair match. This match will not be sanctioned by the RockFight commission. There are no officials here tonight which is the reason for the “speical referee”. The winning team will strap an opposing team member into the electric chair and our “Special Referee” Marilyn Manson will pull the switch sending a huge jolt into the man in the chair. The electricity will signal the end of the shocking end of the match!”


    The crowd pops big for the silly pun!!


    TB – “Are you ready????”
    The lights go out
    The chair electrifies again
    We hear the bell starting the match!!


    We go to ringside and join our announcers Gordon Carray and “Funk Master” Floyd Cooper.



    GC – “Welcome Rockers, Peeps and other Rock Band Freaks!! We have a hot one for you tonight! We have a very angry Danzig team of Glenn Danzig and Eerie Von against the legendary duo of Tony Iommi and Ian Gillan. Man, this is gonna be an odd RockFight! An electric chair match?, who thinks this shit up??”

    FM – “A match like this would never ever get sanctioned, even by RockFight standards this is crazypants!!”

    GC – ” Crazypants… well put again, Funky. No wonder you are the best color man in the business!… Anyways, it looks like the fighter are all very cautious to start, as both teams circle the ring but don’t lock up immediately. Manson is pounding on the glass. He grabs the ringside mic.”

    MM – “Are you ladies gonna fight? This isn’t a Junior High dance!!”

    GC – “Danzig and Eerie turn angrily towards Manson and the Sabbath boys attack as they turn their backs. Gillan throws a barrage of punches at Glenn Danzig, most of which landing flush to Danzig’s face. Von side steps Tony and slams Iommi’s face into the plexiglass, splattering Iommi’s nose. The impact leaves a large blood smear on the wall of the cage! The crowd loves it! Iommi appears to be quite hurt from the blow to the face. His nose may be broken. He is down and a puddle of blood forms around his head as he lays face down. Eerie stomps away at Iommi for a moment then joins Danzig to save him from beatdown by Ian Gillan. Gillan lands a big punch and Danzig goes down. Ian stands over Danzig and starts to speak… ‘You got knocked the fuuuuu’, He doesn’t get to finish as Eerie Von slaps on a choke hold. Von chokes away at Gillan as Danzig starts to get up. Danzig is angry and he is hulking up!! He runs at the choking Gillan and lands a running boot to his face. The impact knocks Von and Gillan back into the wall of the cage. Von slides down the wall, he may be unconscious! Gillan is hurt from the big boot to kisser. Danzig goes to check on Von. He shakes Von and Eerie begins to come back to life. Danzig pulls Von up and tells him to help with Gillan. Both men try to drag Gillan to chair but Ian fights back. He lands two quick elbows to Von, but Danzig kicks him hard to the stomach, folding Gillan over. Danzig sets up for the power bomb. As he lifts Gillan into the air, Iommi hits a chop block from behind taking out Danzig’s knee. Gillan lands on his feet and blast Danzig with the super kick. Glenn Danzig stumbles backward right into the chair. Gillan turn to tell Manson it is almost time. Eerie von is up, he hits the spear on Iommi. The force pushes Iommi into Gillan. Gillan , Iommi and Von all mash into the chair as Danzig narrowly avoids the pile up. Eerie Von rolls off the chair to the side. Iommi and Gillan are both in the chair. Danzig and Von scurry to hook on straps. Manson pulls the lever and sparks fly and lightning flashes brightly in the darkness. The bells rings. We have our winners!!”



    The crowd roars and starts another fecal chant
    Holy Shit!!!
    Holy Shit!!!
    Holy Shit!!!

    Winners at 22 minutes — Danzig (Glenn Danzig & Eerie Von) Win comes as they strap both members of Sabbath team (Tony Iommi & Ian Gillan) into chair and Marilyn Manson throws the switch on the electric chair



    GC – “That is all the time we have for you this week. We’ll see ya soon!! For all of us at RockFights… Be safe and have a good night!”



    Here are your winning songs…


    Danzig – Long Way Back From Hell

    RB3 Link –

    Phase Shift Link –!7cVA3b5B!GHUPRW-Z_g16FJu08dfmiGNXbYbwljwMGeqXrHgPaEc



    Danzig – Killer Wolf

    RB3 Link –

    Phase Shift Link –!DN0XHQRI!UuN5g0Up7cpQwkgIIfCBDJLrscpuV8rFakkehagpYrE



    Danzig – I’m the One

    RB3 Link –

    Phase Shift Link –!vIN1gDyb!dTi8Y3vhsY9eBqUVBEPOatSSJdHHf-gx9sKlWY3sB_c


    And a great upgrade of a Danzig song we did a long time ago. It is a total upgrade including Vocal/Harmony upgrade!!


    Danzig – Twist of Cain

    RB3 Link –

    Phase Shift Link –!CA1Q3ALS!FxnGkfT3CRcqNTqb2OEReHx8tUm_EapMMemuOxoKIU4


    And a whole slew of ShockTober Bonuses


    Masaya Matsuura – Alone

    RB3 Link –

    Phase Shift Link –!jZNF0bQJ!wD10nhoBeZgAzPV9h2XfpxiKcw_8N03YTF4YhdSpfnY



    Masamichi Amano – Campus Theme

    RB3 Link –

    Phase Shift Link –!fNNUSQYT!-yPZbaW-6sSooE2F_2gvZ9cX-4qyqy47zRFrsICG_QA



    ZIZZ STUDIO – Song of Saya I

    RB3 Link –

    Phase Shift Link –!ScNAUATL!qXFGggnU6nckVt-Ad4FpMqjCdZeOlAUH_eUJSUBhkvo



    ZIZZ STUDIO – Song of Saya II

    RB3 Link –

    Phase Shift Link –!LU13SCZC!RBn-1dvO-w2TKfHMcbBvJD0dFZ3xgQ6njL7BBNa0cN4



    ZIZZ STUDIO – Savage

    RB3 Link –

    Phase Shift Link –!fZFTjSrJ!hRQAD6-PFD4fq1a5sG7UwkTAbHJF45pbhdu1YjTVXeY



    Tetsuya Shibata – Happy Hour Jam Session

    RB3 Link –

    Phase Shift Link –!iANlyT6b!2YJq4yfn71vLTuh0nKJJl1qWiVBeizpT2L464Kt3Alw



    Michiru Yamane – Dracula Castle

    RB3 Link –

    Phase Shift Link –!OQsBBRhJ!58XPlW2zdtbhDbmyrsRVR2Gha-xU66efM_cURbfJ0ps





    Have a great weekend!!



    Remember to Rock Out… Life is Short


      Sweet Home, Resident Evil, and Symphony of the Night is very cool picks. Thanks


        Thanks for all the awesome tunes. I am shocked to hear Danzig beating out the legendary Black Sabbath. I hope whatever songs you guys had planned if they had won will see the light of day somewhere down the line. This wish also applies to the loser of a couple of months ago, The Doors. Thanks.


        Bravo, Sygenysis & Nunchuck

        We love the great cons you’ve put together for this month and The Saturday Night Rock Fights are always a really cool, fun and entertaining way of building up the anticipation for your releases. It always stokes us up! Outstanding job, fellas! Thanks so much for your dedication and hard work! :rock:


          You guys never cease to amaze. Thank you.


          Hey there Rockers,

          The weekend has finally returned to the Funhouse!! It has been a crazy week. We are here and we have some great tracks for you this week. We had a few tracks left over from the Shocktober celebration. We bring them to you this week. Let’s get it started so you peeps can go and play these bad-ass tracks.



          The Boomtown Rats – I Don’t Like Mondays

          RB3 Link –

          Phase Shift Link –




          XTC – Dear God

          RB3 Link –

          Phase Shift Link –




          The Cure – Six Different Ways

          RB3 Link –

          Phase Shift Link –



          And of course, the Shocktober bonus songs you would expect



          Godfrey Salmon – Mater Tenebrarum

          RB3 Link –

          Phase Shift Link –




          Rick Wakeman – Theme From the Burning

          RB3 Link –

          Phase Shift Link –




          Masters of Disguise – The Enforcer

          RB3 Link –

          Phase Shift Link –



          Release Notes

          The Boomtown Rats – I Don’t Like Mondays – This song is based on the story of a real-life horror of a school shooting. This song is catchy and many will recognize its melancholy beauty. This 80’s classic features Sir Bob Geldolf on vocals. Enjoy this great song and that keys part and awesome vocals!



          XTC – Dear God – This track was featured in the #1 Horror movie It. This classic track seems to be a scathing indictment of religion. Its powerful sound is bound to cause many “Oh, that song moments”. One thing is for sure, it is a memorable track and fun song to play in RB.



          The Cure – Six Different – This track also was in the soundtrack for the film It. This great song features the best of the Cure signature sound. It has a fun keys part and the vocals are almost hypnotic. One more Cure song for their fans.



          Godfrey Salmon – Mater Tenebrarum – Effectively the theme song for Dario Argento’s Inferno, which is either mistakenly credited to Keith Emerson, or he has an unknown level of involvement with this track. It’s a fantastic progressive/choral piece that one of the Three Mothers trilogy needed to have, a bit different than the Goblin tracks. All the instruments are pretty fun, but not too challenging, but vocals are the definite highlight, although the Latin choir stuff might be unusual.



          Rick Wakeman – Theme From the Burning – The theme song from the slasher movie The Burning, which is a piano and synth-heavy prog track that sounds just epic, with pretty fun instrumental parts with the keys being the obvious highlight, since it’s Rick Wakeman.



          Masters of Disguise – The Enforcer – Original guitar chart by Mnyne. Yep, a tribute band based on Savage Grace, the obscure speed/power metal band, with touring members from Savage Grace’s ~2010 live lineup. This song captures the spirit quite well while being some fast and melodic speed metal with some pretty challenging guitar work and some really weird drum fills. Guitar has quite a few solos, and the main riff is pretty challenging, as well.



          Have a great weekend! We will be back soon with some super cool stuff for the peeps that love 80’s Hair Metal.



          Remember to Rock Out… Life is Short






            Always happy to see more Cure tracks! Especially with vocals charted! Thank you so much! One of my favorites too!


              Thanks for XTC, great week guys <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

              Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!



                -rises from coffin after weeks of “eternal” slumber-

                “Holy shit, Dracula’s Castle!”


                “To the customs mobile, Toy Fender!”


                Thanks for all new songs, guys.


                Halloween leftovers or not, it’s still a darn nice package! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


                Thanks for another batch of great tunes, gents! :rock:


                  Surprised to see XTC “Dear God”. That is a great song from the 80’s. Thanks alot!


                  I am so excited to see more Cure and XTC. Thank you so much!


                    Last night (Sunday), I was lucky enough to get to 80’s Mania here in New Zealand (Cutting Crew, Paul Young, Wang Chung, Go West & Taylor Dayne – highly recommended if you can get to it. And obviously, you need to love 80’s music, lol), so these 80’s tracks are especially appreciated, thanks guys.


                    I Don’t Like Mondays has never been more apt, it’s been a loong day <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

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