Nunchuck and Sygenysis’ Customs Funhouse – April 18, 2018 Sublime, Luniz and Brewer & Shipley

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      Aw yes White Trash Beautiful! Awesome thank you


      Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk


      ** Special RockFight Saturday Night Bulletin**

      September’s RockFight voting ended in a tie!! We will have no ties!!

      We will have a 24 hour Sudden Victory round of Voting.

      Voting will start now and end at 9am eastern time on

      September 26, 2017.

      We need your help we need a winner,

      will you cast the vote that decides

      Voting Closed

      Remember to Rock Out… Life is Short



      Welcome Rockers, Peeps and Rock Band Freaks!!
      RockFight Saturday Night Presents

      Bob Dylan
      Jackson Browne



      We go directly to the ring, where Gordon Carray is standing in the center of the ring. The big screen shows the RockFight Saturday Night Logo. Let’s go to Gordon now.
      GC – “Welcome RockFight fans! We have a great show for you tonight and let us start with footage recorded Wednesday September 27.”


      The big screen displays the film count in and we we see footage of a wedding in a garden at dusk. At the altar, we see the groom… It is “The Funk Master” Floyd Cooper. A spotlight breaks through the dim light. Beneath the light is Dr. Housequake MD in a beautiful wedding gown. Standing at her side is the man giving away the bride Spindoctor. Soft piano music begins signaling the wedding march. The spotlight follows the bride and the Spindoctor to the altar. The Spindoctor softly kisses the forehead of the bride and turns to take his seat next to all the other guests. You see a single tear form on his eye and slowly drip down his cheek. He certainly looks like a happy father of the bride. We see Dr. Timothy Leary, who is ordained, is here to perform the ceremony. The couple stares into one another’s eyes, they are overrun with emotion. It looks as though they are both fighting back the tears of joy. It looks like true happiness. In the crowd, we see many familiar faces. JJ Nagin, Towelie Buffer, Bobby Light and the whole crew of RockFight Saturday Night. We also see many celebrities and former RockFight personalities. We see Warren Zevon sitting with long-time friend Jackson Browne. We have the Living Room Clutter guys, Giggling Dave, “Bad Pun” Josh and Super Cool Keith, back in the house after a long absence, great to see those guys… but where is Sidd??? There are RockFight Alumni here. Dave Grohl is here. we see Blackie Lawless from Wasp, and it looks like Bob Dylan is here too.
      At the altar, the ceremony begins. Timothy Leary speaks…
      TL – “Dearly Beloved we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two wonderful souls. I will not make this long. In life and love, do you promise to hold one another through the coldest night? Will you give of yourself to make a better whole? With chemicals the universe points, it has brought you together to share experience and love. This day forward will be a new chapter in the book of love. A joining that cannot be broken. A ring of life that is stronger than any single strand of life. Together you form something that is greater than just the sum of your parts but a life born a new.
      Floyd, is this the woman of your dreams, of which you would like to be forever bonded with?”

      FM – “OOOOOH Yeah!!!”

      TL – “Doctor, is this the man who will hold your hand and share your loves, losses and dreams for all of time?”

      Dr.H – “I do!”

      TL – “Now let us place the rings upon your fingers, an unbroken circle symbolizing the bond you will forever share.”

      They place the rings on each other’s fingers, there are now soft tears on the cheeks of both bride and groom.

      TL – “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce this union of husband and wife to have begun. Let’s make it official with a little token of affection, our ceremonial kiss!”

      They couple kiss and embrace strongly. The crowd stands with applause as the couple head down the aisle to the waiting limo. They both enter the car and it drives off into the sunset.



      We return to the RockFight Arena, we see Gordon Carray in the center of the ring still. He has a hanky and is wiping eyes. The screen returns to the RockFight Saturday Night logo.

      GC – “Can we get a big round of applause for our newlyweds?”

      We see The happy couple appear at the top of the entrance ramp holding hands as they walk down to ringside accompanied by the cheers of this capacity crowd. “The Funk Master” walks Dr. Housequake MD to her seat at ringside physicians table, kisses her softly and continues on to his place at the ringside announcer’s desk, where Gordon has also taken his seat. Referee Bobby Light quickly speaks to Spindoctor and Dr. Housequake MD. Bob-Wayne Zim, Dom Epietro and SC Smith are at the officials table for tonight’s bout, as is RockFight Commissioner Sam J. Glarms.


      GC – “Welcome back from your honeymoon, Funky!”
      FM – “Great to be back! It was short but the RockFights are so important to both of us, we could never miss one. I’m getting word that JJ Nagin is back stage with Jackson Browne.



      We see JJ standing with Jackson Browne and his manager???
      JJ – “I’m here with Jackson Browne and his manager Warren Zevon, who is a RockFight Veteran. How are you guys feeling tonight?”
      Warren Zevon snatched the microphone form JJ’s hand and begins to speak as he waves the cane in his other hand. It has disco ball like end on it.
      WZ – “My name is Warren! I’m here to introduce the new dominant force in RockFights. Jackson has trained hard and is going to steamtrain over Bob Dylan. Everybody respects Bob Dylan, we do too. But, this is a RockFight and Bob can kiss our asses! We have done research and we have a counter to his deadly sleeper hold. We will unveil the greatest finisher in RockFight history with the “End of the Road” cradle piledriver. The most devastating move ever. Say your prayers Bob!!”
      Zevon grabs the camera lens and we see his palm and then static.

      The crowd starts the fecal chant already…

      Holy Shit!!
      Holy Shit!!
      Holy Shit!!



      We have pyro at the stage a top the ramp, two large booms and then a thick fog covers the the rampway and laser lights make cool 60’s patterns in the fog. It is Bob Dylan! He is carrying an acoustic guitar as he walks slowly through the fog, almost slinking through it’s dense plumes. Dylan enters the ring and the crowd goes wild. suddenly all the lights go out. There is a loud clap of thunder and lightning flash in the arena. The lights come up and in the ring is Jackson Browne, Warren Zevon and Bob Dylan. Referee Bobby Light ushers Warren Zevon out of the ring and calls for the bell. We have a match!

      GC – “Dylan and Jackson Browne stand face to face. They stare at each other but neither makes a move. Warren Zevon is outside the ring shit talking with fans and shouting encouragement to Jackson.”
      FM – “A manager at ringside can be a huge advantage for a fighter! Zevon is a dirty player and wouldn’t mind stooping to the bending or hell, out right breaking the rules!”
      GC – “Bobby Light needs to keep a tight reign on this fight or it could get out of control. What really troubles me about Zevon is that damn cane. That ball on the end could crack a skull. Both men lock up and struggle for advantage. Browne whips Dylan into the ropes and Dylan ducks under the clothesline of Browne and hits the ropes again. This time it is Dylan with the clothesline and he doesn’t miss. Jackson is down and Dylan stomps away at him. Bob picks Browne up and whips him into the ropes. On the rebound, he catches Browne with the deadly Dylan sleeper in the center of the ring. Jackson struggles then throws himself backward, toppling both men onto their backs. Both men have their shoulders down and Browne is still in the sleeper. Bobby Light looks at the situation and lays flat on his belly counting with both hands. “


      Bobby Light calls for the bell and goes right to the officials table. Commissioner Glarms talks to Ring Announcer Towelie Buffer, who didn’t even get to introduce the fight because it just broke out. Towelie makes the announcement.

      TB – “Referee Bobby Light has counted both men down and that would be a tie. There are no ties in RockFights! We are starting this match again. Ring the Bell!!”


      The bell rings as both men are in the ring still. Jackson Browne is still down, barely conscious after that sleeper. Bob Dylan is standing at the ring ropes yelling with Warren Zevon, who keeps saying Browne’s shoulder was up and this is a sham.
      GC – “Zevon is hot! He keeps screaming that Jackson got his shoulder up at the last second and he should be the winner. Dylan is having no part of it and is shouting back at him to shut his mouth. Zevon has jumped right up on the ring apron and is face to face with Dylan yelling. Referee Bobby Light separates the two and tries to get Zevon off the apron. He has his back to Dylan who also has his back to Browne, who has the cane now. He blasts Dylan below the belt with the cane and tosses it out of the ring. Bob Dylan is bent over in deep pain as the referee turns back to the action. Browne sets him up for the “End of the Road” cradle piledriver. He lifts him into position and wraps up the legs. Browne plunges downward and Dylan’s head hits with a hard thud! Jackson Browne makes the cover and Bobby Light makes the count.”

      We have our winner… Jackson Browne


      Winner at 7 minutes and 19 seconds… Jackson Browne by pinfall after the “End of the Road” Cradle Piledriver


      In the ring, Zevon and Browne celebrate and the crowd boos. Behind them Bob Dylan has picked up that acoustic guitar and is stalking them. Browne sees him and bails out, but it is too late for Warren Zevon.


      The guitar hits Zevon’s head and bursts into a million pieces. Zevon is down and Jackson Browne has headed up the ramp leaving his manager alone to eat that guitar.


      The crowd roars and starts another fecal chant as Bob Dylan stands tall in the ring over Zevon’s crumpled body!!
      Holy Shit!!
      Holy Shit!!
      Holy Shit!!


      GC – “That is all the time we have for you this week. We’ll see ya next month!! For all of us at RockFights… Be safe and have a good night!”



      Here are your winning tracks…



      Jackson Browne – The Road

      RB3 Link –

      Phase Shift Link –!vddHBR4C!DhuFsOv8TfPGFSmwif4WKRdlec4eD-u4rjUuaGphgJU



      Jackson Browne – Rosie

      RB3 Link –

      Phase Shift Link –!Gd9gSQjC!JVGQidh87trtPdpBHMnZbazW5ZXxwBcjURi0KvQE7cc



      Jackson Browne – You Love the Thunder

      RB3 Link –

      Phase Shift Link –!2RljQKhK!LZHcK043DVNDBMsGb9kHa3IUbOeh_D6jX6oMtkeZVIU



      Have a great weekend!!


      Remember to Rock Out… Life is Short


        Thanks so much for more Jackson Browne. I’ll admit, I’m a bit surprised by your choices, but I’m still very appreciative! While I had my fingers crossed for The Pretender (perhaps his best song, IMO, and probably my favorite) or Rock Me On The Water or Before the Deluge or The Fuse or I’m Alive, you guys went with songs I hadn’t really considered because two of them aren’t particularly full-band friendly: The Road has three minutes of just vocals and guitar before the rest of the band kicks in, and Rosie (oh my goodness, what a song!) is just piano and vocals. Choosing You Love the Thunder makes perfect sense to me, so I’m glad I got a full-band song out of your efforts, gentlemen :wub:


        If Rosie and You Love The Thunder truly don’t have harmonies charted, I might get in touch with you in the future about adding them. It’ll depend on how good at I get at the piano parts… :blush:


          Can’t believe Dylan didn’t win :qq:


            Great 3-pack, of a great artist, from a great custom team <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> Thank you

            Keeping the content Canadian since 2017!



            Awesome 3 pack guys !

            Thank you so much for each song you share……. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


            Can’t believe Dylan didn’t win :qq:

            would have been interesting to see which Dylan tracks would have been <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> thank you a great rockfight again :clint: :clint:


              Can’t believe Dylan didn’t win :qq:





              Hey there Rockers,
              It is Monday and a new month. My September was awesome, I hope you guys had a good time. October means it’s Shocktober time again. We have a whole mess of cool spooky stuff for you this month… all month long! Let’s see if you are sharp today. Here we go…


              Hint for Song #1
              To get this party started, we have an artist returning to the Funhouse. This song was used in the promos for the final season of one for the best cop shows ever. This artist was very well received in the past at the Funhouse. This track is from the artist’s 6th studio album and 9th album overall.


              Hint for Song #2
              Our next track is from a very well-known band. The song was on the band’s final and most successful studio album. The song was also the b-side to the first single from that album as well. That song was a number one Billboard Hot 100 track. The song also played a large part in a psychological thriller film.


              Hint for Song #3
              Our final track this week, is from a great country band that has been to the Funhouse before. A good woman can make a man a legend, a bad one can make you infamous. This song tells a story of love gone wrong and the pain it causes.


              Thank you for playing. Stop back Saturday and pick up these choice cuts!!


              Have a great week!! We’ll see ya Saturday!!


              Remember to Rock Out… Life is Short


              #1 Farewell Ride – Beck


              #3 Hank Williams – Your Cheatin’ Heart?? Is Hank Williams considered a band?


                #2 The Police – Murder by Numbers




                Hey there Rockers,

                Welcome to Shocktober, the Funhouse’s often imitated celebration of things creepy, scary and horrific. We have been doing Shocktober for three years running now and we have another huge month for all the peeps! We will have our normal 3 songs every week + we will have many surprises and ghoulish fun for everybody. This month’s songs are by frightening artists, from horror films, or of spooky subject matter. We hope you all have a great time with all the creepy fun!!


                Let’s start this party of right with our standard 3 song release…


                Song for Hint #1


                The Police – Murder by Numbers

                RB3 Link –


                Phase Shift Link –



                Song for Hint #2


                Beck – Farewell Ride

                RB3 Link –


                Phase Shift Link –



                Song for Hint #3


                Angry Johnny and the Killbillies – Just Plain Bad

                RB3 Link –


                Phase Shift Link –



                Bonus Track #1


                Rigor Mortis – Poltergeist

                RB3 Link –


                Phase Shift Link –



                Bonus Track #2


                Savage Grace – Trial by Fire

                RB3 Link –


                Phase Shift Link –



                Bonus Track #3


                Quick Fever – Land of Survival

                RB3 Link –


                Phase Shift Link –



                Bonus Track #4


                Francesco De Masi – New York… One More Day

                RB3 Link –


                Phase Shift Link –



                Bonus Track #5


                Artillery – Chill My Bones (Burn My Flesh)

                RB3 Link –


                Phase Shift Link –





                Release Notes


                The Police – Murder by Numbers – This has to be my favorite Police song by a long shot. Murder by Numbers is haunting and served as a major plot point in the film thriller Copycat. It is another song from the classic album Synchronicity. Please enjoy this creepy classic.



                Beck – Farewell Ride – I really wanted this to be part of the Beck pack we did not too long ago. I thought then… OOOOHHH, Shocktober, baby! Here it is, finally. It isn’t a big challenge but if you want somber, you got it here! So here’s to all the Beck fans, one more great track to play!!



                Angry Johnny and the Killbillies – Just Plain Bad – Alright, I love Angry Johnny and the Killbillies. They are thee country version of a horror show. All their songs are horrific or creepy or just plain angry. We released one previous Angry Johnny track. I have been waiting since last Shocktober for this one. It is not for the kiddies or the faint of heart. 100% adult subject matter that isn’t for the easily offended. For all you sick fucks like me, this is pure treasure!!



                Rigor Mortis – Poltergeist – Amazing thrash song from Rigor Mortis’ second and final studio album, released over 20 years after their original self-titled debut. The album was released after the passing of guitarist Mike Scaccia, also of Ministry, who gives a hell of a performance, with the same tremolo picking riffs expected of the band, expanded to the nth degree in songs like Poltergeist, which is nonstop brutal strumming, on guitar, that bass mirrors a bit, with drums getting a blast beat rhythm for most of the time. For the second guitar solo, the band slows it down and goes into straight melody mode, with one of the most beautiful solos that I’ve ever heard.



                Savage Grace – Trial by Fire – Great speed metal song by a band that we’ve released songs from before, from their first album. This album, After the Fall from Grace, has a totally different feel in comparison to their previous, Master of Disguise, and has some more atmospheric sounds, and doesn’t just start with an explosion or wall of sound as their songs tend to. After an intro where the bass and drums play alone, the song gets kicked into overdrive with dark lyrics and chugging guitar and bass riffs, with drums not getting left out of the intensity. Guitar has a trill-laden solo followed by a fill-laden drum solo.



                Quick Fever – Land of Survival – Great neoclassical speed metal instrumental, fairly low quality audio, because it’s from a virtually unknown demo from the ’80s, as they tend to. The band consisted of members who would support David Chastain live, and as such has some pretty challenging instruments.



                Francesco De Masi – New York… One More Day – Theme song to the Italian giallo film, The New York Ripper. Some fantastic jazz rock with great instrumental parts across the board, guitar gets a nice solo, keys have a crazy interlude during the solo, but nothing is over the top challenging.



                Artillery – Chill My Bones (Burn My Flesh) – Amazing thrash track, not just a strumfest, has some pretty heavy and unique riffs and interesting sounds, with a sort of Middle Eastern tinge to it. Vocals are drawn out and operatic at points, guitar has two ridiculous, nearly back-to-back solos, and drums are pretty brutal with some fast fills.






                We had 2 “Big Brains” this week. Great job!!


                Ezequiel1996 (1)

                Kamotch (1)


                We will return next week with more scary good times and some great songs!!


                Have a great weekend! We’ll see ya soon!!!


                Remember to Rock Out… Life is Short


                  New York Ripper!!! Awesome

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